Liberals are retarded

Liberals are retarded.

They are intellectually lazy, relying on emotions instead of reason and logic.

Thats why you hear liberals complain about words that hurt feelings. Instead of complaining about people getting beat up just because they dont fit in with liberals.

>this pic is how liberals think in real life

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wow, liberals must be really powerful if they're stopping you from achieving your goals.

>water tankers to put out fire at church

reach harder there dumb ass

LOL fuck you boomer bitch. You're assblasted that all that individualism didn't do jack shit for you and now you're looking for someone else to blame when you're the sucker. Sucker.

why did you bring the cheeto into this? i sure the hell didnt mean for him to be mentioned here.

>did i say once that trump is conservative?

no? i thought so

>implying Abstinence only education, a conservative talking point, is logical and rational.

how the fuck did you get that from what i posted you millenial retard. go back to your circle jerk trap boards. youre falling for a lie from the left.

and you have for sure proven my point, thanks.

Triggered soyboy.

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You are a faggot op but that dont mean you are wrong

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>implying that a baby that survives an abortion procedure should just be tossed.

>implying that despite science saying there is only three sexes to the human race, you scream thats theres over fifty

>implying trusting the government with your money is the wisest money management scheme ever

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so, do you think he's a liberal then?

why the hell would you say im trying to blame anyone for anything?

i stated a statement, not a whine.

again, thanks for proving my original point about liberals

Thats not how that works dipshit, minors at most get a prescription to put off puberty

Not emotional at all.

>deflect harder

OP is always the faggot, thats a fact of life here.

just like liberals are literal retards that cannot actually argue with facts, but have to rely on tugging heartstrings with emotional appeals

If you need to censor somebody you already lost the argument. Which side has been doing censorship as of late?

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If there's no problem, why are you complaining? Faggot.

Are you a member of either major party?
They don't care about you, they use you to maintain their power, and throw crumbs to each of their sides when in charge to keep their loser true believers squabbling with the other side.
Meanwhile the country burns is a cold civil war that may turn hot at any time, but they don't care, its all about their power over you.

2016 was 3 years ago

burns in a cold*

People on the extreme ends on both sides of the spectrum are without logic and reason. You would know this if you had any logic and reason.

So they arent old enough to vote or get married or have sex or have a drink but they can fuck up their lives and be told their mental illness is normal ?

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are you trying to say that he represents conservatives? you really dont know what a conservative believes in if you think that.

hes not a conservative in the way i know

Why are you trying to redpill me on the two party system?

All true

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ah yes she is really triggered

youre too stupid to argue with. youre the type whod scream about someone saying the sky is blue

ah let me guess the locke and hobbes type of "conservatism"?

what did i complain about?

i simply said liberals are stupid.
just like you and youre friends say conservatives are stupid
why are you and yours complaining if theres no problem?

That image describes the far left. Not every liberal is a sjw, or even agrees with this shit. Stop being an npc, the world isnt black and white.

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no, i'm trying to redpill you on the current 2 parties.
the 2 party system seems baked in to american system, just which 2 will it be?

you live in a fantasy world, retard.

That would be worth seeing (wouldn't pay though)

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Huh? That strawman sounds like a boring guy, I don't sit around talking about how stupid conservatives are. Why are you complaining about liberals if there's no problem?

a statement isnt a complaint.

>are you this stupid or are you just horrible at trolling?

Conservatives believe that god appointed trump as president so yeah fuck off op

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The Republicans and democrats.

What do I win, user?

It sucks our perfect queen is a victim too.

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Nah i live in the USA baby

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No we dont we believe that you fucked over Bernie and destroyed your voter base

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If only a tyrant goverment would allow the truth to come out. Republicans love to be controlled

how is making a statement being construed as a complaint by you?

i said liberals are stupid retarded because they rely on emotional arguments for things. that does no one any good, because it devolves down to dehumanizing those you disagree with on ideas. and history is littered with the corpses of those who were dehumanized based on emotional arguments against ideas.

is that a good enough reason to you to say something about how liberals dangerously retarded?

