How would you feel if the government made white people pay a reparations tax to black people?

How would you feel if the government made white people pay a reparations tax to black people?

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Hello, yes, this thread is of great quality and is exactly the type of content I want to see here. Good job OP!

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Lock up your women, and hide the fried chicken.

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But seriously, would you protest it? Go to war over it? Or pay what is rightfully due?

shit b8. Tyrone and DaQuan's cocks need sucking, so there's something better for you to do.

>rightfully due
Oh shit a master baiter here.

Did they not suffer at the hands of white people for thousands of years?

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It would effect gen z mainly and they did nothing so they would scream OOF until the law got changed

Dear black people.

Whether you may realize it or not, monkeys, you are still slaves. You traded your slave quarters for projects, your coveralls for prison jumpsuits, and the wrath of your master's whip for the chains of the modern welfare system. In exchange for their dignity, your dumbest males and females parade on stage making "music" for worthless paper and trinkets. Your strongest are owned by football teams and contracts, many of which are paid for by a single man or woman.

Even today the Democratic Party, the same party that fought tooth and nail to enslave you, has succeeded once more - using you as little more than trained pets to pass whatever they want through the White House. Martin Luther King didn't do a god damn thing, because at the end of the day, it was a white man who signed that Bill into law, just as it was a white man who bought your ancestors and shipped them to the New World.

We enslaved you because we felt like it, and we "freed" you because we felt like it.

We still own you. Now pick my FUCKING cotton.

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Pretty sure they would line up to self flagellate, suck black dick, and pay up.

Welfare and the laws that protect them, are their reparations.

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But this would be on top of that and only people who mark caucasian on their census form would pay.

Yes white ppl need to pay us they paid yall to free slaves but didnt give us shit but "freedom" foh

I would start robbing black ppl

That's never going to happen.

No. They were worth it while under whites supervision. Without it just look at Africa or any nigger infested region.

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People are becoming more progressive. Imagine once the people right out of college fully control the country. I could easily see that happening.

I'll give cash to black women, but that's it.
The men can fuck off.

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People are most certainly not becoming more progressive. In fact, thinking like that is causing conservatism to grow.

In the places that matter (larger cities) intelligent people are leading the way to a better future.

Look at Wakanda though

There's no point in reparations. It accomplishes nothing.

it would rebuild black communities

As someone who makes a living off of selling basketballs, fake gold chains, and crack, i'm all for it. I'll make that tax back 10x in a day.

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for them to shit it back up? lol

Oh, so the money wouldn't be going TO them indivdually, but it would go to a budgeted fund maintained by community leaders to help redevlop the neighborhood? Actually that's not the worst idea i've heard.

they dont care honestly

Which is why it's a dumb idea that won't accomplish anything. A "white tax" is a great way to start a race war.

Who and about what?

“Rightfully due” I ain’t do shit to them. How would you determine who deserves reps and who owes? Just based on color of skin? What about the immigrants who came over after slavery was abolished (which is 80% of white people)?

I'd move.

NFL and NBA draft are basically slave blocks

I wouldn't pay it

They already got what was rightfully due to them by giving their culture a place to stay in a country far superior than MOST African countries. They already get their fair share of privileges too. Like affirmative action.

Key word: did. Past tense. It was the political truth of the matter at the time and to make the blatantly wrong claim it holds any merit today is absurd an immature.

>be my dad's fam
>two branches
>of old english families

>first branch:
>nobles in northern england
>fought in war of the roses
>helped establish the tudors
>moved from england to north carolina for religious reasons
>bought a plantation
>immediately freed the slaves
>paid them a wage if they stayed
>they mostly did
>offered them our family name
>many took it, which is the reason black people have my last name
>fight in revolution and win
>move north when politics in south get shitty
>fight for the north in the civil war and win
>employ black people in multiple enterprises from then on
>treat them the same, as it is our family tradition
>equal opportunity employers before that was even a thing

>second branch:
>naval family
>consistently worked their way up to officers
>established the english empire
>literally helped to abolish slavery around the world
>some moved to murrica prior to revolution
>became politicians among many other enterprises
>signed declaration of independence for a northern state
>fought in civil war
>moved west, became republican governors/mayors in midwest
>when democrats were pro-slavery
>civil rights proponents in the 50s

>two branches meet up
>they are my grandparents
>both sides fought slavery at every turn
>in the US and around the world
>both tried their best to uplift blacks
>my mom's family were immigrants well after slavery
>mfw now they want me to pay reparations

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Definitely not

There's so much stupid in there it's unreal. Congrats?

I'd simply ask Papa Putin for asylum.

Im mexican so fuck you

I’d start throwing niggers into the Boston harbor just like our forefathers would have done.

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oh look, its this thread again.

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What about it? Go back to Yea Forums with that shit.

Pretty pissed. But if they just taxed me through inflation to pay for welfare programs? I'd probably sit back and let it happen. But if they REALLY taxed me through inflation to pay for reparations? I'd probably sit back and let that happen as well.

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It's working!

Whites have paid niggers literally trillions of dollars in various forms, from welfare to affirmative action, to say nothing of the fact that 600,000 white men died fighting to free their sorry asses. Reparations? Kindly kill yourself.

Fuck niggers

id do everything to reverse it

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I wouldn't pay niggers money. Sorry, i'd leave the country before I give a nigger anything.

Boy shut the fuck lil pink dicked nigga

I'd be pissed. My family came over after they were freed.

I'd refuse to pay for it. If they take it out of my taxes I'd claim it on my tax returns and get it back.

White people suffered at the hands of white people for thousands of years. Ask my Irish ancestors.