Be me

>be me
>600lb tendie slayer
>out for a daytime stroll
>being pushed around by mommy in my steel reinforced baby buggy
>suddenly get a craving for my favourite snack
>start rocking the buggy back and forth chanting
>hear mommy let out a resigned sigh
>she pushes me into the road into on coming traffic
>a puny car is no match for the weight of my 600lb frame
>it smashes into me, causing the car to become a mangled mess, leaving me unscathed
>mommy gets arrested for attempted murder
>they give me tendies at the police station
>i grab a police office and force feed him dry tendies
>he chokes to death
>i get arrested too
>tfw me and mommy share a cell

Bitch should've known she'll never get rid of me.

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we need more stories like this on Yea Forums

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>be me
>530 Lbs of mummy's golden child
>sitting on toilet squeezing out a big poo that I've held for a day
>finally drops out along with a BRRRRRAPPPPPPFFPPPPTHTHTHTPPP
>look in the bowl at my masterpiece, skidmarks longer than the M6
>"Mummy, MUMMY, come and see what I did!"
>mum unlocks the door from the outside using the special key for emergencies
>proudly point at the toilet bowl
>wow! You've done so well, and it's all in the bowl too! That's 10 good boy points
>clap my hands because I've been saving my good boy points for weeks, finally at 150
>cash them all in for a special hour with my catgirl
>mummy phones up the people who send the catgirl and talks with them
>hear girl arrive at the door and sit on the end of my bed and take off my pants for the first time in 2 days
>can hear them talking downstairs
>"God, it's not him again is it? He's getting too large for me to do anything"
>hear mummy say "Please, we have a system and it's the only way I can get him to do anything"
>girl sighs and says "I have the catears headband too, I'll be wearing it again?"
>clap my hands because I can tell special time is about to begin
>girl comes into my room and meows and purrs
>have special fun time, she makes my peepee feel good
>the next 50 minutes are spent while I tell her about my comics and my video games
>she's really impressed
>eventually leaves after the hour is up
>mummy comes up with my snack of tendies for being such a good boy
>"enjoy your tendies, snookums, I have to leave now for my nightshift"
>eat my tendies in bed and dream about my waifu Mikasa-san afterwards

How can anyone diss the NEET life? Enjoy your long hours and ungrateful wives, wageslaves.

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Is it summer already?

>be me
>mommy's big bouncing 490lb boy
>having a bubbly bubble bath in my reinforced steel tub
>making tendie flavoured bubbles from my poopy hole
>love feeling them tickle past my mighty 2 inch peepee
>squeeze extra to hard to make an extra big bubble
>suddenly the water turns to gravy
>no answer
>still no response
>i lift my ample frame out of the brown smelly sludge
>it has rendered me covered in slippery poop juice
>slide my way downstairs on my belly to see mommy and another new chaddy daddy cuddling on the couch
"oh, user... i thought you were still in the bath... didn't you play with that plugged in toaster i gave you?"
"listen champ, your mom and i are trying to watch the movie. how about you go upstairs and give us some private time. you might wanna clean up too, you smell like shit"
>i can feel my tard rage building
>grab my loot crate exclusive replica minecraft sword and strike chaddy daddy in the head
"that's it you fat little shit! you're gonna get it!"
>he charges and attempts to grab me
>my shitty coating has turned me into a slippery brown seal
>i slip out of his grip and waddle upstairs towards the bathroom
"got you now bitch!"
>he charges me again but slips on a stray turdie tendie which sends him flying towards my rusty brown bath
>hold his head under the kf sea of poop as he struggles to fight for air
>suddenly he stops breathing
>he must be dead lol
>talk to mommy
"sure user, prison has to better than this"
>get tendies at the police station
>turns out the death penalty is legal in this state
>mommy BTFO

I guess she should've taken better care of her baby.