And liberals believe this cynical bitch would have been better

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Bernie coming back men. He going to teach you republicans how real leaders lead a powerful nation

Old news and who the fuck is Hillary? Do we talk about the other republican failures that ran for president?

Yeah that strawman you built sounds like an asshole. Keep kicking his ass.

>sending all the gay people to prison
pic related, it's all the gay people in prison

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lenins ideas are bad man, we dont need to try it here

Hmmmmm that would make me think, choosing trump over shillary was a no brainer but Bernie has integrity

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fair point

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if you think thats a strawman, you really are dumb

With respect, I don't think you know what a liberal is.

Arab prisons are a little different friend

Who cares about any of this. Look at Ellen's toes.

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>assumes blame is not a valid reason
Also, how do you blame facts? This whole card should be blue. Fucking hell this meme is weak. How's your perpetual opposite-day going?

nice trips, but to be fair so far in this thread...

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user didn't even bring up emotions, yet you jump straight to GOTO 1060> Print "You're deflecting"

Both extremes are the same group. The alt-right is the alt-left - which really just makes them all left. It's more of a loop than a spectrum, and I believe it's more of a stretched venn diagram than just a line where a needle falls..

Califag here. Yes.

>not an argument
>not rational, Ad Hominem is EMOTIONAL
>Try harder faggot

Yes, Drumthpf is actually a moderate-liberal. You guys think you're fighting some mighty conservative force and you're just calling names at the guy in the corner at your own party.

no they don't faggot. how can you be this bad and still visit these threads?


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No. you talk about successful republican presidents as failures.

I using the current one

>Bernie has integrity

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>not an argument
>did not even attempt to disprove my point that conservatives also have really stupid knee jerk EMOTIONAL arguments
>Nigga you dumb

bump, liberals aka progressives aka neomarxists need to be exterminated

>[women] are retarded.
>They are intellectually lazy, relying on emotions instead of reason and logic.
>Thats why you hear [women] complain about words that hurt feelings. Instead of complaining about people getting beat up just because they dont fit in with [women].
>>this pic is how [women] 'think' in real life

Just because you lived in a shack with dirt floors for years doesn't mean you dont have integrity

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This is much more accurate

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Toвapищ, ты ни кoгo нe yбeдишь, и этo дoлжнo пpидти caмo. Пoнимaeшь этoт мoмeнт? И пoмни, cyкa, мы вceгo дoбилиcь caми!

Triggered trumpfag.

oh look it's this thread again. take your "weak and predictable" psy-ops and kindly fuck off.

Attached: GO AWAY IRA.jpg (220x220, 7K)

>incredibly rational
>so much logic
>much impress
>mandatory clapping

we are on the liberal train of thought right now with our great attire. I am also talking with the pope live

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Liberals are like 10 years old on average. Who cares what they think.

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But I like jerking off to Ben Shapiro and Rush Limbaugh, especially when I use my sacred toothbrush holder in my asshole. This is logical and rational.

>using strawman fallacy to call liberals retarded

BTW here's the "triggered" lady.

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>Bernie coming back men. He going to teach you republicans how real leaders lead a powerful nation
Did you miss his town hall yesterday.
He looked like a babbling moron.
Even democrats were laughing at him.

That statement reveals much more about your callow understanding of the world than it does about some monolithic "liberals". Now go clean your room.

Let’s all be emotionally deadened or crybabies and call anyone who’s a centrist indecisive until the problem solves itself.

You must be outsmarted by 10 year olds alot.

Republitards are becoming the same way. The political spectrum isn't a straight line. Its a circle

You are projecting very hard. Also, fuck off to /pol/.

That's actually 3 versions of The Empire Strikes Back.

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In most cases they resort to either victimhood, false guilt or simply raving lunacy. I am leaning heavily on the alt-left. Much like any party the outliers are the loudest.

>jerking off in public is indecent exposure and a sex offense

If you were to project any harder then there will be feces covering your chair.

