Hey guys I'm gonna kill myself by short fall hanging. Want me to do anything or have any advice before I do it?

Hey guys I'm gonna kill myself by short fall hanging. Want me to do anything or have any advice before I do it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Don’t do it. Many grievances are temporary.

link live stream

If anyone was curious about the rope I got it's 1/2in dock line made with nylon

Overdose on gummis

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Life will always be painful

I thot about facebook living but I dont want someone to stop me

I told you to use my gif when you make these threads.

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If you are able to, shoot up your place of education (school, uni, etc.)


if you are close to anyone please dont do it. my friend killed herself today and im absolutely distraut. we weren't even that close but im absolutely fucked up. if you decide to ignore this message at least leave a note

just make a periscope account

not white peoples tho

I have the option to get a gun. (god bless Texas) and I could easily do it but nah.

Why not? Just get everyone who you think shouldn't be in this world.

What should I put on my note?
I was going to make a password list for my comupter/phone

>Want me to do anything
rock on brother!

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The only person I think shouldn't be in this world is me. Other people can make their choice themselves

shove a sharpie up your ass b4 you do it

Are you going to do it live user?

Download all the gay porn that you can before you do it that way there are no questions after the event OP

Don't fucking do it. Go for a long walk. Don't fucking do it. We're all in the same shitter.

Im going to look into making a periscope account thanks to an user. Ive got a camera phone so I should be able to do it

Post a pic of you with the noose and write this is for notre dame on it, you are going to die, but your meme will carty on

Please do it live :)

If you plan to kill yourself, consider changing something in your life instead. The option to die is always there.

Don't do it user
No matter what there is someone that loves you, and they will do whatever they can to help you
You just need to ask for the help

This is a good idea, can more fags give this kind of advice

If you go through with it, at the very last moment, you will remember all the good and beauty in the world and you will regret it. But it will be too late.

Also why are you killing yourself?

yall with the postive vibes shit can get out. thanks

I would only do it if your name is Cody...

Even if you feel hopeless at the moment life can still get better one day, you just have to live through the moment to see it become possible

Dont do it better days to come I promise!

Do it for notre dame

I want to die :^(

Funny enough I didn't notice the sticker with my fucking name on it but its too late now

making my periscope account now

dont do it user. ive been through hell and back my entire life and all i did was take it as it was and kept my head up. im now married and 30 years old. dont do it.

please don't do it


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shove the biggest butt plug that will fit up your ass before you do, and post pics



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This live streaming app has location on and I dont want any snitches ruining it

please, do not do it



OP, you should delete the thread after 5 minutes of the live starting, i don't want troubles with any association


anyone know a good livestreaming app?

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u wanna play some chess

Livestream it for all your Yea Forumsrothers

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You can't undo this. This fucks up other people too. Know it or not, someone in your life cares.

Facebook, make a throw away account

>Don't do it man. Outlive your enemies. Make those who laughed at you and wished you the worst fucking suffer humility when they see you shining. Success is the best revenge.


Trying to set up a periscope stream without location on

is it illegal to tell people to kill themselves?


Yeah im my enemy so ill kill myself, thus outliving my enemy and killing him

Thog dont' caare about Notre Dame.Do not proceed with suicide dear fellow, functionality is inévitable.


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this some deep shit

yes it is, some girl got tried and convicted for her bf killing himself

Inb4 mods remove thread


Don't do it.

Did you make that periscope yet OP?

if mods remove thread the next one I make will have a livestream link at the top *lenny face goes here*

Hunt down the equation they developed back in the days to calculate the appropriate rope length you need. Will make clean up easy.

>Friend dies
>Surfs Yea Forums

You humor me user

Talk to me buddy.

Hey Op, how about some backstory? Who are you, how old, and why are you doing this?

Please, please, please don't do it

Please stay

Don't fucking do it. Think of all the pain you'll cause your friends and family. Believe me when I say life gets better. Go buy someone a gift and you'll feel much better

let your Yea Forumsros talk to you and help u user. don't do it please

No you're not, you wouldn't give a shit about her a week from now.


youtu.be/kcIU_iA4VAI (red pill)

youtu.be/VJe6LLoGgR8 (blue pill)

OP the people trying to get you to end it are the ones who deserve death, not you. Get to bed or go talk to someone you know and you'll be ok

Alright heres some background. dont want to give to much incase theres some detective whiteknights,

M/21/Texas. No real friends, no love, the only thing that is holding me back atm if setting up this live stream and the thot of happens to my dad after im done

Nice filename

Still waiting on that livestream

but he will become an hero

The person trying to get you to end it is me, so I agree that guy deserves death

Lmao newfag

ramsey is that you

Im all set up, just checking the stream for anything that would compromise my location

Don't do that dammit

Here's some music op, see you space cowboy

Note looks shooped :/.

