Sup Yea Forums. Dubs decides if I kill myself tonight...

Sup Yea Forums. Dubs decides if I kill myself tonight. I have a 3 year old that I love to death with a horrible fiancee who is borderline abusive towards me. I left the house and don't really have a destination. There's a bridge a few miles from my location that I can jump off of. You guys have always been cool to me, so I'll let you choose. Pic unrelated.

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If it means anything to you user. Don't do it. Don't do it for your kid, if she is horrible to you that hate will only transfer to the kid once your gone. Get the kid out of there and go.

Get your kid and leave. Go to your parents or something. Don't kill yourself under any circumstance.

That's my biggest fear and the only reason I haven't yet.

Get evidence of abusive behavior and then file for full custody. The law might not be on your side but you might as well try before you decide to end it all.

I dont have the means to file for sole custody

Don't do it user your kid needs you.

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No don't do it dump that bitch and take custody over the kid.

Stay for the kid if it doesnt get better just break up

hey u saved this image from me

If you wanna fuck your kid up for life, go ahead. I vote no.

I've tried. She vowed to never let me see him again and is vindictive enough to try

I chuckled when I first saw it, we have the same cat tree and similar looking cats

Get some evidence against her and get the law on her ass. Just because she said you can't see your kid doesn't make it legally binding.

did you save it on /k/?

Don't do it user. I've been in a similar situation with a cunt I was married to for 7 years and I've been happily divorced for the laet 10 years almost. Your child needs you. You can't expect that psycho whore to raise your child properly if she can't behave normally as an adult towards you. Don't kill yourself. Maybe her, but not yourself.

No, I honestly dont remember where

Kill yourself

Dont do it. I was in the same situation so I left my now ex wife and have my kids 70% of the week. Think of your kiddo bro.

Go kiss your kid and go to bed.

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Dont do it man. You'll fuck your kid up for life.

This, you don't want the kid growing up with her if she's that bad. Be strong brother

I love every single one of you. Thank you. I won't end it

Boy you best get the fuck back in your house with your kid dont fuck up your kids.

I don't know you user but I love you too.
Keep strong and don't die brother,

If you have a kid don’t fucking kill yourself. You made it, now you have an obligation to take care of it.

Don't do it user.
Your child needs you.
"Daddy, please hear this song that I sing
In your heart there's a spark that just screams
For a lover to bring a child to your chest that could lay as you sleep
And love all you have left like your boy used to be
Long ago wrapped in sheets warm and wet" - Two Headed Boy Part Two, Neutral Milk Hotel.

Stay strong Op. Be there for your child every day and remind them that they are not at fault for what's happening. Most young children develop a self blame for their parents splitting up like I did. I hope your situation gets better and you find a way out of your depression.

Come on dude. Whats gonna happen too you're daughter? She's going to grow up hearing your fiance say how much of a looser you would be if you went through it. You can't fight back if your dead. Think of your daughter. Seriously