Ask the SJWs to define fascism after they claim someone else is a fascist and should be censored. This is why the NPC meme was so strong and true.

really ? who won ?

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Uhh, I'm confused. You asked if the baby killers call mental illness normal. I said yes.

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There you go again.

Ask a trumptard to define socialism after using medicare.

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science is or our side faggot

Ah ok then it was the cali thing that threw me but i shouldn't assume faggotry just because you pay a 20% tax for breathing

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thanks the internet and the fact that computer mice are right-handed, most men have stronger left hands

Do you suffer from a mental illness?

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Is that a masturbation chart?

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Spoken like a true incel.

The Empire, and it will continue to do so.

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Good man i had friends on that death star to

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I'll agree that it's essentially the same type of mental illness.

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Liberals aren’t stupid they’re just delusional. They think feelings matter to nature and science.
They don’t appreciate the cold horrific reality we live in, so they try to make the world into a fake fluffy land of bullshit. Nobody is safe and things have always been fucked up.

no one said no collusion except for Trump you stupid faggot

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No one caught these quints?!?

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Weak and predictable

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Conservatives: tax cuts for the rich, privatized healthcare and prisons.

Liberals: the rich pay taxes, healthcare and prisons should not be privatized.

Things like "SJW", "participation trophies", and "Socialism" are all scare tactics used by the rich, the GOP and their lobbyists in order to scare their base and to keep them in line, so that the rich just keep getting more rich.

Image related.

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Faggotism 101=(You)

He was great. Now look at your president

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aw, did you get lost on your way to /pol/ sweetie? do you know where you mommy is?

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>relying on emotions instead of reason and logic.

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>They think feelings matter to nature and science.
And yet conservatives invest their emotion and what's left of their low IQ intelligence into the sky wizard and the 6,000 year old Earth.
Posts like yours are why we think Trumpkins are retarded.

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>a babbling moron
pic related

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You must be 18+ to post here

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I bet that trump sounds smart to you, with his 5th grade vocabulary. Wait until 6th grade when he learns all about contractions!

>liberals reject facts and logic
>also, science is a liberal conspiracy

Obviously a stable genius with bigly hands.

your not going to beat him up are you ?

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>no one said no collusion except for Trump you stupid faggot

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>still using the term SJW w/o irony

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You realize this isn’t gonna happen, right?

>Weak and predictable
It's obvious you don't know what a Conservative is.

muh Russia

He has to be indicted first obviously.

Your ethnostate utopia?

You're confusing conservative and republican again.

That's a pent. And thank you for noticing.

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for what ?

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>still supporting Drumpf
>calling other posters idiots

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Is that a huge dildo? And damn that's the definition of soy boy.

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There is no difference at this point. They are all in bed with Turtle and Cheeto.

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Just pick something from the pile.

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>a moron

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And this explains why they want Obama care so much

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Oh god that webm.

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Realistically, if the Republicans held Trump to the same standard as they do Democrats, Pence would be President now.

I don't get it. Pence is even more evil, yet much more competent. Why don't they just get rid of the bellowing burnt horseflesh?

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user an ant fart is better than your dumb President, never mind Sanders' greatness.

>reinforcing that I have no idea what a conservative is
Protip: Cheeto is not a conservative

I thought it was a bust of trump, but I suppose he is a huge dildo.

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I'm not really conservative, but I'd shit talk about Elizabeth Warren any day, God she is awful, and even if you dont support trump we can all agree trump would destroy her in a general election, it would be the kind of defeat that would impact her political career for decades, she is just not a strong candidate shes a political chiwawa she will bark and bark about fighting for the people and act like she will hold the establishment accountable, she was at least able to convince Hillary Clinton, when she was first lady, to get rid of this bankruptcy bill which made would make it easier for big banks and creditors to screw you out of every dime since it made it that much harder to file for bankruptcy, but when she ended up becoming a U.S senator and that bankruptcy bill came up again she voted for it stabbing Elizabeth in the back and being the politician with no back bone backed Hillary in her presidential run and acted like Hillary was not a corporate sellout. Fuck Elizabeth Warren and that shit would bite her in the ass so fast in a general.

