With the 2020 vote being a year and a half away, I'd like to thank AOC, Omar...

With the 2020 vote being a year and a half away, I'd like to thank AOC, Omar, and all of the Democrats fighting the illegals being sent to their sanctuary cities for getting Trump reelected. I'm sure most of you Democrat morons will disappear once he's reelected so this is my thank you. Bahahahahaha

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Other urls found in this thread:


i'm all for it, helps my local economy out.

lol no

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Trump is the GOAT

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Did I just hear a pig fart?

Fuck that Jew loving cunt.
Israel 1st
Saudi Arabia 2nd (shill for Israel)
America 3rd.

Nice try nentanyahu

So aoc and Omar naming the Jew is a no no for this shill.

This sounds an awful lot like the ignorant optimism the retards in my office were trumpeting right before they got their shit tossed in the midterm. But hey, whatever you say, I'm sure this time will be different.

Remember me in 1.5 years. I'll be the guy laughing. You'll be the guy shouting at the sky in the streets. Thanks again guys.

Fuckin democrats

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I'd like to thank Andrew Yang for giving me $1000/month when he becomes president!

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This is top tier cringe

Secure the bag! Yang 2020

Got a tax refund this year?

When did the entire internet turn so right wing? Reading Yea Forums in 2019 is like reading elderly people ranting in comments sections on newspaper websites

2012, when the left went insane.

The left kind of doesn't want them anymore, where else should they go?

/thread, after Obama’s re-election the left went absolutely bonkers insane. Any and all moderate left wingers have been purged and shamed out of being lefties

Obama's 2012 term was pretty uneventful. I don't recall any particular craziness on the left. The GOP primaries in 2016 were the start of the modern era of politics as entertainment.

Vote for Beto O'Rourke.
Thank me later.

2012 was the start of the SJW/PC attack dogs, anti-white sentiment, hordes of 'refugees' started moving on white countries, war on free speech, fags put on a pedestal, PoCs put on a pedestal, workplace race quotas, jew media weaponized against whites and one push to ban guns after another.

>got their shit tossed in the midterm.

oh i must have missed that giant blue wave you shills were saying was going to happen
the fact that you need to retcon history so it seems like you werent the ones screaming about a massive victory for your side that ended up being essentially a tie with no real changes made speaks volume tbh

because for that big blue wave turned out to be a small turquoise sprinkle. an no amount of you moving goalposts ortrying to rewrite history will change that

yes and so did everyone else who knows how taxes works poorfag

It's not. They hook up at stormfront and come here at specified times.

2012 was the year Richard Spencer got fucked up the ass at a gay Neo Nazi orgy and married his long term boyfriend, Andrew.

Yup, got over 5k back. You user?


I'm not user, but no, I didn't get a refund. I don't give more money to the government than is necessary at any point, because that money cannot make me more money. I pay as little as I can without being penalized, then invest the rest. But I paid less in taxes overall than before trump.

I mean the house changed hands with a swing of 8.6%. It wasn't a hammering, it was a solid victory though.

That's you fags. Projecting, as always.

Attached: Leftist Discord.jpg (1637x886, 190K)

Jesus Christ user. Do you not know how to tax?
LLCs exist for a reason

Like it does every midterm?
Big surprise there.

You have a mind like a cunt with syphilis.

I'm afraid the Dems have learned nothing from 2016. Same idealistic platform that the average person has little or no interest in. I have no party at this point and I my just keep it this way.

You shouldn't really have a party anyway. I am liberal minded in that I think that laws should be as permissive as possible but also provide a safety net, but I only align myself with the democrats if there is a primary I want to vote in.

Also make sure to look up your local elections and ballot questions.

Eat it, trumptard.
You're getting your ass handed to you again.

>still not admitting that the "blue wave" was literally and objectively the weakest midterm turn around in modern history

the democrat party is in fucking shambles dude, wake up

Here are the sanctuary locations.

Suck it, trumpfags.

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Was literally the biggest since the mid 70s.