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>be me
>wake up in a cold sweat wheezing
>waddle over to kitchen
>exhausted from the walk and lay on kitchen floor like an overturned giant slug
>get up half an hour later
>open the freezer
>no tendies
>almost suffer cardiac arrest
>feel a festering "REEEE" in the back of my throat
>waddle as fast as I can towards the slut bitch cunt's room
>watch over her
>she looks exhausted from working her two jobs
>no response
>Mommy wakes up with a gasp
>looks at me and starts crying
>"Oh, user, no... I- I forg--"
>get unto the bed on top of her
>hear her groan under weight and hear something pop
>"No nuggies so I make Mommy into huggies"
>"Sweetie, I--"
>with speeds that are unfathomable I pull down my pants and put her face right into my butt
>haven't taken a poopie in weeks
>as horrible juicy farts are released from my cave, an explosion of chunky diarrhea explodes into my Mom's face
>as thunderous farts and blobs of poopie explode, I roar and tremble in orgasmic pleasure, my saggy tits jiggling in unison to my quicering jowls
>hear my Mommy gagging and sobbing
>sleep on top of mommy because ordeal made me sleepy
>wake up next morning
>Mommy gone
>waddle over to fridge
>Tyson nuggies on shelf

Give me one good reason NEET life isn't worth it

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Whoa, that like an Arise Chickun pepe??

> its noon after i pulled all-nighter on fortnight
> getting irritable and hungry
> decide to venture to the living room
> 20 years worth of dried cum rags and foot skin fragments crackle like tinfoil mines under my hefty stomps
> "user its your bday"
> my eyes widen as i leak fluids that were irritating my bowels since halloween (cant lose points bc bday)
> "i made 3 days worth of tendies for my special boy"
> i begin to feast with one hand while wiping liquid shit off my ass with the other
> "user i know its a big responsibility but i got you a dog"
> she gives me the rundown on dogs while i daydream about applejack getting 12" throatfucked by a german sheppard"
> whatever
> i go to my room and the scrawny little shit follows me in
> after a day he scratches the door and wimpering but i have vidya to do
> day 4 he is lapping up puddles from my spilled piss jugs and eating weeks old tendies that found thwir way into amd out of my ass crack

> after a week hes stopped moving and starting to smell
> guess normie animals arent built to survive (that'll teach mummy)
> week 2 hes immensly decayed and reaking
> mummy comes upstairs
> right then i was killed and made 12th
> okbitchherewego
> i barrel roll to the door and knock her down
> grab the maggot filled carcass
> start shoving handfuls of living wriggly crawlys in her face
> "interrupt fortnite, stinky buggies you will bite"
> she screams a frightful tune
> i then lay the macabre mess of flesh and bone on her chest and lay my beautiful curvy ass cheeks on top
> the dog innards ooze in all direction lubricating my ass and balls while mummy vomets helplessly and avoiding my flaccid cock
> the erotic sensation bring me to a full erect with liquid cake shit coming out

> now im back on my vidya
> mummy lies in a shit vomet death swamp with her stupid fucking dog present

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Why are greentexts so rare here nowadays

> Be healthy 380 pound baby with a loving mommy
> wake up right on time at 5:25pm after a night of intense gaming on garys mod
> Go out with mummy to buy the minecraft sword I was promised, to defend against normies
> Arrive at Gamestop, mom makes GBP transaction with the wagey behind the counter
> Feel instant rush of anger when I finally get the sword, because I need to show I'm superior to dumb wagecucks
> I hit the wagey with it, as hard as my big boned muscles will allow me to
> "user! WHY!?"
> "user! 200GBP GONE MISTER"
> This dumb bitch thinks she can get away with this, I warned her
> "REEEEEEE" I scream, as I pull down the shelves in the store to block off mommy
> Rip down my diaper, the stench immediately causes the other customers in the store to vomit
> Put my brand new awesome sword between my bum bum cheeks, pointing it behind me
> Start fiercely grinding on the sword, the mere sight causes all the normies in the store to get shocked from amazement
> Can feel the individual pixel changing as I do move it
> Sword is now covered in my healthy, thick blood
> Pee on the sword for good measure
> I am now the master of all the elements, blood, pee pee and poo poo
> Start hitting everyone in the store with the amalgamated weapon
> Everyone flees
> Start rolling around in the aftermath
> Pass out, because I was hungry
> Wake up in bed with tendies
> gobble them up and waddle to living room
> mommy happily swinging on a rope by her neck
> doesn't even poke me with the ouchie-medicine like she does everyday
> Decisive victory

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>be me
>mommys good 42 neet virgin
>i wake up
>bitch comes up with cold tendies
>its your tendies user
>i get out of bed
>900 pounds
>break through floor and into kitchen while i crush mommy and the tendies
>i roll out the front door making the house collapse around me
>i dont care i got the bitches wallet
>i get in 8th chad daddys car
>it can barely get to 30 mph
>on the freeway going 100
>see mcdonalds
>i drive off the freeway and into the kids area
>kids flying into deepfryers
>people screaming one calling the po po
>i waddle to the counter
>roastie who doesnt care asks what do you want fat fuck
>tendies please you skinny bitch
>she runs off crying
>she gets fresh tendies
>i sit on a child at another table
>he dies smelling my cum shit filled pants
>swat comes in
>they shoot at me
>i kill them with my smell