I don’t think that is true. We can say that the far left has been taught extreme victimhood and guilt. Ever noticed all the race baiters are white these days.

You can't indict a sitting president.

He is a good distraction from court stacking and robbing the country blind.

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He's got more conviction than you do, bootlicker.

>I'm not conservative
>but I'll post like a bigoted right wing fuck anyway





That is such a stupid post.

drug addicts get fucked up because their bodies become used to the drugs and they need to take ever bigger doses to try and get high this is the liberal faggot version

Assuming you weren't trying to be funny, watch as he puts Trump AKA huge dildo back on it.

Half the debt was from cleaning up Bush's fuckups. You know, that "fiscal conservative" you fucks like to brag about.




It doesn't matter, they all hide behind his enormous fat ass.

Quints of based neutral fucking checked

you're the autistic version of faggot

Happy Holidays!

Oops, you might just got triggered

Yes you can. The president is not above the law.

It's easy to tell who's posting.
Rational statement - Not Liberal
Idiotic babble and insults - Liberal.

I am a bit triggered. I don't think we should have to accept your Skygod's "Resurrection" is fact.

I think Trump would destroy whatever they send against him and probably by a bigger margin

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>Bush's fuckups
Such as?
>that "fiscal conservative"
I don't think I've ever hear any Bush referred to that way.


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>still not sure...

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>Idiotic babble and insults

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Spotted the newfag

He lost by over 3 million votes.

You get more stupid with each post.
But please keep showing us what liberals are.

>all conservatives are bigots

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But time and time again she shows that she is not a fighter, and just two the party line but wants to be seen as an outsider Democrat when she is just like the rest, she just wont vote for the worst Bill's that screw over consumers but wont fight to stop them, well she doesn't fight enough and will back down like the coward she is, also she only called out Hillary about rigging the primary when Donna Brazil brought it up, and then she back tracked.

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No true scotsman...

Bush called himself a fiscal conservative. That's the joke.
Iraq, the housing market crisis, the Wall Street crash
that's why the debt ballooned user
I'm sorry you weren't born when that happened in 2008 lol

>The irony
So you're telling me you're a liberal?

>not above the law
Yes, he is. Almost every single one

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>unironically using "Alt-left"
>being this inbred and being born to a mother with zika

user my replies to you literally write themselves :^)

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Lol. Not my Sky God. I don’t pay 10% for magic tricks

>He lost by over 3 million votes.

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What makes you think I’m even a republican or trump supporter? You’re so quick to push people away that disagree with your world view with insults, that you stagnate in your own ignorance.
You’re like an insolent child plugging their ears when their parents are telling them to pay attention. Not once did I mention what i think of faith. I have no clue what to believe so I just accept I don’t know. When it comes to politics I’m an egalitarian capitalist, who believes weaker government control over the public is what freedom means.

You are. I don't see you arguing against Trump's border "policies" or leading the discussion by calling for the arrest of people who hire undocumented immigrants.
No, user, you are a bootlicker who ultimately agrees with OP.

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Doubt it, Bernie would wreck him

>intellectually lazy
posts meme

>durr hillery
get help

get help user

Not really, that's just political spin from the other end. The Fairness Doctrine, kek. You know what that would do to the very liberal news?

I do though. You'd better bow down before God when we institute an American Theocracy.

>user my replies to you literally write themselves :^)
In you're own feces, no doubt.

user you're moving Trump's greasy Big Mac for him.

>you're own feces,
>you're own

your smart


I thought the retarded old and senile were banned from Yea Forums.. go back to your tea you filthy cunt and embrace the new world that you hate

>being this much of a newfag

posting this on Yea Forums is like going inside a mosque and screaming "I hate fags"

so many people take this website too seriously, btw OP is a phoneposter faggot

If you can't win then change the rules until you can.