And here's the left spewing absolute lies again

pull your head out of your ass


and for reference, Trump lost 23 in the house and fucking gained 3 seats in the senate

Again, it was the weakest midterm turn-around in modern fucking history. This is objective fact. There is no debating this. Look at the fucking numbers you fucking moron. The democrats are fucking weak and in shambles.

Trump is up to 9500 lies. All hail the orange slob.

War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Ignorance Is Strength

As I said, thanks for getting Trump reelected. Thank you so much.

my confusion on the subject is as follows:

i understand them having to lie so they can keep their sheep in line. tell people like the dude your responding to this shit so they can keep their voter base. spin the rhetoric sure.

but they continued down the same destructive path that brought them that week midterm, if anything they've doubled down. so why?

they cant actually believe their own bullshit right? the shit they say to keep their followers gnashing their teeth doesnt meld with the actual number so why are they chugging along at full steam anyway? theres literally no corrective action being taken to dampen their bullshit down and change tactics even slightly.
are they so deranged on their trump hatred that they honestly dont care, or dont see, whats going on?

I love how they removed sanctuary status and 'dry' and 'wet' foot policies off of Miami once it was 10% white and basically just a colony of Cuba... Diversity achieved.

It except for west coast and the north east, they all voted red. Suck it, user

Sounds like someone is just as cocky as Dems were when they thought for sure Trump would lose. Have fun with that.

yeah except colorado
because dipshit democrats from the west coast came out here on vacation and saw all the beautiful scenery and untainted land that wasnt being run roughshod over by state government mishandling and freaked out
so they all moved out here in mass to escape california and its restricting lifestyle and taxes. and immediately set to work forcing a more restrictive lifestyle and higher taxes

fucking idiots are like locusts.

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Trump makes me wish I was an American.

Republican here. President trump will not win re-election. We let the short bus Republicans have this one, but we won’t let this narcissistic old man with the emotional intelligence of a five year old win a second term.

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Denver is the only blue of Colorado.
I really despised Denver. Almost as much a s I despise Austin texas

implying the republican party didnt die in a fire after the bush years
trump just grabbed the old bumper stickers out of the dumpster and used their old party bus
the only "Republicans" left are ones with unchallenged seats and rinos
might as well call the trump lovers something else
like the neo republican party or the whig party again

pretty true, except for boulder
pueblos pretty liberal too actually

thank god for colorado springs. wish that rumor had come true and the state had split. let the idiots take northern colorado and let the rest of us live in south colorado (palmer? i dont remember what the official name was supposed to be)

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The fuck does it matter to you Lil buddy? You still can't vote for another three years.


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You sure enjoy the word 'shambles'...what franchise of jew are you?

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i feel like this shit could be played to "we didn't start the fire"

...but what about those jobs? Where are they?

in america nigger
we have the highest job growth in a long while
i just recently quit my low paying job because i had not one but three better job offers with higher pay, in a field that was pretty much dead 3 years ago.
that was a pipe dream until recently

why would I rely on a Trumper for reality
>I wouldn't

Why does a 16 year old need three jobs? Are your parents niggers or something?

most Americans working minimum-wage jobs with no benefits evar!!1 MAGA

>picks the faggiest of "rock" songs
suckle on that cockle yung Trumpturde


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hey whatever you have to tell yourself to keep your little "rebellion" going
dont forget the thumb goes on the outside of the fist when your practicing okay?

lol wut does that even mean you horrendous faggot




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Honestly, I think this is what will happen. Not due to sanctuary cities but I think he will get reelected. We shall see.

I'll admit I voted for Obama the first time but I can't relate to any of the extreme SJW lefties that run that shit now. They only seem like they are for tearing shit down/being against things but they are rarely, if ever, actually for building something positive.

that you have no comebacks and cant debate so you have to larp scenerios to make things. that are going really well compared to just years ago, seem bad so you can continue your pretend resistance antifa nonsense

Jokes on you fuckboi, I been working on my degree to become a productive citizen of Canada since the election. Both parties are fucking this country beyond repair and I don't intend to be here when shot finally hits the fan. But enjoy your meme president

thinks going to canada will save him
nigger your just moving into america lite. enjoy it.