Go take a nap. Please don't do it

OP don't do it just live as a doomer and then blossom into a bloomer and live to spread keks

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I need to clear my stream history then the death stream is good to go Yea Forumsros

Wtf Cody don't! This is Michael, from hs, we were in math class together

I'm curious OP. Do you not fear death?

That's no reason. Talk to someone on a suicide hotline. Please don't do it. You are still young and your problems aren't permanent or debilitating.

Think of your dad Cody. He has so many good memories of you, this will crush him.

You gonna send someone to shoot up my building?

Don't do it Cody!

You will not be able to have friends or love if you die.

>Think of your dad Cody. He has so many good memories of you, this will crush him.

I agree, family is worth living for whether or not you've been close to them lately

Death ain’t so bad. It’s the dying that’s no fun.

You're being selfish.


heres some more proof

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i know it's too late for anyone to stop you at this point, but at least think about the good times while you end it

Buy a kitten or puppy. Try killing yourself when you got a little bundle of love laying on your lap!

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OP Don't kill yourself lad, shut off your computer and take a nap or go to sleep

So I can't figure out how to clear my history but, I did figure out how to turn off gps some Im going to make a 2nd periscope account and just use that

Is that your phone number OP?

Rip OP, we'll miss u btard

No, op don't! Think of your mother, the lullabies she sung to you and how you can better yourself

it's the post number he replied to

I wish I had the courage to end it. I hate the pain of life. But I'm going to see a therapist Friday, before I make a rash decision.

don't do this

Don't forget to post periscope link

>Think of your dad Cody. He has so many good memories of you, this will crush him.

Post nudes.

excuse the blood, but I have slit my wrists and neck. It was the intention that I would die in the woods so that it would take a few days before I was possibly found. I belong in the woods and have always done so. No one will understand the reason for this anyway. To give some semblance of an explanation I'm not a human, this is just a dream and soon I will awake. It was too cold and the blood was coagulating all the time, plus my new knife is too dull. If I don't succeed dying to the knife I will blow all the shit out of my skull. Yet I do not know. I left all my lyrics by "Let the good times roll" -- plus the rest of the money. Whoever finds it gets the fucking thing. As a last salutation may I present "Life Eternal". Do whatever you want with the fucking thing. / Pelle.

I didn't come up with this now, but seventeen years ago.

What a idiot

OP really think about this, are you a faggot

Are you going to leave a note?

It is very likely your father will blame himself.

He will live with that guilt eating away at him every single day. Every morning when he wakes up, all the ways he failed you, all the ways he could have tried harder will be the first thing that comes to mind.

Don't do that to him OP. I bet he doesn't deserve it. Talk to him instead.

My mother tried to throw me away as baby and never loved me. she only loves her first born

OP, dont listen to the other Yea Forumstards. See you on the other side buddy

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Live stream on Facebook faggot

Op, don't. Not only you will lose all the opportunities you have for a better life, you'll put the guilt of your death on us to!

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what kinds of things are you interested in besides dying?

DOnt do it man, life is short as it is, life is beautiful

maybe write a note to your dad, at least tell him you love him and isn't his fault

YEA! GO TO THE THERAPIST! Now go to sleep.

I don't want to hurt my dad :(

You're just gonna be back after you do it.

You don't have a key to the other side. You don't know the code for the lock on the door.

See you again shortly.

Do it, please

Does your father love you? Do not do this OP. You don't have to end your life by taking it, just restart fresh if it's so bad. Find a lover and have a nice family, you honestly seem like a decent guy.

I'm not your dad, son.

Cody, don't do it, just don't neck yourself You don't realize how much of an impact you have on this world

Shut up faggot, let this faggot kill himself

My brother committed suicide. Please don’t do it. The toll it takes on people you love, especially family, takes a toll that lasts a lifetime

Don't do it user plz.

If you haven’t had the decency to write a note for your dad, are you even sure about this OP? ROOKIE MISTAKE Gotta Cancel now

still waiting on stream link, if it isn't up by 1 am im going to sleep

But your father still loves you, right? So think about him

>virtue signaling this hard
audible kek

Kill yourself faggot

Write a note saying someone blackmailed you so you killed yourself. Just for extra kek after youre dead.

Ill never be able to fill the hole left in my heart after I cheated on my one true love

Kill yourself faggot.

Fuck off to leddit

Op, if you neck yourself the normies who bullied you will win, don't let them
Only kikes want you dead!