Well are you a boomer. Then by definition you are a bitch

No, it's pretty accurate Rich celebrities and rich politicians are out of touch with everyone.

FUCK Liberalism...FUCK Conservitism ..fuck political parties...fuck what other people who have not grown up around you think...

You wanna spank ya kid...hey in 1974 I had to pick the branch off the tree I got spanked with

You fuckin Gen Z assholes need to learn this universe does not revolve around are the smallest of cogs in the advancement of the human species...I hope you all die

vid releated

Foamy for President in 2020

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We would win every election if we abolished the Electoral College. It favors stupid socially backward Red States. We also need to abolish the Senate too.
Kentucky should not have as much power as a more populous state.

Which is explains both sides of voting reform.

They are discussing ways to address it.
Not pretending it doesn't exist or that it doesn't have adverse effects.
Some people think they are perfect. Some people admit they have flaws.

>Calls liberals delusional and accuses them of relying on feelings, literally pushing us away even when we agree on many things, ironically acting like a Trumpkin
>Tells me I'm pushing people away

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Bernie will be lucky to survive until next year the old coot looks kinda peaky to me

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You really should stop posting bitch.

We would win every election if only whites voted.

you're lucky if you'll move out of your mom's basement before 2025

>both sides
there's only one side to this

Democrats who want to make elections publicly funded

You do win. Whites vote for fucktards like Drumpf.

>Bush called himself
Don't remember that, but if he did, I would strongly disagree with him.
I'm mixed over this. We've been at war with the middle east since forever. I'm done with it. But then some mudslimes went and did something. I certainly wouldn't want a Trudeau-esque response in that situation.
>housing market crisis
That was Clinton
>Wall Street crash
When was this, what did he do?

Also, these things don't cause the debt to balloon by themselves. A president has to throw money at these with the claim of fixing them. Obama didn't need to bail out every company on the planet.

I dont see any people in that pic just a bunch of actors

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In other words, you want to change the the system that worked fine for centuries and nobody even thought about changing because you realized you have a better chance of winning if you go with another system. It's cute how everyone always pretends it's about some newly discovered principle, and not naked self-interest.

No one who wants to see an intelligent debate will see this post

I agree that politicians and celebrities aren't people.

Um ok, just dont want to address my actual criticisms about her from my examples, so do you not think her supporting the primary rigging Hillary Clinton wont bite Elizabeth Warren hard in a general, since it will and there will still be plenty of progressives that wont forget that, and they are not going to forget that, and she is back peddling on Medicare for all, which reguardless of you agree with the policy or not, progressives will not support her, and she will not drive enough people to the polls since she isn't a candidate that brings much excitement

user, Google "The Downing Street Memo"

Iraq was a bust

>housing market crisis was Clinton
Bush didn't see it coming, or correct the mistakes of the past Congress, so no
and it's a big reason why the debt under Obama ballooned

No, electoral form on both sides is blatantly self-serving. Whether it's wanting an ID or wanting more early voting and no IDs, it's a moral principle only because it helps the party, not because it actually matters.

I’m just doing the pushing for you, consider it a professional courtesy since anger is the only language you know how to speak.

You're a constipated right-leaning dipshit, probably a libertarian. I can read you idiots like a book, and no, I don't want to "address" your butthurt over Progressives hitting back against the Establishment. You carry water for those people.

Young Earth creationism in schools, climate change denial, the anti-vaxine movement, gay conversion therapy, restrictions on federal funding for gun violence research and embryonic stem cell research ("souls in petri dishes"), are all anti-scientific positions held by numerous mainstream conservative politicians. Conservatives dismiss entire fields of science as liberal conspiracy, and generally do not regard scientific consensus as evidence of truth.

>both sides
every time you make this false equivalence

you have Nigger Cock in your mouth.

Nigger Cock. In your mouth.

The problem with Warren is that she isn't black and won't get blacks to the polls. Democrats can't win without the black vote.

This isn't Grindr, sorry.

Compared to an overweight orange, that does not exercise and eats fast food on a daily basis, I'd still bet on Bernie living longer.