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Suck harder, magat. I'm almost there.

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Then you're a bitch. I'm itching for the violence to start.

Hurr dee durr dee durr aids bait faggot russian shill hurr dee durr dee durr

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>Got a tax refund this year?
Yep, just shy of 10 thousand, which is about 8 thousand more than I paid in. Child tax credit and EIC is great.

>using homophobic posts
Liberals are cracking the fuck up. Take note gays. Your lifestyle is a joke to Democrats.

Mine was 7.5k

yet again, you're saying that Trump is a niggerish hoodrat and that's ok except not as our President


>when the shillbot fucks up

nah I am chillin drinking a beer, that was actually the same copypasta I always reply to that pic with
>Trump is a niggerish hoodrat tho

>when the liberal accidentally reveals they make minimum fucking wage

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I don't drink because I'm not white trash.

I own my own house and work as a software engineer

you don't drink because you're a fag


I get 650 a month in food stamps. Picked up some lobster tail last week.

Black lives matter, you moron.
Trayvon martin Mike Brown. That wasn't Trump.

>importing hundreds of thousands of brown some of which will depress the value of labor while the rest become permanent welfare dependents improves economy


>implying Herr Best Brain is a young black man simulating sex on a white woman

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Yeah, the left keeps pushing people away rather than reinvent themselves and their policies. It's pretty delusional.

so.... how does importing illegals make me want to vote for trump again? those people are going to migrate throughout the US and end up in my town.

that's the most retarded thing I've ever heard from trump.

Trump is unstoppable at this point
He actually created a new level for himself and America


Attached: trump-2020-make-america-even-greater-35100675.png (500x738, 188K)

Literally none of that happened.

The only problem with wanting Trump to stay is that he's going to have to up the ante and anyone supporting him (should he win in the landslide his supporters believe that he will) are gping ro have to be comfortable with whatever extreme viewpoint that will be as their new norm.

Its funny, because, unless Trump's supporters are so willing to backslide on the constitution that they'd stop paying attention to amendments to get 4 more years, theyre going to be stuck with the insane monster of whatever the left will have mutated into to counter Trumpublicans.

And if you think that the left will be gone by then, i have to wonder why Yea Forums of all places wants to literally have itself be considered normie so bad. Because that's what all of this is leading to; edgy trolls being regular joes.

ewwww. no thanks
nothing but platitudes from that cucklord

>insane monster
but he's not tho
economy is fucking awesome
war with China is pretty much won
all he needs to do is get rid of the filthy mexicans and we crown him emperor

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keep telling yourself that homie

Trump will not be re-elected. We will not permit it. That fucking piece of useless, worthless, subhuman, criminal SHIT is done. We are ENDING him by any means necessary.

Whatever Vlad. How's that communism working out?

They're paid plants and trolls from things called Web Brigades. /pol/ is infested with them but they're pretty much everywhere now.











The left is literally the only sane group left in this country.

You do realize that illegals want to go to sanctuary cities, right? That’s president McDingDong logic for you. Keep sucking on that glass dick.

Someone fucking gets it. Russia are Masters at fucking with our shit


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Nobody listens to this senile old man. He's a fucking joke.

Do you see what you've done Yea Forums? Teaching your grandparents how to make posts only results in garbage like OP.

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>He's a fucking joke
... And your fucking President bitch

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wrong. they have gone off the deep end. they are kowtowing to a far left minority that has crazy socialist ideas, bordering on communism, and they have no real plan or any way to pay for their insane ideas other than HURRRR TAX THE BILLIONAIRES, HURRR DEFUND THE MILITARY. And just how the fuck will they enfore that in a govt run by special interests that corrupt every politician? As usual the left will have grand plans, and no way to impliment them. And if you think they can do it by force, remember the far lefties are the starbucks socialists who have to hide under hoodies and hit sucker punch people with bike locks to have any chance, but usualy end up getting roflstomped. And they are anti gun so they don't own any, where their opponents certainly do. Where is the left going to go? They have courted the far left loons, alienating the business democrats and more moderate dems, as far as some have them have #walkedaway and fucking voted for the republicans because the left doesnt represent them anymore.

