From Germoney

from Germoney
41 Years old(fag)
4 sons
good job


Attached: ghjgj.png (3333x2416, 1.89M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Obvious questions: How bad is the situation with rapefugees? And is there a lot of them where you live? General public attitude (excluding antifa shouters of course)?
Also, is it true you get some govt (tax?) benefits if you accomodate one? And do they really sleep all day and then get up to sell drugs?
Do you consider moving out? Or is there somewhere in the back of your head a thought of "something has to happen"?

Attached: iK1~w88bknLi6SMseeotx3sqp~5SuQCsy~xHcmnqJ4PfhXIKl62sNhUKAbyKNk5B.jpg (480x348, 32K)

Whe I life ther is a Refugee home. Some of the older (30-40) work. The others just sitting and standig next to the refugeehome doing nothing. An some selling drugs at the train station. They just walk to u and ask if u want some hash or mdma.

Another question: Just by guessing, how many red flags with white circles and black symbols do you think remained somewhere in the attics of the old houses, basements or other places - hidden, forgotten, waiting?
pic unrelated

Attached: e42.jpg (1000x2315, 419K)

>Obvious questions: How bad is the situation with rapefugees?

It is a tragedy.
>And is there a lot of them where you live?

At least they are everywhere, but it's »better« in smaller towns.
We live in a village.
But it is like: There are people who have something against nuclear power, but do not live next to a nuclear power plant at all

>General public attitude (excluding antifa shouters of course)?

The media is key. And they are 100% rapefugees.

>Also, is it true you get some govt (tax?) benefits if you accomodate one?


>And do they really sleep all day and then get up to sell drugs?

- Mostly - no joke

>Do you consider moving out?

No. Never.
Molon labe

>Or is there somewhere in the back of your head a thought of "something has to happen"?

Something's got to happen.
And something is going to happen.
Trust me

sorry the wait - captcha was fucking with me

not many

Wo kommste her?

Thanks, I was really hertzlich curious since if you watch any WWII documentary, there are fucking millions of them

nearby Bremen

me too, nice


Is all your porn sxat porn? Also your education may not be perfect but better than USA. Would you care to quickly explain if to these fags?

does your wife know you're a fag?
if not how do you keep your secret?

only way to resist till the (((habbening)))

- generation identity
- einprozent

vote for AfD

be healthy
get strong and fit

try to troll harder

How do you plan on getting them all to fuck off back to developing 1st world India

They could literally immigrate to India fuckoff white countries and THE civilization

Attached: hjgjgh.jpg (1024x532, 102K)

Yes, you guys really need to so something. Ich bin ein Tscheschei undin diesen Tagen Ich finde meine Vaterland besser als euer! And that is quite proposterous I dare to say...

by force, through new laws from a new Government

Tschechien is like my childhood, but plus smartphones

Attached: IB.jpg (308x163, 14K)


Attached: arroganz.gif (74x86, 127K)

drachengame is dead

your ass is dead.
it never lived and will never die.

Attached: meddl.gif (178x185, 277K)

it can only end with his physical death. Which implies it will go on for at least twenty more years, depending on the rate he gains weight.

Lord Schanzelot will end himself and commit suicide. Maybe in a livestream

That is A) wrong and B) on the other hand true



Brügel rausschmeissen

lass mal die Namen der populärsten Haider doxen.

Attached: Die Namen der Haider.png (808x270, 48K)

halts Maul, Dennis Leiffels

Wer versteckt sich eigneltich hinter diese Huso Affenkeks?
Ist das wieder so ein schlecht gealterter Lebensverweigerer?