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Least you have a father, im not so lucky.

You can go anywhere else and choose to be the person you want to be. Don't do it OP

I tried to post the link to the live stream and got this errer, what do I do?
Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

It's easy to create an account. Log in to your Twitter on a seperate tab and then click "create account" on Periscope and accept.

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Why do not you kill yourself instead? Stop encouraging him to do this and disappear from the world.

cool lucky me

But op, you have friends, it's us

Op you wanna play a game sometime?

>life will always be painful
yeah maybe suicide is the better option

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You're father didn't want you

Not op, but I have a father and he makes everyone miserable in our family

Put a sheet over yourself first, so that it looks like a funny ghost prank.

Life is difficult. Don't be a whining faggot

Good grammar bud.

So you got a second waifu pillow?
If you're gonna do it hurry up and get this show on the road.

Replace the DOTS in your link with this: (DOT)

You should give up and go to sleep.

add some random bullshit text alongside it maybe

Op here, noose around my neck... 10 mins

Nigger you are 21. So much good times ahead in life. The good part in men's life only start at 30

Okay well I may or may not have said Jed works for me.

replace the dot (.) with the word "dot"

rest in peace, brother


hey op if you pussy out or live somehow wanna play risk of rain 2 sometime?

Take the noose off op, go to sleep, its not worth it

Lol I'm not op

Bro you'll miss out on sex robots, avengers end game, playstation 5, cyberpunk 2077. It's really not worth it.

The boomer times

I swear, if it's a finger circle i'll scream

Pics or it didn't happen.

Give us an area you live in so we can see it on the news

I'd prefer for you not to do it as you have lots to live for and have value but if you're going to at least do it right

Don't do it bud.


Holy shit guys

This guy isn't me, im still setting up the st


Op, dude if you need to talk to someone let me know, let’s chat, we’ve all had bad moments when it seems to see the only option but it’s not! It’s just a very sad day, but it doesn’t have to be the last one ! Cease to exist is horrifing! Just think about it one second you will no longer exist you will no longer be aware you won’t be resting, you will simply not exist anymore

OP here, live stream isn't working, maybe I'll suicide some other time, thanks for participating faggots

oh dammit

That's fucking 50 years from now when we'll be in an old age home suffering alzheimer's and osteoporosis, you dickwad

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If any anons could join the stream and help me link it here ill venmo some money


Sadness is temporary shit, this bad feeling will pass eventually, hapiness is not a permanent state, things just are, learn to enjoy the good moments, no tree can reach heaven without its roots reaching hell. Godspeed, whatever is your resolution.

don’t actually do it though pls

is this for real?

nice bait

>death by gummis is the worst and best way to go

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Rip but not rip

(214) 828-1000, it will help op

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Hey OP, just gonna say that life shouldn't honestly be judged by one moment. Like I honestly don't know your situation, but I know how shitty life can get and not everyone feels like they should keep going. But killing yourself isn't going to make life any different, but you staying alive can. Like maybe you'll miss a huge opportunity later down in life ir maybe you'll actively impact someone's life. Life's a long one, so many things can happen. :)

alright, listen user...

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You’re kind of retarded.

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New stream link. were close Yea Forumsros Ill live stream my note writing I guess? anyone in chat can help write it with me



Screenshot the URL link and post the screen shot here

forgot to put link

Nice job, faggot. Now we can sleep easy.

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Im not so sure about this anymore...

Link it

what website is that for?

What the fuck is the source faggot

okay here is the death stream. try to promote. I dont want to die alone

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How about instead of suicide have some fun? Start eating nothing but the junk you love. Mcdonalds and ice cream for breakfast. Cookies for lunch. Donuts and fried chicken for dinner. Play minecraft all day (you can play with me) and I'll play a game you like. Get those tattoos you always wanted, ask out 100 girls in one day (ones gotta say yes! Get some poon!) And buy a dirtbike and go wild on it. The world is your playground when everything is, in the end, objectively without objective meaning!

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Op, if you neck yourself you'll miss the race war...

Leave a note saying "This is a protest against Sharjah ruler abducting kids of families he hates to his Palace in Sharjah to molest them since the early 90s". For the irony.

waiting for the stream too fill up

Don't kill yourself for the fucking fleeting attention of Yea Forums please for godsakes man. This thread was successful in how much attention it garnered good job. Now just go to bed and have a long sleep man and wake up and try again tomorrow.

Hurry up and get to it already! I wanna sleep!

OP I beg you don't kill yourself, turn the stream off and go to sleep and get therapy

I have a request. Put it off until another day. Today is not the day you should do it.