The 2020 election is going to be such a fucking landslide for the right it's not even going to be funny. We're talking '84 Regan/Mondale levels here, unless the democrats can find a SANE person who isn't some crazy commie, or child molesting creep. They have NO ONE.

>When did the entire internet turn so right wing?
When Democrats went batshit insane.

Honestly the question isn't whether he can win the presidency. Barring some unforeseen event he has that in the bag. The question is whether he'll win the house back. The way things are going, he'll end up being a lame duck like Obama. It all depends on who runs against Trump in the presidential race. I don't see a single candidate so far that can energize Democrat voters.
But I know Nobody in this thread wants to actually talk politics. They just want to call each other names and post dick sucking memes as if anyone cares.

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Yawn...who cares. And you're not a real engineer.

Guess that means 'no'.

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It's just confirmation bias. Yea Forums is full of older, scared people now.

Believe it or not, the majority of America doesn't share your teacher's political views

>older, scared people
scared of what tho?

Trayvon and Brown got what they deserved. A bullet fired point blank that extinguished their thug lives.

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Of course we are older. You don’t get older yourself?
What superhuman ability do you have that you don’t ge

I know. She's twerking and he's standing there high as fuck, thinking about buying some more crack.

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You obviously don’t know what a lame duck is

That image represents a common ground both sides can agree on, but we never come to the table with anything anymore. The ability for the 1% to buy candidates before they are even elected, is by far the most broken thing in this country and the world in general. This is also one of the main reasons they keep us so divided and distracted.

He will not make it to a second term. It has already been foretold in the Revelation to Saint John that he will leave office six months shy of his first term.
"[T]hey worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven."

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>Sure Vlad
Remember when the left was going to investigate the Russian collusion?
Remember when they found absolutely nothing?
You're just the left's version of a birther

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you're high and now everyone knows

...And yet, still your President

MAGA bitch!

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>reading comprehension
He's saying that the left is going to turn into an insane monster trying to regain what they lost in the Trump years. And this crazy overcorrection isnt even unprecedented. Overreacting to what rhe other party did while in power is whats going to destroy the country, not nazis or trannies.

>MFW Nov 3 2020

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believing that socialism actual works, by far

lol - teh world....

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Ehh, he is just riding the progressive train for show. His record, fossil fuel money and not being for Medicare for all kinda show he is moderate. But hey maybe you like milk toast candidates, that's cool. But I want change, not Obama part deux.

>the meme war has started.

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You mean, get their own Trump? Because old Republican platform of acting like it was still the Reagan years wasn't doing well outside of a popular war going on.

I don't think anyone wants to see what Left Trump looks like, because his ideas would have to be thrice as insane and genuinely terrify half the country into going into suicide mode.

And that's probably all they've got left.

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Got my state taxes in but my federal was flagged for some bullshit identity reason and it'll be another fucking 9 weeks before my 6 grand comes in. Was really looking forward to that check so I could finish my sbc 383 stroker that I'll be dropping into an 85' K10 Shortbox.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Actually it was a wave, but gerry is an asshole.

Yeah..... Bernie is one of us....

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The only candidate that can't beat Darth Cheeto is Hillary.

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You wanna make a million dollahs? Then write a best-selling book!
– Bernie Sanders

>some bullshit identity reason
(tr) Illegal Mexican stole my identity

>far left minority
Making up shit? on my Yea Forums?

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In a week he got the dems to oppose sanctuary cities and to Side against 911 victims without even trying ..that alone will crush the dems in the upcoming election cycle

>It's just confirmation bias. Yea Forums is full of older, scared people now
nothing personal kid

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an' mah jerb too!

It's common knowledge that everyone would like free shit.
It's just that some people are realists

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>don't even know how macroeconomics works
You're not fooling anyone. You're just scared boomers.

