The earth is flat

The earth is flat.

The evidence for a flat earth is derived from many different facets of science and philosophy. The simplest is by relying on ones own senses to discern the true nature of the world around us. The world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat, the movement of the sun; these are all examples of your senses telling you that we do not live on a spherical heliocentric world. This is using what's called an empirical approach, or an approach that relies on information from your senses. Alternatively, when using Descartes' method of Cartesian doubt to skeptically view the world around us, one quickly finds that the notion of a spherical world is the theory which has the burden of proof and not flat earth theory.

Perhaps the best example of flat earth proof is the Bedford Level Experiment. In short, this was an experiment performed many times on a six-mile stretch of water that proved the surface of the water to be flat. It did not conform to the curvature of the earth that round earth proponents teach.

I have yet to see a proper counterargument that does NOT have the following:
1. Fake JEW math
2. Fake CGI images/video
3. Hearsay 'witness' accounts from PAID government employees

It's time to wake up and unlock your mind. You're better than this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>fake jew math
is that what they call algebra now a days?

Proper counterarguments are arguments that don't go against your point?

Flat nazis eh? Man you people are really fookin stupid

how the fuck do you explain gravity and solar eclipses in a flat earth u fucking idiot

That plus we have video evidence from space. /thread

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Stop forcing this meme, if you're sincere explain plate tectonics

>all the other planets you can observe are spherical but the one I'm on is special

I remember when I was 13 too

YLYL thread again?

No ones watching it. Op is baiting for (yous) and stop /threading yourself new faggot.

>fake JEW math
You'd just slap JEW on anything and denounce it huh? What ISN'T Jew math, considered to you?

Eat shit is my argument.
Seriously, eat shit, hope you're a troll and eat shit.
Eat shittery carpet.

How are we supposed to counter your argument?
Find a counter-argument yourself to your own debate to prove it.
I have my preferences in illogical animes like patema inverted where earth is a infinitely wide and long but not tall rectangular prism, its not logical, I like it,but unlike you fucking shit-sculpted tapestry ornament with the sole FUCKING PURPOSE of decorating a hebrew temple's insides, I DONT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY YOU FUCKING APESHITAPESTRY.
And YES i made apeshitapestry on the fly.

Using maths you can however prove that the earth is a curved upside down hypercone of which you are the center.
Well, with gravity.

You apeshitapestry.

But what difference does it make if it is or isn't? Hopefully, we won't even be living on here in the next century.

the alt right subscribes to the flat earth theory? how wonderful

>Year of Our Lord 2019
>Still believing this trash
>trying this hard to troll
1/10 I replied

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Okay. Got non-CGI, no-math proof?
C'mon kiddie, show me the arctic WALL.

Love you, you

He's not wrong, you're hyperfocused on what's essentially propaganda, something jews have been perfecting since cave paintings. Things that arnt jew math must be any qualities jews lack such as humanity.

definite troll - no-one really believes this shit.

shit what the fuck

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When is this shit going to stop