Bernie has this same problem.


She's basically having the same issue Sanders had in 2016. Now blacks know who Sanders is, and will very likely vote for him over a Democrat like Biden.

Sanders runs every day.

Runs. When's the last time you did that?

Who cares

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Democrats, the party that can't win without niggers.

Actually no, fascists want the right wing ideology being the dominant paradigm at any cost.

We want democracy user. Democracy is not "fascism," please. I'll eat your faggot ass alive if you believe this.

different user, don't know what the hell you're talking about, but damn this is a cringy post

>weaker government control
>onboard with a potus who gets mad about SNL
>kekfactor 11 when max is 9.9

It's not a false equivalence. And you're really obsessed with black cocks in you mouth.

Republicans, the party that can't win without the white supremacists.

So when is Michelle Obama going to announce her run?

theres other ways of keeping fit user

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Blacks hate Bernie, it's hilarious

You're probably a lolbertarian too though.
You literally believe "small government" is possible in a country of 300 million people.

You have Nigger Cock.

In your mouth.

Nigger Cock.

holy shit

Well, he's a Jew so...

>in you mouth
fucking trumpshit lol

citation: Boris Putin

Holy're completely brainwashed.

Black Lives Matter.

Well I practice boxing so I have other ways to keep my cardio up

Shut up, trumptard. Suck more of that brown dick you love so much.

>durr clinton did it
yeah keep plugging that Fox News version of "history," trumpshit

>calls somebody a bigot while being a bigot

Wew lad.

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That's good. But most people think "exercise" is puffing up the stairs or something.

It's not illegal to be racist.

You just accurately described the entire progressive movement

Actually I believe in full social diversity user

You don't. Brown people scare you.

Attached: 1497572079576.png (288x288, 70K)

Not illegal, but you bigots cry like bitches when called out on it lol.

Ya Trump isnt doing it though, the dudes fat as shit, he is probably one of the most unhealthy president we have had, both physically and mentally, and Regan had alzheimers while in office

Even with almost full control of the media there are still not enough gullible whites to get Democrats elected. Let that sink in.

user, if you support Trump's bigoted xenophobic policies, you are the bigot.

You right wingers love to project.
And project. And project.

>white supremacists
that's the left. you're late

I'm sorry facts make you mad.

Also, we're going to get the blacks to vote. In record numbers.

Ya you got a point

It actually means the media is right-leaning, not left.

Well it's weird when a white guy cannot criticize anyone except another white guy or he's automatically "racist" and/or "sexist".

No dipshit. The left believes in full social diversity as I do.

You want a white monoculture.

>Thinks Fox is Right
There's a much bigger world than what you can see from that small street-level window.

trolling would get them off the hook

it really sounds like mental illness of some kind

Except it's conservatives who often believe in god, not because they have any proof but because they can just feel that he is real. Is that logical?

If this wasn't Yea Forums I'd think this pic was a metaphor

but diversity is our strength

>the left
>America Jews are on the left
>Supports minorities like black people
>Says the white supremacists are on the left

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Corporations control the media. Corporations are not people and are motivated exclusively by their own profit. Anyone who thinks otherwise is drinking somebody's koolaid.

Trump likes the brown people now? You're completely off script!

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t. Media Matters

Fox News represent the far right propaganda in this country. Please keep it up. You haven't licked your quota of boots yet.

I don't support Trump, at all. I just call out racism when I see racism, and identity politics is just as racist as being nervous around black people. Stop being a racist, user.

Corporations are by and large center-right to far right leaning.

Get back to me when Ben and Jerry's buys CNN.

Liberals are racist against whites. Change my mind.

It's so obvious to you that this is true of the right, and yet you'll never quite be able to wrap your head around the idea that corporate media doesn't represent the left, either.

I was never on script, that's the point. You're one of those retards who thinks anyone who disagrees with you about anything matches this little profile you've built up in head about the Evil Other.

The media is almost exclusively leans right politically, user. Don't be a faggot about this, I will smoke you.