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Jesus fucking christ, you'd think you'd quit thinking about it until then.

Bernie isn't against owning nice things. He hasn't changed his opinion on taxes since he earned some nice money on his book so he is fine with being taxed more.
You trumpers seem to forget that the president shits on a golden toliet seat, yet somehow you are critical of a guy who owns a few houses.

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Letter number: 4883C


We received an income tax return, Form 1040, for the tax year above using your name and Social Security number (SSN) or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN). To protect you from identity theft, we need to verify before we process the income tax return, issue a refund, or apply the overpayment to next year's estimated tax."
Load of shit.

>You're just scared boomers
nah, not boomer or scared.
just educated


You're a fucking moron and when DOTR comes youre in for a surprise.

>he actually tells himself trumps moronic policies benefit him

well, glad to see you sticking to your sword, now just give a tip of the hat to trump and stay consistent

Then you should be able to define chartalism without looking it up.

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Some people understand that the costs of the war machine, Healthcare and low taxes fir the rich are better spent on other things.

>Letter number: 4883C
Sounds about right.

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>Bernie isn't against owning nice things.
No shit
Bernie isn't against taxing the living fuck out of nice things.

hey man im all for cutting down on our military spending, it will be funny watching all the other countries starting wars with eachother because our navy isn't protecting their food shipments

Very few outside the neoliberal spook-kike media agree.

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There's nice things and there's gaudy opulence.

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Don't worry, Russia and China stand ready to take your place, burger.

You mean like how Bezos got hundreds of millions of dollars back on taxes that he didn't pay?

Why don't you remove your mouth from the billionaire penis you've been sucking. All the billionare sperg is making you repeat their talking points.

>and there's gaudy opulence
And Bernie insists he has the true definition of 'gaudy opulence'.

democrats permanently have their foot in their mouth and its the best.

The Russian interference wasn't on Facebook and the chans. It was in kompromat going back decades.

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i dont think so, Russia was clawing at Crimea in desperation for its naval base and China only gives a fuck about the Pacific islands

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That looks like an interesting metaphor to extend to the root-vegetable party (Groundnuts-Onions-Parsnips), in which we might say they have their heads permanently up their asses. Except, you know, for what heads.

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>>gays for trump
I can't stop punching myself in the face

>like how Bezos got
OK we are now at the pointing finger stage of a liberal tantrum.

I'm not going to debate Amazon's taxes with someone who knows even less about it than me.
I'm sure Bernie would love to implement a special 'screw the successful companies' tax.

Yeah but not much because I take home more because of the tax change. Ya know because I’m not getting ganked all year then getting my money back with zero interest

>the billionare sperg is making you

>that rich billionaire should pay less taxes because one day i might be him and so i should protect his interests

lol the mentality of the easily manipulated

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So you think paying taxes is called screwing them, so you think taxes are theft. You may want to live in the fallout universe but the people want a good infrastructure, Healthcare, and education, all nice things that we need taxes to pay for.

Bezos pays his own taxes. Amazon pays theirs.
Bezos didn’t get millions back. He earned just under 90k

>confirmation bias
The new term for 'racist facts'

>why work hard to get ahead when I can just take my neighbor's money?

lol the mentality of the lazy

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Then buy more stock in corporations, faggot.

Amazon did nothing illegal. They employed tax experts to get them the best deal.
They also employ thousands of people
Amazon's employees can use their money to spend on whatever the fuck they want.

That's just not good enough for people like you.
You want Amazon to pay for YOUR expenses because.... they are rich.

Obama was talking about manufacturing/coal mining jobs.
And he's largely correct. GM just laid off a bunch and decided to avoid opening new factories.

Don't mind the boomers circling the wagons. They're literally cucks.

>muh fancy words
Sure kid

On the contrary, Crimea was clawing in desperation to rejoin Russia because Ukraine was a corrupt basket case being shit-stirred by the (((Biden))) family among other Western oligarchs.

