Hi anons can you help me identify what this is? It feels really irritating and unpleasant...

Hi anons can you help me identify what this is? It feels really irritating and unpleasant. Its located on my inner upper thigh if it helps.

Attached: 20190417_153929.jpg (1616x1212, 470K)


skin AIDS. go see a doctor instead of asking Yea Forums, that's some skin cancer looking shit

ur going to die in less than a week

You have measles


In all seriousness, probably this.
I've had that shit before.

Attached: 1541137445170.png (472x458, 316K)

You need to put a towel down when blowing men in the steam room. You got ringworm


its aids

ringworm not a doctor

Ringworm. Just get some anti-fungal cream.

It's ringworm. Use topical clotrimazole ointment to cure it. You can find it next to the athlete's foot cream in most drug stores. If you wait too long, you'll need to see a doctor about antifungal medication.


Ringworm, not a doctor but dealt with that during my wrestling years. Shower more man.


Get it seen to quickly by your GP. It can spread, especially flares up with stress.

fungus.....its jus bad hygiene .....

damn swine shower daily

and if u actually do it....use some anti fungus cream or something.....best advice...go to the doctor

Me studying medicines I can tell that it looks like a mosquito bite that is scratched open and left an infection. You should go to the doctor but there are plenty of videos on yt to treat this, I can send some if you want to

Fungal Infection, go to the doctor and get some good anti-fungal cream.

Yeah no you're not


its not actually a worm

lol dont belive this fuckers its dermatitis (eczema)
you are fucked you can not heal this shit