Anons I need help

Anons I need help
My female friend has been cutting herself in the past few days and she has told me she wants to be alone

is there anything I can do to help her? I tried talking and texting but she doesnt respond and im worried she might kill herself...

Please anons! Any kind of info can help me

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And to answer your question, just tell her she’s beautiful and you’ve always had a crush on her

Up and down the arm otherwise pussy

She has a boyfriend and I alredy told her that...

Horrible horrible fucking advice. Crazy bitch will just fuck your life up with crazy bitch shit.

If you're actually serious leave and get advice from a better place, this website is just a bunch of anime weeaboo faggot virgins that never have had any friends in their lives

Let her know you about her or if she really needs help tell her parents and try to get her a therapist she might hate you for getting her parents involved but it’s better then her during and after she is done with therapy she will probably thank u


Not everyone. Ive been on b for years and am a fully functioning adult w a job and family. Just fucked in the head in private

Her parents dont know about me and she will hate me and I dont want that...

Call the police would be a good stater.

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youre definitely underage

Bro if she gets serious about wanting to die it’s better that she hates you for like a year then if she dies, but if you don’t think she’s that serous about killing herself then just stay supportive

Tell her that no matter what happens, you'll be there for her, and if she ever needs anyone to talk to, talk to you.

This is the moment. She is weak. She is vulnerable. Move innon her. Tell her you love her. Tell her you have always needed. Her. Fuck her. Fuck.her again. Make her your cumslut. Then ditch her. She an heroes. You lost your V-card. Everybody wins!

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No, it's the only good advice.
>not having a little crazy in your life to spice things up

Then why the fuck are you dealing with this, you should help but her boyfriend should be on the frontlines too
I don’t know about Op but I remember being younger that girls just wanted attention or they just wanted to take trust in a guy. Not saying she’s trying to get with him, but maybe she just wants to hear those words. All women want to be beautiful

tell her you're there if she needs some one to talk to without judgement. if she wants to be alone let her. check in on her every once in a while if you are affraid of leaving her alone.

Have her post tits and cut a time stamp in her arm, so we know this thread is real...

I feeling better now, guys thanks for all the advice guys.

I knew I could rely on you guys

What's with the cat scratches?

What the fuck Yea Forums this thread is full of pussy shit. Bottom line, there is a bitch who is looking for attention (redundant I know) and an underage beta orbiter faggot who is too chickenshit to make a move on the slut. Here's the real advice kid. Either tell her to make it deeper and lengthwise or fuck her and forget about her. And while you're at it kill yourself too OP. Fucking zoomer cunts clogging up my board. Disgusting. A thread fucking died for this shitshow.

stick ur finger in her butthole

those are scratches, not cuts. this is attention seeking behavior, not suicidal tendencies. this is teenage drama, not serious. youre underage and b&.

Okay OP

Does she have any mental illnesses?
If she does what mental illness(es) does she have?

Don’t listen to the stupid ass people on this tread that are asking for tits or some shit there just trying to get under your skin

Forgot to add pic

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I don’t think that photo is actually her arm I think it’s just a reference image

is pic related?

tell her to cut deeper

Just referance image she wouldnt let me take a pic...

haaaaaaaalp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Right here, that's the correct advice. Now fuck off.

good fucking god

You can't help her. She has to want to change. In the meantime, 1) let her know you'll be there for her when she decides to get help; OR 2) wish here all the best and move on. It's likely she'll just be a source of negativity and trouble in your life, holding you back. Don't wasted your life on fucked up people.

Also, the line between suicide and homicide is VERY thin. She may end up hurting you or a loved one.

if it's anything like that you dont have to worry.

hopefully hers are prettier than the reference image though.

This shit is fucking stupid. Everyone has a fucked life get over yourself. For fucks sake.

You are a god. will you be my daddy. mmmmhhhaaaaa uwu! anime for life. fuck lollicons though. wait shit I mean fuck... I'm done with my sad existence. I think I'll just go cut myself. oh wait op already did it for me. buahahhahahah, at least I'm a real man. I run highways man fuck them streets.

your my spirit animal

I want to help her even if it means hurting me along

stop being a lil pussy. man up who the fuck cares, waaaaaaaaahhhhhh, I'm scawed what they might think of me. even though it would save my friend years of torment and scares that will last forever..... well a few years ... maybe a week they look pretty shallow to me... like your attitude about not helping. I'd rather be a good friend that truly helps then be the moron that wished I'd done something at their funeral.

I love you Papa, make me your cumslut. my nips are so hard for you! yaaaaaaasssss.

guaranteed someone is busting a nut to these pics

>"If you don't kill yourself, I'll eat your pussy every day."

Post more this is what I get off to

usually yeah but this is a pretty boring example

This is basically the same as "DO IT FAGGOT" really.