>economy is fucking awesome
It's showing every sign towards a slowdown...

who said anything about not working hard? you pretend like you are working hard while slaving away for someone else when in reality you are taking long breaks and milking your boss for all you can. you will never get ahead and the rich elite will make sure they keep you down. keep chugging their limp dicks its working out well that part time burger king fry cook gig you have had your eye on is available now that pedro got deported lmao

>muh precious bald kike
Kill yourself for being a neoliberal shill.

>Amazon pays theirs.
Yeah, they paid the nothing they owed in federal taxes.

Bezos is the majority owner of Amazon so he directly benefits when Amazon pays less taxes.

That’s how economy’s work. They grow, slow, and grow again.


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Do you even economics?

fucking please.
Markets are within ~5% of all time highs
Record unemployment in last 50 years
We will eventually have a correction; but that would likely bring unemployment down to just ABOVE Obama levels.

You're grasping

All shareholders benefit. So buy more stock faggot.

>literally communist manifesto

40 house seats flipping was a pretty substantial wave...retard

As long as he keeps getting voted in

>being a neoliberal shill.
wha? nah brah, just living in reality

And with multiple wall street crashes, the fed tightening inflation rates, the entire globe prepping for a slowdown....

No you

literally the biggest win in congressional history but they will find a way to spin it as some win for the red hats

After a nine-year bull run, stocks have wobbled. Capital investment has recently weakened despite a corporate tax cut meant to boost it. Home sales have softened for several months running, and analysts expect the economy to slow as Trump’s first-term stimulus fades leaving a higher debt burden behind.

And every year sets a new record of all time high, you retard.
>Record unemployment in last 50 years
That's not necessarily a good thing.

>he actually still believe wall st elitists speculating and making money off the chumps equates to main street riches for all

more retailers have closed stores in the first quarter of 2019 than in all of 2018 combined

> literally the biggest win in congressional history

Nope.avi. 40 seats < 54 seats, which the Republicans gained in 1994. Good try though.

Know how I can tell you don't even live in the real world and have never had a real job in your life?

Yea Forums was a mistake

Trump himself tries to argue he won because the 4 or 5 people he endorsed won...he's so fucking autistic

>That's not necessarily a good thing.
It is a good thing but the job pay has not been keeping up with the cost of living for 30 years. So just work more I guess. There is enough jobs available for a 2nd one. But don't worry, the billionaires wealth will trickle down to you, you just keep waiting and of course vote for Republicans that will make the billionaires more rich. The trickle will turn into a storm!

That's not as scary as you think it is.

they thought he would lose because everyone believes one vote one person is a thing but not with our dumbass electoral college in place ucan literally buy ur votes as president

It is for Trump if he wants to keep distracting from his endless fuckups.

>more retailers have closed stores
So people stopped buying shit?

fuck dude don't buy retail REITS and go long AMZN

you're the dude that bitched when Blockbuster closed right???

I love this thread.

Not because i care about trump, but because of how it's more than likely it's 2 Mossad, and 2 Russian bots, with 1 American Trumpy.

The real question i have for people that support Trump, are what Idealistic view do you have?

If you are remotely libertarian, his continuation of the war in yemen, and tax increase on the middle class, and banning of bump stocks would immediately set you off.

If you are a patriot, his lackluster response to the Khasoggi assassination, the back door meetings with putin, the broken promises for the jobs he tried to save.

Pretty much, the only reason why you should like trump, is if you're an orthodox jew.

People says he's good for the economy, but with interest rates as low as they are, as long as any president came out and said they have no plan on raising rates, it'd would more than likely have the same effect.

Attached: trump-bans-bump-stocks-trump-supporters-tread-harder-daddy-31086228.png (500x399, 77K)

so one time in American history Republicans won more seats...do you consider that big a win for Republicans or are you making excuses for that too?

dumb monkey those jobs was created by obama administration things take a bit to take effect dumbo

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>Same idealistic platform that the average person has little or no interest in.
>the average person
>as in majority (mode average)
>as in popular vote

>Same idealistic platform that the average person voted in favor of last time
If Trump wins again, it will be because the EC wants to keep him; the people will almost certainly vote, in the majority, against him again.

