How bad does hash smell? Im planning on keeping 250g in uni dorm and I wanna know if the smell will be easy to mask
How bad does hash smell? Im planning on keeping 250g in uni dorm and I wanna know if the smell will be easy to mask
To clarify I mean the general smell and not the smell once smoked
>250g in uni dorm
keeping trafficking quantities of drugs in a uni dorm that can be searched willy nilly by the faculty without a warrant is how you get buttfucked in prison and yes it still smells, not as bad as bud but the smell will linger a little even after putting it back inside an airtight container, maybe a lot depending on how terpy the hash is
It doesn’t smell. Just double zip lock bag it and you’ll be fine. Dogs will be able to smell but people won’t. If you’re gonna keep a felony amount of drugs in your dorm you would think you would have knowledge of what you’re storing... fucking idiot
I've smoked a lot of pot and I've never tried hash but I'd assume it smells similar to pot because hash comes from shaking the "pollen" off pot plants
Hash smells wsy less than weed but you still wanna double bag it just to be safe
consider that a 100g brick is about the size of 2 smartphones so 250g is pretty easy to hide
This af. If youre keeping it somewhere that isn't yours the smell is the least of your problems.
Clingfilm (ceran wrap) and bags is best bet.
But hide that shit well: roof tiles, cistern, plug socket. Dont get kicked out of uni for some fucking hash
It won't smell if you keep it in an airtight jar.
But eventually you will open it.
Unless if you never open it, then there's no point in having it at all.
Op here,
Im going to be selling it so I wont be holding on to it for long, our rooms never get searched more than a quick look to see if our rooms are clean and hiding it wont be a problem i was just concerned of the smell, wish me luck boys
Sounds like a great way to end up in pound my ass prison OP.
enjoy prison you druggy!
>Shaking the pollen off
Ye you’ve either never smoked weed or have smoked to much to even know the basics of how hash is made, pro tip it isn’t done by shaking the pollen off
What is this? The 2000s?
Theres different ways of making hash you nigger and one of them is dry-sifting which is basically shaking and straining the pollen off of the trimmings and leafs
Why do you have to lie to strangers for validation?
You will never see 9 ounces of hash in your life, let alone store it in a dorm room.
Weak as Fuck b8, but even piss catches schools of fish these days...
Well played faggot
>female plant
you're a fucking moron
Waaah time to bitch about someone and claim they aren't experienced. Hash is a collective tern which also contains dry sifted pot. It also refers to the indian process off smushing it with your hands until its brown goop.
Don't do this shit in a uni dorm. Living off campus is cheaper anyway. If you are serious about selling, get an apartment if campus so you have a place for people to come in and out of and hangout without suspicion.
there's a clue in the name. it's not made by shaking the plants, it's made by sifting them through large screens
pollen is common slang for kief, because grinder sellers have to skirt drug paraphernalia laws and thus they can't call it the screen in the bottom a kief catcher.
Does not smell if you keep it sealed good.
Seal a good chunk of it, and a bit in another bag if you can
Mate I, and most people can find hash dirt cheap compared to weed. What are you on about? Is your dick so small that you have to doubt everything?
What backwards shithole are you from where cannabis is illegal?
Op here again,
Im also only keeping half of it myself and my mate in his dorm, ill also simplify my questio, would having it pre weighed in the sale bags all wrapped up in cling film, a towel, in a box, in a bag with clothes in a cupbaord cover the smell
Op here, Britfag
Thats a good way to get nailed for intent to distribute
It's illegal in a lot of places unfortunately
Pic related
Being in britain having over 5 grams counts as intent to supply anyway
>smoking hash
>marijuana extract with the neuroprotectant cannabinoids like CBD, CBN, etc stripped out
>just pure THC
yeah enjoy your premature cognitive decline
You'd be fine with less than that but I recommend what you have, but also recommend you find a better spot than the cupboard
I like to buy cbd hemp and mix it with the hash for the reasons you describe. Pure thc feels icky to me regardless
Op here,
Found a mate off campus that will let me keep it there anyway
>inb4 hes gonna steal it
Im paying him 5g to keep it there
See you when im 1000 quid richer boys
Youre Fucked Idiot. even double bagged the smell will be in every other dorm room.
take it from me, (if) quality hash reeks of hash especially in summer. your best option to do something this stupid is to chunk it in whatever size u need. Vacuum seal then store in freezer to prevent Evaporation of waters and or solvent used to brick your hash.
this will be the least smelly room wise the freezer will smell like hash indefenitely beeing a Crystalized oil its very hard to remove. even with premium detergents. best option to remove it steamwashing and dry paper wiping the non soluble and soluble oils.
You're not here for actual feedback, you're here to read someone say "your a genius, do it, you'll be rich!". Plenty of people have told you to not keep it in your dorm. It's not because only idiots get caught. A lot of smart people get busted for drugs and it's often for reasons out of their control. You need to minimize risk and if you aren't willing to do that, that is how you will get caught. A lot of people, myself included, are speaking from experience when we say, keeping it in a dorm room is a bad idea. Me best friend was busted with weed and booze because some stupid bitch visited already drunk and when the RA came to see what was happening they assumed she was in his room and searched it. Do what you want but you better understand completely what you are signing up for.
hash is horrible shit .. do not smoke that crap it will ruin your lungs
this user knows
you're still retarded
>literally anywhere but canada or 10 states in america
Neuroprotectant cannabinoids
yeah bro lets make up words ppl think we're smart
>hash is thc distillate
Step 1: cling wrap the entire brick
Step 2: repeat step one like 4-5 times
Step 3: place the well wrapped brick inside 2 or 3 trash bags and tape it all together tightly with water resistant tape or flex tape, do NOT use flexseal
Step 4: for proper smell proof hash storage then place your wrapped and water resistant brick inside an airtight container and submerge it in a pets aquarium, or top toilet tank, or in a storage tub full of water with a tarp underneath it
Step 5: leave it be until you can sell it
I been doing this shit a long time user.
submersion is an option. but can prove insufficient. all plastic bags leak odor and water. not suitable for permanent storage.
vinegar removes odor! never flush or add fresh.
