Decided to be sober today. Anybody else out there been sober for a while? How is it treating you...

Decided to be sober today. Anybody else out there been sober for a while? How is it treating you? Any tips for maintaining sobriety?

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sober from what? hooch?

Yeah. Off the booze

Most ive ever gotten was 67 days or so.
Its the most difficult thing I've ever tried to do.
That fucking alcohol is just too great of an escape to say no to.

Head up, go to meetings, read the big book, dont drink, call someone when your ass is falling off, find a healthy hobby

Thank you

I quit alcohol at the same time I started doing a bunch of things differently, it's like being in a different mode now. Break free from the Matrix and embrace reality.

You got this

I'm not drinking tonight for the first time in about 9 months. Hang in there op

Haven't had a drink since Sunday night after getting blackout every night for a few years. Mostly I'm just bored and can't sleep.

Stopped drinking alcohol and started smoking weed instead. Burns less money, I have a much better time and absolutely no hangover. Plus I sleep like a baby. So that.

Trying to find a hobby that I liked was my first step to killing that boredom feeling

Im not saying make the program your life or you gotta give up everything bit its nice to meet some solid people in the world who care and will help you through things. I could give it all up if i wanted but for some unknown reason I dont.

For me quitting weed is easier than alcohol as well. Honestly now a hit or two is enough for me to relax

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Yeah I'll have a joint in the evenings but could go a couple days, even weeks, without any issues. Just a better recreational substance overall

Not having one was what got me started in the first place but yeah, need something to do

Become a /monk/ and quit all psychoactive drugs including caffeine. Betcha can't.

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>drinking alcohol
How do you losers even come up with those ideas? Fucking kek. No wonder you can't achieve shit.

I've been sober about a year and a half. every area of my life has gotten immeasurably better, but i bust my ass. you will be shocked what you can do when you refocus your energy and unencumber yourself

Seconded. Been sober (no alcohol or drugs) for 2 years now.

Been through rehab 4 time: 3 outpatient and 1 in-patient. Been sober for 2 years now. Some tips.

-It takes time and relapse is a part of it
-Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Especially if you have underlying issues for why you drink
-Check out SMART Recovery. They are a science based recovery group and not religious based like AA
-Good social support is key, especially sober friends and community
-Find some good distractions from cravings
-If it helps, don't just think of what you are saying no too, but what you are saying yes to instead (health, money, etc.)
-There are lots of people out there, so don't think you're alone in this
-Try some mindfulness activities. It seems like hippie BS but it's very helpful

Good luck OP! BTW, look up the kindling effect if you want a health scare. I drank enough that I had a grand Mal seizure, and that was 4 days after I had zero alcohol.

Also, if you are curious about meds to help:

Campral - pill that helps with cravings and for those that self medicate

Vivitrol (naltrexone) - pill or shot that prevents feeling good from drinking, good for those that drink for the high

Trazodone - great for sleep

SSRIs - for depression and anxiety if those are an issue

Antibuse - Pill you take once a day that will make you violently sick if you ingest anything with alcohol

Don't have weed today so I bought a couple of beers and honestly... I don't need any of this shit but I'm so weak during the day without any stimulating substances.

Ive been sober for over ten years now. First I quit drinking and it was only drinking at first. Then after a year clean, I started using drugs, mostly Vicodin. Only thing that got me clean was spending 2 years in federal prison for distribution. Had to start over from scratch. I literally work every day just to keep myself occupied because my mind is constantly racing and boredom would set in...that boredom kinda started my drug use.

Is it awkward when interviewers/coworkers ask you about your past?