Who cares if you're a faggot and you want to suck on this dude's ass...

Who cares if you're a faggot and you want to suck on this dude's ass, come out of the closet and accept his dookie with me!

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take your meds kid, nobody cares about your pathetic efforts to make this a 'meme' it never was and never will be, no matter how many times you angrily try to tell me to grow up

I don't think anyone has a clue.

Andy's Logs are for Everybody! We logposters are all about divershitty and asseptance

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stay mad kid

I'm not, you can't have one you fag.

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Shut up!

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sure kid. youre not fooling anyone, shill.

stay mad kid
not my fault nobody else cares about your pathetic efforts to make this into a 'meme'

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take your logs shills, nobody cares about your pathetic efforts to make this a ‘forced meme' it never was and never will be, no matter how many times you angrily try to spam it go grow up

>misusing the word 'shill'

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nobody else cares losers

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nobody STILL cares, losers

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You care a lot

sure do, i care to mock you and expose your mental illness
feed my cares, mate!

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you're quite an angry little boy arent you

anger wouldn't work kid, sorry.
you might want to focus that projector light into your own frustrated desires (to make this into a meme) and ask yourself why you think others should care like you do

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