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>Wake up at 4pm
>Hear talking downstairs
>Start yelling I NEED MY BIG BOY SLEEP
>Waddle over to the door, knock poo-poo jar over
>*whoops, guess mommy has some work to do* I knock over another just for good measure.
>Waddle down the stairs to living room. Mommy is talking to a lady in a business suit about "coverage"
>Mommy looks in my direction and apologizes to the lady.
>Notice that lady has really pretty hair
>Mommy tells me to go upstairs
>Lady has really really pretty hair
>My pee-pee goes hardy-wardy
>The diaper pops off from the force of my pee-pee, leaving me naked except for my Fluttershy t-shirt
>"Mommy is this the girlie-friendie I asked for?"
>I can't believe that fucking bitch finally did something right.
>Mommy looks really emberassed and tells me to go upstairs. The lady is really scared.
>Start waddling over to the lady.
>She recoils back in horror.
>Keep waddling over.
>I slip on the diaper around my ankles and fall to the ground.
>I do a big poo poo and begin crying on the ground, but my pee-pee is still hardy-wardy at my new girlie-friendie, so I keep crawling towards her
>The lady turns around and runs out the door
>Mommy has tears in her eyes, tries to lift me off the ground
>"Mommy, was she my girlie-friendie you got me?"
>She brushes the tears off her face and nods
>"Yes dear, s-she's just embarrassed. She's never seen a boy as handsome as you before!" She says as she wipes away another tear.
>I smile, proud of how handsome I am
>Mommy tells me that maybe if I earn enough good boy points, she will get me another girlie
>She pulls me up the stairs and starts cleaning the floor
>Uh-oh, my pee-pee is still hard
>I get out of my bed and walk up behind mommy
>Tell her she can be my girlie-friendie too
>She looks kind of disgusted for some reason, says mommy can't do that
>I start yelling REEEEEEEE as I rip off my diapers and shove my pee-pee at her face
>She sucks my weenie-peenie to make me stop yelling

Good day today.

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Goddamnit you motherfucker. Laughed so hard my stomach hurts

>watching some based icarly like I usually do
>also playing minecraft xbox edition
>get distracted from building my poo poo pee pee themed city in creative mode by miranda cosgroves qtness
>pull out my weenie and start masturbating
>imagine what she looked like as a toddler while im doing this
>its too much for me
>realize before I finish that mommy said she is tired of cleaning up my semen from the carpet
>quickly grab one of my shit jugs and cum directly into it
>dont miss a drop
>mommy comes in at 3:01 like she usually does to clean up my mess
>"mommy look!" i exclaim while i lift the shit jug high
>she looks confused, but then notices what ive done
>"o-okay a-user. thats a g-good boy." she says
>"what do I get mommy?" I ask while steping towards her
>"a-a good boy point a-user" she says as she slowly starts to shake
>I run directly into her knocking her over to get through the door
>dont have time to put my weenie back into my undies
>arrive at the fridge panting because it is like a whole 30 feet away
>mom comes up limping with a tears on her cheeks
>she reaches to the top shelf of the fridge because Im only 4'10 and cant reach
>she gives me my tendies with mayonnaise just the way I like them

I stoped cumming in my shit jugs after that though. it was too much work lifting them up

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check me and my numbers out

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put me in the Reddit screenshot