For real though, don't do it, let's play some dumb vidya and get smonk as fuck, forget about your troubles.

Don't do it, faggot. Just a few more years, and you can experience the glorious victory of the white race in the coming race wars.

She also gave him the tools to do it

>short fall hanging
lel, a friend of mine tried to do and livestream this. she managed to choke herself almost unconscious before the shit she'd attached it to broke. she was humiiated, had ropeburn on her neck, and had to explain to her parents why she'd fucked up a ceiling fan and a door. shame she didn't get the just-as-common brain damage option.

good luck op. I'm sure it'll go fine.


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Someone post link

op dont fucking do it

Man a stream aren't real people. You should call your father man and ask him how he is. Just chill dawg.

what should I write?

whats the link for the stream? im gonna try to talk to him

Op just take a breath of fresh air and calm the fuck down


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people care about you and you can be ok, get offline and rest

Don't join that stream asshole. You'll only boost those numbers and that's greasy.

Don't fucking do it bro

greentext irl

op just fill the bottom half of the page with a nice turgid dick spewing cum

Wtf is the link and website?

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I was lol'ing at first but after joining the stream this is fucking with me a bit

don't do this shit, OP. Seriously. Call a hotline and speak to someone.

lmao hes memed the stream

Hey, the stream's muted

holy shit op just drew a keypad because he cant remember his passcode

maybe this is going to be a blessing for everone

I'm going to kill myself too soon, OP. I want to hang myself too. Life is too painful and the sadness never goes away.

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Go to periscope and search for anhero for the stream


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You're good at getting attention bait OP LOLOLOL WELL PLAYED

I’ve only recently become so depressed that I can truly empathize with someone feeling the way you do. If I didn’t have a son I would have probably already done it. Then again, if I didn’t have a son and I was as depressed as I am right now, I’d go fucking enjoy life a little first. I know “the world is your oyster” is gay as fuck but seriously, if you have nothing stopping you, go hitch a ride on a train, Rob a liquor store, do whatever the fuck. After you’ve at least done some cool shit, maybe you end up in a state park and jump off a cliff. Maybe you end up feeling a little better. I don’t know. You don’t like the circumstances in your life? Go create the circumstances you want bro

OP if only you knew what it was like to lose someone to suicide. Actions have consequences, think of your dad

what's going on? I'm not clicking that shit

>I have a bunch of stuff i dont want you guys to see

because it's gonna make a real big difference in 10 minutes rude dude

>another guy talking in the background
What the fuck is even going on?
Has OP been a faggot all along?

disappointed in you Yea Forums

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OP, can I please see your penis before you go? for old times sake?


Also as a young father (I’m about 30 he’s about 10) I would be so crushed for the rest of my life if he took his own life. I know life is a piece of shit but please don’t do that to your father.

https:// www.pscp (dot)
tv/ w /1dRKZmwqggXxB

Prime fucking entertainment. OP is a fucking legendary shitposter.

op is away from computer, can somebody on the stream please ask him to expose his penis

Link is too blurry post the last part clearer

Sorry this world is so shitty OP, I might join you one day


You don't realize how important you are to other people, seriously, DON'T KILL YOURSELF! Shut the stream off and go to bed!

he posted it above

Is anyone saving this?

Why not spend all your money and max out some credit cards traveling and doing boatloads of drugs first? Like what is the downside to that if you are gonna end it anyways?

>being able to beat your dick for the first time every day, but instead fuck a life-like sexbot for your first time
doesnt seem to bad to me
im looking forward to it since i hardly sleep and when i do its only a few hours
alzheimers is almost guaranteed

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wtf are these camping supplies in his living room

hi /r/Yea Forums

fuck he is doing it

Why not move to another country? Hawk all your shit and get a ticket anywhere. It'd be a lot more exciting than another selfish asshole that leaves his body for HIS FAMILY (the only people that he may care about) to clean up. Go get your organs harvested in Mexico or go and shoot up nigs in s Africa or explore Thailand and maybe die from a cool spider or snake.
You are literally the only important person in your life, go live it you dumbass

I imagine tying a noose knot involves a lot of knot research, so why do people always choose it over a quick slip knot when killing themselves?


If you kill yourself you won't see memes anymore, you couldn't drink more beer and eat chicken tendies... I don't get it, why would you do it?

Can you say Subscribe to Pewdiepie before jumping?

>he's having trouble setting up the noose
What a night.

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dont do it! think about your dad
many dont have dads in here

Op I never post on this site but I sincerely hope for every happy moment you could have in the future and everything good you could do for other people you just stop and don’t do it.

