So yeah...

So yeah, I just stumbled on this video exposing a channel that's all about vore on Youtube and hiding under the veil of being "educational".
It fetishises reptiles eating animals live or dead (but mostly live). These animals are often wild animals.
Also, in some videos, the guy is using pigglets and positioning the camera so it looks like it's a baby being vored...... So, definitively so pedophilia shit going on.

By legal reasons, I'm no encouraging to mass report the channel... but the guy's previous channel was removed by Youtube for being fucked up.
If you support the channel, you support vore AND pedophilia.

Here's the video exposing the channel.

Attached: 0f68ded070df21014a4d39c82571408d.jpg (400x300, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>caring about youtube anymore
It took them until 2018 to realize pedos use the internet
I just have nothing to do for or say to them, it won't be useful.

Yeah true... But we can stop the spread of degeneracy among the easily influenced autists.



OK maybe I'm retarded and this is just bait but how the fuck do u get more and Pedophila from that channel seriously how how stupid do u have to be

The owner of the channel, his username was "Jonahvore".
Plus it's fetishising the vore with cartoony sounds while the reptiles eat the animals live/dead.

So what what is wrong with that nothing about this is in any way sexual unless u are into that specific thing and there are people who are into everything so should there be nothing on the internet cuz someone might find it hot not that's fucking stupid and beyond that haven't explained how the fuck u got pedophilia from that channel

The pedophilia part is when the large snakes eat piglets.The angles the guy take make it disturbing.
..... But if no pedophilia, then definitely fucking weird and still vore.

and he's not just causing unnecessary cruelty to wild and domesticated animals that he feeds either live or dead for his sick amusement, he also causes harm to his reptiles.
As the experts point, the large snake has a mouth infection.
In the video, they pass the mouth infection as something cute.

... keep in mind, they claim to be experts and educational.

At that point yo might as well call "cow and chicken" fucking child porn.

Attached: 1499608241-jesuskapote4.png (136x102, 21K)

>implying its not already way too late for that

>kikes trying to spread degeneracy amongst westerners through social media platforms

try telling us something new, user.

Attached: ashkenaziiq.png (433x459, 328K)

I rather continue encountering furries than vorefags of that caliber.

Attached: furry Ring_ring.jpg (750x698, 53K)

vorefags and furries already go hand in hand with each other. To me a degenerate is a degenerate, no matter if weeb, furry, or literally all of /d .

What new could be said? Is making memes the trigger the left the only weapon?
Using their same weapons and purifying the mainstream sites of degeneracy.

You see. I don't care if vorefags go on their own websites to share their vore shit... But when people like that want to share their fetish in videos with ulterior motives, now that's different.

Attached: Special move.jpg (716x960, 109K)

sincerely. I got sick

it doesnt matter wether they do it in their closed little retard communities or hide it in jewtube videos, both eventually lead to spreading these degenerate fetishes, doing it on youtube just does it faster

all kinds of degenerate fetishes should be publicly banned by law, like for example the anti-fag laws in russia, which are pretty effective to keep faggot identity politics out of their mainstream culture.

Oh ive seen that channel, its fucking gross and degenerate

oh fuck off m8 ur not 12 fags aint degenerates

sure, faggotry totally isnt just another kind of degenerate power mostly abused by the kike owned media to lead to the west's total downfall. Now be a good goy and keep posting on reddit about how much you love the "progressive"and "open-minded" leftist ways.

A lot of sadism also goes into that.
Stuff like that isn't just feeding. It's entertainment through suffering, for certain people.

Yes, but when it's hiding as "educational content for kids", there's a problem.

seriously though, what part about wanting to fuck a guy in the ass or fingering some landwhale lesbo isnt -> not even wanting to reproduce isnt degenerate?

there is ALWAYS a problem. It wont just vanish just because you dont see it in some kids videos.

so they're not degenerates just because they are publicly accepted?

No offense dude but this board is chock full of pedophiles and rapists idk why you think you would get support here

OP here (also, I've been responding to comments, but not announcing myself.... oh well), just wanting to specify some things.

I am NOT a vegetarian or a vegan.
While I am against the senseless slaughter of animals and having animals kill other animals for entertainment (as is present on the channel), I am not against cock fights.

There's a big difference between liking preys being eaten or swallowed alive and being entertained by 2 animals on equal grounds being pitted against eachother.
One is just cruel, the other is more of a spectacle.

Attached: Killer rabbit.jpg (625x577, 73K)

Oh no, a lizard is eating food! How horrible!

OP here.
idk. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, I guess. ... well, at least, to where it suits me and the greater good of the moment.

OP here. That wasn't me who posted the video, but there is a difference between a lizard doing that in the wild and one doing that in captivity.
In captivity, the animal prey have nowhere to run. No chance of survival.
A lizard going at it on preys in the wild? I have no problem against that.

you're right
that just screams pedophile to me
truly i see

we arent fucking reddit, get the fuck out of here with your moralfagging.

the real sad thing here is that you have nothing else to do