Fuck off back there, springbreakfag

>ever since the GBP inflation I've been a little short on cashies
>need more and I need it fast!
>suddenly I get a brainwave
>i slam my body against my mummy's bedroom door, it flies open and I do a gangsta walk in but I'm quickly winded, my cleanest cargo shorts pulled to my knees, my Hannah Montana night shirt tucked into my undies, and my best MAGA cap worn backwards and tilted on my head (something I kissed it for beforehand as a preemptive apology)
>"ay baby wassup, it's yo boy Tendie Fresh in da houuuuse"
>ever since that jungle noise they call (c)rap music has become popular again after years of being rightfully hated by any civilized member of society, I decided to join the fad and become a rapper too
>she sighs "user please go back to sleep. It's 3 AM and I have to get ready for work in a few hours"
>"ay ay ay hoe, don't diss me, I'm here to give yo ass a concert," I feel like I'm doing very well at emulating a black person despite not having any experience being around one, "I call dis single 'Poopoo in da streetz,' I wrote it while I was in a very dark place"
>she massages her temples and sighs again
>i give her the best performance ever, it's a masterpiece of dancing, lyrics, and vocal music. I feel like it's worth a hefty reward of GBP
>I'm breathing heavily but I'm asking for the reward anyway
>she laughs, "you don't just walk in here, scream about hating the Jews between loud 'dun duns' that you make with your mouth and ask for points reserved for when you do something good."
>that whorebag is sitting there mocking me! Me! Her special little angel!
>i almost want to run back to my room crying and poopooing my pants out of embarrassment, but I decide to do what all black people do when their mummy's disrespect them
>i slapped her hard and she collapsed against the bed
>I take her hand and I write a 500,000 GBP coupon in her name with it
>I quickly waddle back to my room with it, farting frantically
>mfw I get more tendies and I'm super hip

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Its been not stop summer for years.

>be mommy's good boy
>900 pounds of blubbery good boy
>so good I can't move
>scream when want tendies
>mommy feeds them to me
>one day mommy says "your going on a diet you fat fuck"
>diet of tendies I think
>next day she brings me vegetables
>scream as I muster enough strength to roll over on top of mommy
>accidentally make big boy mayo peepee while on her
>mommy stops moving
>I'm stuck
My address is 988 niggerwood help me guys

>430 I’m the afternoon
>Wake up after marathoning rick and morty the night before
>Get up early to tug it to nick jr
>Make big boy mayonnaise on my hand
>Sweating like like a pro athlete after energetic jerk
>Hankering for some tendies
>Waddle over to gbp chart
>25 points
>Have enough to get a meal at McDonalds
>Mumsie just got home from her second job
>”Mommy your good little boy has enough points for a nuggie meal! Time for McDonald!”
>”user, I just got home, can I take a nap first?”
>Backhand her and explain AGAIN the agreement on the chart
>Mommy grabs her keys, tears in eyes as we go get my prize
>See they have mlp toys for kids meals
>Fuck, spent all my points on 20 nugs
>Start to reeeeeeeeeeee on the floor, until I see a girl with a twighlight sparkle toy
>Run up to her and beg to trade my shirt for it
>Stuck up little Stacy sloot starts to freak out and run away
>Chase after her with shirt half way over head yelling for the little cumdumpster to get back here
>Fucking chad dad gets up in my face about calling his sloot kid a cum dumpster skank and trying to rape her
>Explain I only want my twiley toy, chad, fuck off
>Get punches in face and fall to the floor
>Shit myself and cry for mommy to help her good little boy
>Mommy runs over, crying, apologizing to the chad, and saying I don’t know any better
>”Whatever, lady, that retard has to be in his thirties! Let’s go!”
>Takes his daughter and leaves, probably to fuck her gaping vag, the whore
>Cry whole way home until mommy stops by Walmart and gets me a twiley plush
Feels good man

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No shit. Cuckchan is done for.
Guess that's the price you pay for an imageboard to become mainstream.

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>be me
>be quarter ton normie
>playing xbox while watching spongebob
>phone rings
>its one of my alternatively weighted friends
>friend tells me theres a tendie and fur themed party at the local boys and girls club
>don my towel Cape
>it has cats on it
>opt to wear my 5xl sweats covered in faint semen stains
>tell mom I wont need dinner tonight
>she begins sobbing in relief
>begin passing gas as I realize I wont have my tendie bag midnight xbox snack
>no tendies with honey mustard dessert tonight
> panic and start sweating corn oil
>too tired from the sweating to call the local paratransit bus
>sit at home and cry while fapping

