Lake Michigan

>Lake Michigan
>Nice beach, good views, clean water
>Some retard dumps a shitload of broken glass onto the beach
>Like, the WHOLE beach. Literally mixes it into the sand
>Whole place is basically a minefield of tetanus

Which one of you greasy virgins did this

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>which one of you greasy virgins did this?
It was a Somali muslim immigrant, who was inspired to take action after the 2 muslim men set the Norte dame on fire in Paris

The beach was considered a sin because women wore bikinis. He wanted to punish anyone who went there


You asshole it was my kids 8th birthday and she stepped on glass

good. I'd like to shake their hand. At least they dumped it somewhere where it will hurt humans instead of just animals.

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Can someone explain how this kind of sentiment has become so common and socially acceptable?


Democrats and Muslims

you forgot jews and niggers in your blame

Stop trying to get innocent people killed. Kys.

well maybe stop putting your dick in everything and you wouldnt have that problem, retard

Bait/ humans are trash

If we look at it from the point of view who the most benefiting person would be, it would be the doctors. And I bet they were Jewish.

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Either hurting innocent people is okay or it isn't, user. You don't get to pick the specific reasons for other people.

ow the edge

Tetanus comes from rusty metal not glass

Getting mad than sand is getting mixed with sand. Lmao get rekt OP glass is still sand you nigger

any sharp surface can harbour tetanus, thorns are another common vector

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I understand bait, however I do see this outside of 4chin and those people seem quite genuine. So I understand that there's evil people who like hurting others, what I don't understand is how they are given licence to freely spout it in public without repercussions. It's like "oh they like animals so their hearts are in the right place" fucking retards

The fuck are you on about nigga? I'm not picking anything, I'm interested in understanding how this antisocial sentiment can fly under the radar

Well how come they became the way they are? Also I don't think Muslims and niggers give a shit about animals, Jews may be doing some sort of trick as usual. Most Democrats would probably reject this sentiment I'm assuming, but I'm in Germany and I expect most of the members of the green party to be on board for it


Dont worry too much about it. The sand will smooth out the glass and your beach will look beautiful. We had a beach like that in Hawaii but all the tourist took it all.

Wouldn't aggressive space colonisation be a more ethical (and awesome) response to overpopulation?

Not sure what's not to get. You're probably just fucking stupid. You used the word "evil" so you may be a religious tard.

I like the idea of humans as a whole getting what they deserve (pain suffering). It's not for no reason. I it's it's only proper karma considering they dump their fucking trash in the homes of the wild/sea giving zero shits about fish/animals that get hurt by it.

If Humans didn't do that I wouldn't be happy they get fucked up by their own garbage.

>niggers and Muslims
Yeah... You're an alt-right murder guy, you can't trick me. Innocent people don't deserve to be hurt, user. Doesn't matter what the IQ and crime statistics say. Can't you just agree with that?

I agree, I just use the word "nigger" on Yea Forums because who gives a shit. Don't read too much into it

This is called the circle of life. Humans, by their nature, hurt other living beings in the course of their life just as a lion kills it's prey. The lion is not deserving of hatred for it. Humans fuck up the environment on a much larger scale and it isn't even always for survival. The humans are not deserving of hatred for it. I do agree we need to be more mindful, but revenge isn't helpful at all

Lions don't 'accidentally' kill things three thousand miles away because they pile all their gazelle bones in a heap and drive truckloads of them into hospital sick wards. They kill to eat, they kill occasionally for sport, otherwise they coexist. They don't pollute their environments even a little bit.

All living beings affect their environments by their presence in various ways. What we call pollution is only a problem because there are no organisms yet who can use these byproducts of our existence for their own survival. This will correct itself in due time. Of course it would be better if we find a solution before evolution does since I would prefer we preserve as much biodiversity as possible, life on earth isn't threatened however, only our own comfortable existence on it. Extinction is a natural process however, and I don't think it's reasonable to feel guilty about it, even if caused by our presence.

>citation required

So you talk like a nigger and you talk like an alt-right edgelord and you talk like a faggot but do you have your own personality? Nah.

are you dumb or just stupid what about aquatic birds and amphibians?

What about them?

pretty good troll. sand is basically glass anywsys

Who needs a personality? Nigger-Edgelord-Faggot is fine by me

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Or is glass basically sand?

If you're responding to this Here you go:

Not him but you are retarded

I don't think they are bothered by glass frankly

They walk on sand, retard.

ok, I figured you were going there with this. His dumbass missed what I was saying because he's fucking retarded.

I said "At least they dumped it somewhere where it will hurt humans instead of just animals.". I didn't ever imply he put it somewhere where ONLY HUMANS would get hurt by it. Goddamn motherfuckers are dumb.

it's called oranges

Wild organisms that eat radioactive pollution. I'm just waiting for those to spring up and then we'll be ok. It's gotta happen right Darwin?

At least we have you to enlighten us oh smart one

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Yup, fungi in Chernobyl, look it up
Also, for more complex stuff to emerge it will take millenia, but that's only a problem for us humans


Only humans die from radiation? Lol ok? There are no fungi on earth that digest radioactive material.

It's not a problem if 99% of life on earth dies dude, it will start anew as it has many times before. This is only a problem for us humans

It's also a problem for the things that die lol. What? Are you Galactus or some shit? Just kill yourself cause it's not a problem I guess?

Box truck of peace driver experimenting with area denial techniques to maximize his top score some nice beach day

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Norte Dame was punishment from god for the priest kid fucking

More likely it was some white guy motivated purely by greed illegally dumping waste.

Animals don't make moral judgements and you cannot relate global events to the personal scale. They try to survive themselves but they have no concept of broader survival like we do. It is not inherently good to preserve all life, it is only human preference. Death and extinction is not a mistake of nature, it is an adaptation, a feature.

Edgy contrarian nihilism is nothing new.
It's just people who stalled in their maturation and blame others.

The waste being purely glass by coincidence. Also (((white)))

Your morality is subjective hth.


Spreading our cancer off our planet? Nah, humans are mostly a plague and will die off eventually

Tetanus can come from literally anywhere outside, just has to cut or puncture deep enough to harbor the infection instead of healing it

>everything is either black or white, good or evil, up or down

With that train of thought no wonder your questions are retarded.

women really need to get back in the kitchen