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Its a mental illness. They are all retarded, don't take them to seriously and they'll die out
Plus most people use it as a trend because of the media so keep it away from your kids

most of them dont remove their genitals, they just wanna pass as the other gender

Suicide rates just went another 20% up

Maybe the surgery has more to it than you are aware

This. Truth!

Thank you for seeing the light.

just because you don't have a uterus doesn't mean you're not a woman, bigot. Didn't you know it's the current year?

why the fuck do you care?

By calling you transphobic

ALWAYS have. My children know 2. God made us the way we are supposed to be. Feels good knowing others hold values out there.

Nice NPC roleplay.

Even better:

Nearly every structure in male or female reproductive systems also exists in the other sex. Every embryo has the same genitalia, they just differentiate into one or the other.

A penis is just an oversized clitoris.
The scrotum is the same as the labia, only fused together and with the gonads stuffed inside.
The vagina develops from the Müllerian duct, which atrophies in the male but is still identifiable.

That's right, guys, your dicks are really clits.

So, how would transphobes deal with THAT?

i feel sorry for your all your descendants, not just your children

Your grandchildren will be ashamed of you. Because to them, LGBT stuff will be completely normal and natural, and they simply won't understand why you can't just be a decent human being.

45% of trannies found a solution to this problem

Respect that argument, cos its like how males have nipples

Pretty sure clits are just tiny cocks. I prefer real cocks but trans is just wrong.

Yeah things that are similar have no distinction. Words mean nothing after all.

>be me
>new friends hate you

I am no stranger to shame fren. Family values vrs media values. Men and woman are made for eachother. We are born as what we are to be. We have to learn to live that way. We need to stop changing the rules when we want to. People can make their own minds up. But at least I will have grandchildren to be ashamed of me... At least I will be remembered somehow. And when they see a photo of me, they will see a man. Maybe that will wash some of that shame away. Remember fren, 2 sides to every story. To get anyplace read them each.

So like the only reason to want to be a woman is to have kids ( or idea women have easier life) . Gender change surgery doesn't change that. why do you care , their genes go away faster this way. Its similar to abortion killing tons of blacks, Isn't this just Democrats being sneakily right wing?

Just be honest with yourselves. The only reason you're so uppity about this shit is the outside chance that you might be caught unawares and get attracted to a ladyboy without knowing it and have your own fragile sexuality completely and utterly shattered upon finding out the truth.

I wish I could force people to do the following:

No hormones or surgery until you're 18, unless you're already born demonstrably (chromosomally) intersex.

You can't compete in the Olympics.

Only two itens

sexuality main fuction is reproduction
gay sex is sterile its not normal