>be me, a healthy, handsome, bouncy 31 year old baby boy
>come downstairs from an exhausting day of playing video games and consuming anime
>waifu really proud of me for coming in second in a game of PUBG and winning 8 of my 13 league of legends games
>tell mummy of my conquests, ask for some tendies
>she's tired and makes a small quip about her breast cancer
>remind mummy that her breast cancer isn't going to kill her
>she gives me a look
>remind the confused and bewildered female that I asked for tendies, chop chop
>"user, I have to get ready for work. I showed you how to make them yesterday."
>have no recollection of such events, politely inform her she's lying
>"That's ENOUGH. Go to your room."
>assert my girth and alpha male dominance
>push mummy to the floor and choke her
>on the side of her neck mind you, as to not crush her windpipe. women love being choked, thanks redpill
>she lies on the floor and takes it like the submissive female she is
>after a few minutes stop and politely remind her I don't ask the same question twice
>she doesn't respond
>typical stacy
>return to my humble aboad upstairs as she starts flopping around and foaming at the mouth like a bitch in heat
>I've seen enough anime to know she's having an orgasm
>smirk realizing that I'm good looking enough to give even my own mom an orgasm without sexual penetration
That being said, my fellow Yea Forumsros, how do I break the news that I'm not sexually attracted to her when I go back downstairs tomorrow? I know she has an Oedipus complex, but I don't. Should I leverage this into more good boy points?

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>be mommies good boy
>chaddy daddy left for military tour
>scream tendie time tendie time
>mommy brings me fucking nugg nuggs
>grab mommy
>hold her down with my big boy hands
>shit in mommy's peepee place
>shit in mommy's poopoo place
>jam shit way up mommy's peepee and poopoo place
>mommy runs off crying
>waddle over to iPad
>watch hentai and tell Christians how fucking stupid they are
This the life

Try kicking her stomach until ketchup comes out of her mouth, works with my mommy

>wake up at 2pm
>30 year old NEET
>had accident in sleep which I rolled around in
>grab cum-towel off nightstand and do my best wipe mess from my folds of fat
>tummy gurgles loudly, so hungry
>plop out of bed, navigate through shit jugs and piss bottles in my room
>waddle downstairs to check GBP board
>wait a minute to catch my breath before I look
>just enough Good Boy Points for some tendies and sauce!
>legs buckle under own weight
>roll myself into the living room where mummy is watching her favorite soap opera
>"mummy mummy I have enough Good Boy Points for some tendies!"
>she turns to me with the most disgusting look on her face while I lay flat on the ground stuggling to get up
>"s-sure honey, le-let me just get some tendies for you"
>she struggles to go to the kitchen without vomitting from the smell and sight of my obese, putrid, feces and semen covered body
>she pulls the tendies out of the freezer after letting the oven heat up as she begins to cry into the sink
>I roll over and pull myself up to my high chair that starts to creak as I sit down
>have my crayons and Power Rangers coloring book to occupy me while I wait
>the tendies are finally done and she puts them on my plate
>she can't hold back the vomit as I open my mouth to eat some tendies and vomits all over my plate
>I can't let these tendies go to waste, so I eat them along with the vomit
>"yummy wummy tendies in my tummy, thanks mummy"
>do my best to muster a smile but the rows of decaying teeth only disgust mummy further
>high-chair finally breaks from my heft
>causes me to have another accident
>mum runs away to her room, sobbing uncontrollably, so ashamed of her baby boy
>I just sit there on floor, in my own filth, thinking about what a disappointment I am

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Fake and Homo

The following is completely true. Unlike the rest of you idiots I actually live the dream!

>29 years old
>In my play room
>Need to make poo
>Lean over my inflatable ottoman
>Put my toy dump truck between my legs and make a shipment.
>Poo-poo is a little runnier than usual, but it doesn't matter.
>Now I'm hauling a fresh load across the country
>Mummy brings in my lunch (nachos. I like to change it up)
>"user, I told you not to play with your poo poo!"
>I'm getting real fucking tired of hearing this.
>Flip the plate of nachos into the wall
>Start punching my own head
>"user stop PLEASE STOP!" she screams
>You made me do this I say.
>She runs out of the room to get the tethers to tie my arms back and stop me hitting myself
>Stand behind the door and wait for her to come back.
>As soon as she runs back in I punch her directly in the face as hard as I can, making a weird, wet cracking sound.
>She falls over and hits her head on my Dinosaur Kingdom table.
>I go back to playing with my toy trucks and stuffed animals
>She wakes up a bit later
>I don't say anything, I just stare at her
>She quietly leaves the room, rubbing her fresh bruise
>I can hear her crying from her room.
>Am I worried? No. Regretful? Certainly not.
>I'll wait it out and things will go back to normal.
>It's easy for me to be a good boy.
>If Mummy does what I say I'll be a good little boy.

If she doesn't like it she should have had an abortion. She chose this life.

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