>never tried hash
What the fuck are you doing posting if you have no real contribution to the argument.
Get the fuck out.
100 grams is the size of 2 iphones? so 250 should only be 5 iphones? Shape it into a dildo and cram it into your asshole
who the hell wants hash its 2019, get shatter or wax. only hash that's good is with opium..
protip it looks like white mold
Me. I could really go for a hash spliff right now. Takes me right back to the 90's
Wow. You really don't know what quality hash is made of...
9 ounces?
Stop embarrassing yourself Timmy
That's why you put it in a container and wrap it in a sealing tape. You're right about vinegar though, but that vinegar may cause others to wonder why tf the dorm smells like pickled eggs all the time.
It's illegal in all states of America
25 years of hash experience here. Hash smell is easily prevented with gladpack or ziplock bags. It has a waaay milder smell to it.
Would still recommend storing dark and cold. Also, use aluminium foil on the inner layer, as the hash reacts with plastic and reduces quality over time.
Try real hash. It's pure and as unpolluted (at least) as weed.
Step 1: Vacuum seal brick
Step 2: laugh at the retard that talks shit
Overkill. Hash doesn't smell much. Tin foil (for quality preservation) and ziplock bag is enough. I use only ziplock, and can't smell shit unless you have your nose in it. Weed on the other hand, is damn near impossible without using your instructions.
>at the federal level
you can walk into a dispensary and walk out with an ounce of weed, an eighth of hash oil and a complementary pre roll in oregon and blaze up in public in front of the cops. not illegal.
vinegar sells in lavender or eucalyptus.
just be the hygienic dude.
If it's good quality it will stink up your dorm, keep it wrapped in the freezer to keep it down.
If it's bad you won't smell much from distance.
You gotta put it in plastic bags, and to keep dogs away: have coffegrounds in one of the bags so that the hash is surrounded by coffe, and spray the outside of the packaged hash with pepper and chili. The pepper and chili and coffe will make the hash undetectable by smell because it messes up the smell of dogs. So I think this is your best way to store hash as safe as possible (asap, lmao).
The smell won't matter if you buy yourself this.
fresh harvest hash is stinky beyond a room even in ziplock. 25 year experience doesent equate to anything in north america. unless u can state having tried multiple states their supply routes and are pushing 12.000 $ per Kg on the finer product. allot of dealers are no good resellers of supply and demand stock that lowers in quality per supplyer untill no longer a customer. everybody tries to fuck with the quality.
This is true. But because it's federally illegal, the only reason the DEA (a federal entity) hasn't shut down all these dispensaries is because they're making these dispensaries pay them under the table to not shut them down. That's why you still once a blue moon hear of dispensaries being abruptly shut down almost overnight, when they stop paying them money. It's also partially why weed is only mildly cheaper in the legal states as opposed to the illegal states and why it's not as cheap as it "SHOULD" be.
dogs will still smell that shit down the hallway. Also >250g, dogs will DEFINITELY smell that shit.
And the feds can arrest you, lock you up and shut down the dispensary at any time if they want to.
It has happened many times already
Thats why he should follow my steps: Man that's some consiparcy shit about the weed prices, man.
dogs do not get put off by pepper chili or even mace. it will deter them for several feet loudly barking at the pain inflicted by it.
dogs can smell multiple streams separately, and therefore smell right past the pepper.
You're beyond retarded.
There is no joke that can express how funny the shit you just shat is to non retarded people
But he saw it on a movie...
Surely it must be true
It doesn't smell much at all until you light it up, then it fucking stinks.
If you're just keeping it as it is and smoking elsewhere then you'll be absolutely fine.
Sealed bag inside of a jar of coffee beans
I are also am potato like u
No, I saw the trick on a how to hide drugs teacher on youtube. Seriously. He seemed dead serious about it lol. And the vietnamese supposedly used pepper and chilli and stuff on the manholes of their tunnels. All about what I said is sauced from jewtube.
Just put it in a zip lock bag or something and put it in a closet. You'll be fine
Just decorate it with sugar and say it's gingerbread you'll be fine
Kek. Hash, you poor faggot
You're a fucking idiot for considering that
I know kids who got busted because they had an eighth in their dorm. Dont do it
You’ll be fine b/ro. -Coming from someone who’s done it all (grow about 150 plants a year)
a gram of hash can be only 5€ on the darknet in such big quantities.
OPs stash will be only worth 1250€ which is doable if you have a job you faggot
I see two problems here, one each other would'nt be a problem, but the two combines is a huge fucking problem.
The first is: you're in uni.
The second one is: You plan to stash a quater kilo of hashish.
Hash does'nt smell, but your ass shouldnt touch that shit. Newfag
Personally I wouldn't buy that large amount of hash - instead spend it on a lesser amount of bud it's better in general typically unless you get dry sift hash or ice-o-lator it's gonna be shit
rip dream
Always do the dealing shit on your own. The more ppl you involve, the higher the risk, even if you know them good. Sell to strangers, and keep it a few. Try to get them to buy larger amounts.
People often get jealous of what you have. Even your closest friends.
Good Luck OP.
You're a lost cause
It's not even worth telling you to kill yourself
Just outtem 8n a bag then out dat bag in a bag an out that bag in a bag then out that bag in a bag then bury that bag beneath the bottom of the sea then put the bottom of the sea in a bag then put coffee on it