Who's the most famous person you've seen at an airport?

Who's the most famous person you've seen at an airport?

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filthy frank

Definitely me. You wouldn't know it, but I'm quite a big deal.

Ur mom

Who is that supposed to be?

Blurry pic and bad angle but I'm guessing Emilia Clarke? You do know she's never actually had her hair be white (this isn't even white its silver), its always a wig on the show and she has dark hair?

Is that a homeless girl ?

its Billie Eilish

The actor who played the mayor of Gotham in The Dark Knight.


Dno who that is. Most famous for me was Steve Francis.

3 time all star sitting a seat in front of me in coach on a spirit flight lol. hard times

literally who?

I once saw courtney love at o'hare international. offered her a ben franklin if she'd let me pork her in the bathroom. she told me to fuck off

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Currently huge popstar. Heard a mom tell her kid "Billie Eiliesh you know, the one who sings ALL the songs"
And I still haven't heard one.


she did win a kids choice award I see. so she must be a big deal.

The greatest running back in the world Barry Sanders. Nice dude who had no problem signing autographs for kids.

Oh so it's actually a dude? Who the fuck would name their daughter billy? Not gonna bother googling her thanks for saving my time.

I met Kanye West in John Wayne Airport in 2013. He was just sitting by himself.

Ran into Robin Williams in the SF Int terminal. Asked him how's it hanging.

Nobody wants to be at an airport. It just sucks. Worse than all movie theater.

This Billie Eilish obsession/spamfest's getting stale, OP. Stop.

Bjork bummed a cigerette off me, she was a bit odd but really nice.

that's just some random chick, not even fucking relevant

Ron Jeremy in vegas didn't want to hassle the legend he's looking so much better emotionally since he cut off that "allegedly abusive company" though

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Taylor pls

dubs have spoken

putting dirty shoes on sitting area

f u c k i n g d i s g u s t i n g

why don't security people harass the fuck out of these inconsiderate cretins

SAW KAREMM ABDUL JABAR, I couldn't believe anyone could be so tall.

Checked that called out pic

Yeah the constant spamming of her has gotten old fast. Fair credit to her team, they're shilling for her in different ways. But it's exactly like b of 2013/14 when Moretz was being spammed hard here. Like that helped her career.
If anything, this just makes me more determined to never hear any of her music and write her off completely.

Pope Francis II or Margaret Thatcher.

You pick who's more famous.


I saw Evander Holyfield , he still looks like he could fuck you up

This x 1,000

saw greta van susteren in atlanta airport once. i rode in the terminal train with her. another time i saw a black dude with real long hair athletic type. i can't remember his name or what damn shows/movies he was in but he's very recognizable. his hair is in long braids in the back almost like a afro mullet. i saw him in lax.

Not at a airport but Jaime Kennedy in a elevator. I saw stone sour in a elevator also, James isn't friendly. I tried shaking his hand but got pushed. This was years ago, in my late teens.

I saw Pauly Shore at the Burbank airport.

> sitting minding my own business away from the crowded gate
> some dude sits next to me.
> think to myself dude there’s empty seats all over why you have to sit next to me?
> notice he’s with two other big dudes that stand off to the side
> first dude is acting strange, fidgeting, moving around in his chair, sighing, looking at me
> oh shit he’s going to hit on me. I’m not gay. I stare harder at my laptop.
> he sighs and leaves with the other dudes following
> some woman sits next to me and says ‘that was Polly Shore’
> answer “who’s that?”

Its billy eyelash

I've only been to an airport once when I was a little kid. They had these seats with televisons on them. my mom took me there to watch planes take off and land but I was more interested in the televison

post pic or die

holy fucking oldfag reporting in

oh damn, reminds me of the days of being able to wait for people at their terminal, our airport had an observation tower you could hang out in too

John waters, Adam West and a few random nfl players.

That's a cute story user.

I was transferring in Singapore. Had a couple hours to kill was walking round the terminal.
There was some chinese couple with a kid walking near me. I wouldn't even have noticed them except a group of people all started low key mobbing them. They were really interested in the woman, they dgaf about the guy or the kid. Some teenage girls getting super excited. Some shit was said in chink language and a couple security officials came over and calmed it all down.
Some of the girls were crying.
Nfi who this woman was, just looked like any random Asian you would see behind the counter of a shop or throwing some fried rice in front of you at a restaurant.

Stevie Wonder. Posed for a pic In New Orleans.

Saw Bob Geldof, and met Nick Cave who was a fucking cool dude, it was actually a day before his son died which was really sad, seeing him just before something so awful

Saw Pilou Asbaek at my local airport, not even that big of an airport. I was quite surprised. Approx 7-8 months ago.

I'ts Billie Jewish

overrated trash singer

Had a beer with this lad

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What a surprise. It's thread #58392 pretending to be about something but is only promoting this talentless boring af chick with a rich dad who bought her a career in music.

Best so far
I bumped in to Tina Turner in January ‘14 in Zurich airport

I saw Lil Uzi and his whore a couple years ago when he was first blowing up. Was at Atlanta airport I think

What do you think every Instagram thread is about? Fuck, I bet most of the Instagram threads are started by the Instagram models themselves, and they're the ones contributing photos to those threads. It's all self-promotion.