>never had a real job
Im actually successful
Let me walk you through this: I explained taxes and you retorted by calling me a 'neoliberal shill'
Now I never had a real job....

You're 19, maybe as young as 12

Job losses are as high as they were during the last recession, added job reports tell only half of the story

No Amazon purposely takes a loss to drive people out if business. They honestly need to be broken up, they have become a monopoly.


>It is for Trump
Dude. We are NOT headed to some kind of depression.
Most people won't be affected at all.

Trump is the lesser of two evils, simple as that. Is he representative of the same evil, most likely. Would I prefer a stronger conservative or a less insane liberal? Sure.

>Job losses are as high as they were during the last recession

You're high af

Competition is actually a good thing for the consumer.
Low prices rock.

>Im actually successful
Checks out.
>condescending rationalization of legal conduct as a response to a moral question = explanation
Neoliberal shill checks out too.
But that's not a real job.

>back door meetings are ONLY okay with papa Bibi
You reveal yourselves too quickly.

>Dude. We are NOT headed to some kind of depression
Did I say that?

No. The biggest political turn around in the country was in 2016 when more than 75% of states flipped to Republican governorship, Republican state legislature control, Republican congress and senate. Even the courts went red.

good try though. Stick to people that aren't educated.

Only while it lasts.
Burgers are literally too stupid to see past their own next move.

You can't compete against Amazon, if they decide they want to take you out of business, they program a robot to take you out of business. That is not competition, that is a monopoly, that is price fixing.

He's not the ape pretending that all job growth is the same as the specific manufacturing and coal jobs Obama was talking about in that quote you took intentionally or of context for your inaccurate and misleading meme coming back. Where are the jobs Obama was talking about? Try again faggot.

Attached: trump_dotard.png (640x620, 131K)

Are you an idiot? Amazon is a platform. Those amazon prime deals are other vendors. Amazon prime isn’t amazon. Anyone can do that,

Reading.. Try reading the link.

>Only while it lasts
The funny thing is that pinkos have been using that line to scare people for decades.
It never happens.

I believe in their recent investors group call that Bezos said that 3rd party sellers are critical to their continued growth. No different than Ebay, or Walmarts 3rd party sellers. SAme with Newegg.

>You can't compete against Amazon
Best Buy

Welcome to reality.

>never happens
>t.I didn't pay attention in American history class because my daddy paid someone to take it for me
It's all so shamefur

>3rd party sellers are critical
So maybe they shouldn't be stealing data from 3rd party sellers then replacing them.
Burgers are too dumb to see past their own next move.

Know how I know you've never dealt on the vendor end of anything, ever?

That’s what I’m saying. It’s a platform
I can sell whatever I want on amazon. And if I buy shelf space in a warehouse, I can offer prime.

Prime is just paid for warehouse space by volume.

And most of amazons money is made from aws

>Stealing data
>Not reading the fine print of the users agreement

lol. keep trying.

Yeah, Taco Bell owns all restaurants
Southwest Airlines is the only US carrier
ATT is America's only ISP
and Amazon will be the only store

We'll soon have to pay $50 for 2 sheets of toilet paper. AND THEN JEFF BEZOS WINS!!!!

I forgot about Home Depot and Lowes

God, I wish I was getting paid to be right wing on the sjw is place that is the internet

>implying that contracts supersede public purpose
That's conspiracy, kike.

>while it lasts
Do you lack the ability to even play a gayme? Competition only works (insofar as it does) while there is competition. When all the competition gets squashed, then what happens? Do you even read, kike?

>implying any of those retail vendors are any better than Amazon
Worse, actually. How do you like net-whenever-we-feel-like-it terms?

It appears that you are ready to pull the trigger on some AMZN calls.

It's past your bedtime boomer.

>>implying that contracts supersede public purpose
>That's conspiracy, kike.