Well that guy who bludgeoned someone to death with a fire extinguisher was on /r/Yea Forums

Now he's replaceing a lightbulb

He about to do it, dont miss the stream

I mean... Are you fit? Have you fuck at least one girl? Have you ejaculated on her face? If you haven't done any of this thing or other things then you don't have the right to kill yourself, you don't have my permission

Do a long fall hanging and do a flip over the edge of whatever you jump off with the rope around your neck and sleigh bells on your pants so you jingle as you swingle

stop it you idiot, just travel around. Visit some cool stuff instead of killing yourself

im trying to talk him out of it


Would you still kill yourself if a girl walked in naked right now saying to fuck her? If not. Then you don’t want to do it.

Don’t do it man ! Stay alive shits not worth it .

go help people

ok sorry op. I hope we could have persuaded you out of it. You seemed like quite the lad.

Before you do it, put on a chastity cage, and throw away the key. Then write on yourself, "I can't find the key."

Someone better be recording the stream in case OP actually does an hero

At first I was like "do it"
Now I'm scared this could be real.

> knock knock user

What a waste of time. Op typing on a typewriter can't figure out shit.

Wow you cashed out on some dockline? No one would overpay for hanging rope unless they actually meant it. Honestly tho man, don't kill yourself... I know this is b and you Are probably just fucking around but incase you arnt, chill man don't die

I've not caught enough live streams to tell but with all the fumbling I hope this is a hoax

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I don’t care what you been though , nothing is worth your life. Keep trying man go take a nap go talk with some one . Do something to take your mind some where else

He‘s still struggling with setting up the rope it seems.
Bro you really shouldn‘t do it. If you stop now, you‘ll soon be happy about that you haven‘t done it. Trust me.

This is type of fucking anti suicide posters the world needs

The fuck is that

Everyone stop posting, sage goes in all fields, OP is a humongous lying cocksucking faggot


yeah heres a bit of advice, live stream it?

Go help people out at least before you an hero if you do OP, make others lives better

I don't think you are real, but fucking call this number for a second opinion before you do anything.



you're pretty slow aren't you


Op, please consider how many things you haven’t done, how many complete strangers in fucking Yea Forums actually care about you now that this is serious. Please, stop.

Someone remake the thread we hit the bump limit

Somebody screenshoot the subscribe to pewdiepie part?

I just went out for lunch, has op still not done anything?

he's on the chair now

Youre a newfag. Many thousands of people die every day. As the great leader once said, "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic."
On that note, DO A FLIP FAGGOT

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He set up the rope, but stream is dark rn

and stream went down

No Op


R.I.P. stream right as it got to the good bit

Stream just shut down.
Get some help OP

Stream ended

Man please don’t do this ! We all love you .

Is the stream down for everyone else?

top tier shitpost OP, that had to be planned

yall always gotta ruin shit smh

Attached: 1554339392203s.jpg (125x123, 2K)

Stream is down

If someone reported it, op is dying alone tonight.


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Fucking periscope mods took the stream down

I think OP didn‘t deliver tho

stream is freezing in the same spot twice

stream is down

Stream out. Maybe a mod

Op here. Gotcha haha

is there a way we can find the IP of his particular stream, not the general....


it was bait

pretty sure

stream down

Attached: nht.png (275x379, 232K)

>Fucking periscope mods took the stream down
yea they took it at the right moment.

just restarted after getting reported, we will try again

Fucking mods

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>by short fall hanging.
That'll suck.

it'll be back

Fix this shit


OP deserves a round of applause whether or not he actually did it. Top tier shitpost.

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update: not sure if bait now

New link

All of the potential new OC... ruined.

What a spicy thread

Theoretically, I'm incompetent when it comes to stuff like that.
Not sure how well periscope hides IP as well

>be him
>lives in USA
>can move to legal weed state
>can get high and play video games for life


Hurry up op, i have to leave for work in 5 minutes

If youre not dead or a hoax, start a new stream.


Dude you seem like a solid guy , live your life man fk everyone who says otherwise .

If collapses house, no big deal. You dead anyways.

This man seems pretty dead set

What a madman watching a FUCKING SUICIDE STREAM AT WORK

Attached: IMG_20190404_183051_012.jpg (1080x1921, 113K)

Very not safe for work


Totally fake. Isn't even restarting stream if it does down again. Lol.

Master troll.

Can you say as your last words
"My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?"

idk man but we need to collectively weaponize our autism quickly to save his life

If he starts a new stream you need to report it or try to contact somebody. I dont know what would help but we shouldn't do nothing

Form a suicide pact with him

Attached: newstream.png (958x661, 356K)