The guy on the T shirt has hair

>identity politics

Stop being a racist.

That's not what that means. It means people see through the media's bullshit thanks to the internet.

user when you're calling out Trump's fascism along the Mexican border, I'll consider taking you seriously.

You're a bootlicker who believes liberals are "the real racists." You're the most pathetic kind of useful idiot.

It's kinda been recorded user. He deregged banks and forced lending to broke niggers.

"Identity politics" is a term the far right uses to demonize human rights issues.

Fuck off.

We don't "see through the media's bullshit" though, else Trump would not be President.

>doesn't know left from right
>doesn't get "democracy"
>everyone's a stupid trumpshit

white people bad
-The left

To say that suggests that they want the same things as people who are consider themselves to be "center-right to far right leaning", but that is not true, because what they want is to make money, and that's all they want. Go find some one who is center-right and ask them if they care about maximizing CNN's quarterly profits.

you're a racist dipshit too lol

>You want a white monoculture
You? I never said that.

Do you also expect every Muslim to jump up and say oh that's terrible I condemn it every time some Muslim somewhere commits an act of terrorism? I am under no obligation to start every sentence by condemning some random unrelated thing. Your bigotry is showing.

We're going to get people of color to vote your right wing government out of office.

>The left believes in full social diversity
Also, no, they don't. That want only what keeps them in power. I can say the same for the right but to a lesser degree.

I hate myself so much that I should get over 9000 virtue signalling points.

You can make money pushing green energy and green jobs too.
They believe the shit they peddle because they are center-right to far right leaning politically.

You didn't have to. The very mention of "full social diversity" brought out the expected reactions.

Identify politics is a term for the segregationist and divisive policies designed to stir up hate, which have been adopted by the new racists, aka the progressives.

>claims the left are white supremacists
>had a temper tantrum in Charlotteville in 2017 about the removal of a statue of...a white supremacist
>Rally called "Unite the Right"
>Kekasaurus Rex.exe initiated

Attached: 1555307619947.jpg (241x200, 14K)

>durr what if brown people bwow shit up
>your a bigot

fucking trumpshit

user you wouldn't know

everything the left does gets you so triggered you run home to mommy

What are America Jews?
Who supports minorities?
Yes, the white supremacists are on the left.
Your shitty post confuses me.

>border security = xenophobia

Attached: 1550101101325.png (1296x1458, 217K)

>identity politics
I just told you what it was, fuckwad.

Don't use the term. It makes you sound like a right wing dipshit.

I loathe Trump, but you're a far worse bigot.

user you are the racist

brown people trigger you
Muslims trigger you

basically anyone non-white triggers you

stop projecting

>I hate myself so much that I should get over 9000 virtue signalling points.
Congratulations! You have earned the honorary title of King of the Niggers.

>I'm a racist
The solution is to stop being a racist.

Thanks for posting a picture of people like you user.

>durr u libs are the weel wacists

this shit never gets old fucktard


When the wealthy donor class buy your politicians and all major corporation ships your jobs over seas. Then republicans state that the Mexicans are taking their jobs

- Republican voters " you tell em, dem Beaners took ma job"

>Corporations are by and large center-right to far right leaning
Are you shitting me? Look it up. Libs by far.
>Fucking everything else
And they're all on the gov't tit.

How do any of them trigger me? I was defending them, you're the racist who is trying other and dehumanize people.

Good. Then start criticizing Trump's Border "Policy." I'll give you a whole paragraph.


White guilt is the most powerful tool in the Liberal's arsenal.

you need to be 18+ to post here

You are. Look at the inner cities. How they've been treated under almost 100% Democratic rule is absolutely criminal. You should be ashamed of the misery and horror you support.

No they don't. Not even close. If you think they're far-right, you're gonna have a bad time when you find out what even a moderate-conservative is.

They're all center-right at best.

Which one of them supports Bernie Sanders? Elizabeth Warren?

No. They either vote Republican like Walmart or for moderate Democrats.