No, that's the free market. The market in which more people opportunity to go from nothing to something with one bold idea, one game changing idea. If you want government control so bad why not move to a communist country with "planned" economies.

>When all the competition gets squashed, then what happens?

So human ingenuity and innovation is limited and will just stop because "dah big guys are in control hurdurr". I bet people said the same when the greatest capitalists were alive in the late 1800's into the early 1900's.

It sounds like you have a grim view of humanity, which is entirely your problem. Your attitude is defeat and perception is reality.

A senator is not a congressman, numbnuts. Is sucking Trump's sick hurting your brain? It isn't that long.

>putting hard-earned money into a casino without even sexy waitresses

Attached: 1547281017825.jpg (920x728, 82K)

soft and expected


Except Amazon has control over pricing. It is known they have robots to change prices and it's known they target businesses they want to get rid of and they believe it's worth the loss to get rid of. Taking down a smaller store is very easy, taking down another giant like Walmart is not easy. Also best buy almost went out of business because of Amazon.

It's not gambling. It's a conviction.
The reds in here are convinced AMZN will literally corner the markets.

>they have robots to change prices

you're only angry because you can't trade your food stamps for weed

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At what point do you accept you are wrong. foxbusiness.com/retail/features-retail-apocalypse-bankruptcy-stores-closing

Is it only when you are forced to work for Amazon?

>I bet people said the same when the greatest capitalists were alive in the late 1800's into the early 1900's.
Shooting up protests, massacring entire towns of immigrants, child labor, no set shifts, dumping waste wherever they please, sure user, people were thrilled.

I said robots, not mechanical turks. Get with the times caveman.

Trump let us down. signed a bill supporting amnesty for undocumented minors and their sponsors. No new border wall construction. Unfortunately Ann Coulter is 100% right

Attached: kisspng-tribal-50ca2.0724439915316480526105.jpg (900x460, 85K)

That's not politics, that's sports.

Trump for 2020!

Are you seriously this behind in computer knowledge. Any chance you could cite all of your previous posts so we know which ones to ignore? whatis.techtarget.com/definition/software-robot


Provide some facts to back up your point of genocide.

Facts are meaningless here.

20 years for corruption, 20 years for treason.

Looks like they're voting Democrat now

>not mechanical turks
Preemptive strike on this one. No they aren't kebab eating cat loving robots of the future. They are people, paid to do what robots can't do. Look stuff up and interpret it.

>against immigration

Democrats are the ones trying to increase immigration so they can get more votes for their shitty dying party lmao. People are sick of being taxed to shit, and dying poor.

There's very little wealthy democrats aside from celebrities and politicians (I know you don't think that's suspicious) that live in America.

If you're not retarded you can take advantage of Trump's tax plans and actually benefit from it. I did. In fact I haven't met anybody in person who didn't benefit from it. I keep seeing articles about people who lose money on it? Some how? Lmao.

Algorithms are not robots.
Boomer detected

> facts are actually real

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I'm a better programmer than you could be even if you worked as hard as you could, yet you call me a moron for being a liberal.

Pop the balloon meatwad

Examples of robotic automation include the use of industrial robots in manufacturing and the use of software robots in automating business processes in services industries. In the latter case, the use of the term robot is metaphorical, conveying the similarity of those software products.

Attached: donna-trump.jpg (300x300, 16K)

Robot implies a stationary actor, acting upon physical or metaphorical objects outside of themselves. Algorithms do no such thing.
Gtfo my Yea Forums

Great idea, let's keep investing in multibillion dollar giants who don't give a shit about us.

Attached: 1554413268139.jpg (518x270, 17K)

> i'm a code monkey

we kneel before you oh mighty god

>Robot implies a stationary actor, acting upon physical or metaphorical objects outside of themselves. Algorithms do no such thing

//I'm acting on you, and I'm algorithms
void Algorithms() {

>turning avocado toast into JSX is what passes for programming these days

Thanks for clearing that up, bot.

Let's meet in topcoder, fastest algorithm wins. Loser has to give up his V card to a transexual hooker that has been on hormones for 6 hours.