funny on so many levels.
>Be me
>Be not from the UK
>instant comedy

>Be me
>Save every good porn to HDD
>Have large collection
People tell me I'm paranoid and I need help.
People tell me I'm sick and I need help.
>You always have porn online you dumb fuck

Brit cucks are the best
>No its OK mate I only need to allow my totalitarian government to have real IDs online (like the UK was not the gateway to hell already) in literally the most retarded way to stop kids form seeing porn.
Because your totalitarian police state shit hole will not use this data to track you everywhere.

Want to bet all porn websites simply ban all UK IPs? This will be the best solution for everyone.

>Be Brit
>Live in hellish totalitarian police state
>Get porn banned.
>at least I can still kill myself

Attached: PORN.png (403x542, 328K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>thinking porn ban is a bad thing

Attached: 7039356.jpg (317x475, 32K)

>Be degenerate
>Be addicted to porn
>Live in Orwells dystonia on steroids 24/7
>They ban porn
>Huston we have a problem
WE live in clown world.

Attached: GBNJ508.jpg (1300x1039, 90K)

Even in Turkey where porn was banned the edgy turkroaches easily managed to use a VPN to access it, if even the turks managed to do it I dont see why edgy bongistani teens shouldnt be able to bypass the benis jerking loicense check

Attached: 1521907400262.jpg (1200x1696, 349K)

>VPN to access
You mean this hacking shit? Oy mister this does not look legal to me.

I mean I have seen people who think IRC is black magic and torrents are to difficult. About 80% of the retards are fucked.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x280, 1.16M)

there's no such thing as a uk porn ban, but okay

pretty much. bong politicians are out of touch populists trying to curry favour with the alarmist fox news readers that actually vote.

>>Save every good porn to HDD
>>Have large collection
>People tell me I'm sick and I need help.
you still need to get a life, bong being stupid isn't a justification for compulsively hoarding pornography. stop excessively fapping and find a hobby and/or a job.

Doesn't exist.

>VPN to access
>You mean this hacking shit
he thinks VPN is hacking shit.. WTF

That pick.
I mean the UK always looked like a shit hole cold and shit.
Who even wants to live in this place when you have sunny Australia?
Now its a Orwellian shit hole.

Did you know Mordor was based on the UK. I'm not making this shit up google it.

Attached: 92823.jpg (2000x1331, 936K)

>he thinks VPN is hacking shit.. WTF
I know there normies thing VPNs are hacking and torrents are hacking and IRC is hacking and TOR is hacking.

Data Hoarder. I'm a Data Hoarder and who is laughing now?
Having data on my HDD gives me happiness.

>it's a
>did you know mordor was based on the uk

so was the shire. it was written by an english author. speaking of english, learn it.

>Who even wants to live in this place when you have sunny Australia?
australia has even more backwards politicians than the uk. they passed a bill banning encryption algorithms a while ago. imagine living in a country that decided they could ban mathematics

pls educate yourself

imagine samefagging this hard and still failing to troll a single person

>>Save every good porn to HDD
how many gb's?

k you have fun with that, enjoy jerking off to pictures on your computer so much that people tell you you're sick instead of actually living life. I can still go to pornhub, fap, and then get on with the rest of my day instead of bragging about what a porn addicted OCD loser I am on Yea Forums in a petty and pathetic attempt to assert some some of superiority

>speaking of english, learn it.
NO! Its the devils language!
Predicted accidentally the future.

Attached: ea4.png (400x527, 426K)

>how many gb's?
Of porn alone or all my data? I don't collect only porn.

wait, there are people who dont have full hd porn collection and watch 3 minute clips in 480p online?

Attached: Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.jpg (800x450, 24K)

>. I can still go to pornhub
I unironicaly want all porn banned on the internet for everyone so I can lick your precious tears and bath in your pain.
You embraced corporate slavery and no control have fun getting what you deserve stream fag.

>all this buttmad
>what is a VPN

This puzzles me as well. Why the fuck would anyone waste their time on low quality shit hosted at malicious sites.

You're not fucking wrong. I'm filling hard drives with porn as I speak.

good job, carry on.