Is it the tool or the person who commits a crime?

Is it the tool or the person who commits a crime?
Is having a tool mean you're more likely to commit a crime with that tool? Or does the tool just make it easier to commit the crime? Help me out liberals, I'm trying to understand why you all are more willing to demonize the tool rather than the culprit who just uses the tool.

>pic very related

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Yeah they totally arrest, try, convict and imprison the gun when the gun crime happens. The murderer gets to walk away no problem. That's all teh librulz are focused on, for sure.

camera's aren't implicitly destructive and guns are weapons, as opposed to tools, meant to do damage and kill.

People commit gun violence for a variety of reasons that are impossible to discuss in the US because the government had made it illegal until recently.

u dumb monkey who said we don't wanna punish the shooter

u obviously are to stupid for a discussion of this kind

Yes. Small electronic cameras have definitely caused the proliferation of porn in general.

>OP inadvertently comes up with a great metaphor for gun control

atomic bombs don't kill people, just the USA

But you will willingly vilify the tool more than the perpetrator when its a gun. If a gun is used, you scream that its other peoples fault that they had access to guns.

You fail to realise that if you outlaw all guns in America, the cartels will just start shipping guns in with the drugs. Who is gonna stop that from happening.

Didnt prohibition teach you anything?

calling op a dumb monkey, but failing to understand the question. He's asking about responsibility.

there's that word again. It's not a tool, it's a weapon. You can do things other than film child porn with a camera, but all a gun does is shoot people. The idea is that people shouldn't have the ability to shoot other people.

Millenials are so fucking stupid, truly incapable of having a discussion because they come into it thinking that they're already winners.

Its not a gun problem at all. Its a people problem. People nowadays think that violence is the problem solver.

Just look at Antifa, they truly believe that there is two tiers of violence, theirs, and others. one is good, the other bad.
Reality check, violence is violence.

a spoon is a weapon too you dumb fuck

bet me i cant gut you with one.

Why would anyone give a shit about the opinion of a person who expresses themselves in this way? Raise your standards for God's sake, you sound like an angry child.

Says the guy who uses "u" in place of "you". Nobody said liberals wanted to only punish the gun. Having read over the OP I don't understand where you even got that. What he is asking about is why you freak out and try to ban guns every time someone gets hurt, but don't have the same reaction to cameras when confronted with CP. It's a fair point. I would argue CP is a way bigger problem than mass shootings, so why aren't we calling for camera control?

hammers, nails, forks, spoons, sticks, chairs, butter knives, lighters, cars, bikes, chains,

all are tools, all can be used as weapons.

Yes, guns increase the chance of fatalities because people are impulsive and often stupid. Because of this, not letting people have them just laying around is a good idea.

>there's that word again. It's not a tool, it's a weapon. You can do things other than film child porn with a camera, but all a gun does is shoot people. The idea is that people shouldn't have the ability to shoot other people.
Better ban those Olympic guns, those were definitely made to shoot people!

.... speaking of tool, you

They can be used as weapons, like most things, but it's not their intended purpose. You could use a camera as a weapon, too, but what it's supposed to do is record things.

A gun is always meant to be a weapon, empowering people to kill one another with ease.

Just because it can be a weapon doesn't mean it is.

its called common courtesy, AND realising that maybe constantly being called the source of all the problems in the world might just make someone cranky as fuck.

However, i see you didnt try and disassemble anything i said, you just attacked me and not the message. Care to explain why you did that?

Good luck preventing that. You can easily improvise firearms and explosives. And in America a gun ban would cause millions of people to do just that. What'll you do after the first mass flamethrowering? Or the first mass acid attack?

> source of all the problems in the world might just make someone cranky as fuck.
you mean like kikes, or shitskins or chinks?

>all a gun does is shoot people
Oh, nigger, please, you are just absolutely fucking retarded. But I get that you haven't even thought about it. This is why you are wrong. You're just vomiting up some bullshit you heard somewhere.

You're literally saying "All a blade does is kill people" "All a truck does is run people over" "All radiation does is cause cancer"

All of those statements are categorically false. In Britain you can't buy a fucking butter knife without an ID, and they're killing each other just fine with kitchen knives.

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Does logic have any place in a gun control debate?


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right, lemme just think back to breakfast when I ate my cereal with my gun, and then used my gun to heat up my coffee. Just spread the butter on my toast with my gun, then hammered some nails in with it.

weapon/tool, tool/weapon, both are legitimately used to describe something. Its a tool to hunt with, same as a spear or bow and arrow. The fact that some isiots use it in an unseemly manner makes little difference on what word is used to describe it.

So calling a gun a tool is a very legitimate use of the word even if it triggers you.

yeah, weapons are a kind of tool, omg so triggered lol

I eat my breakfast with my .45 sitting next to me, just in case my toaster starts acting like a Decepticon. Fucking robots.

Just because you're too inept to imagine what firearms are for doesn't mean anything to me, dufus. Don't you get that you don't have an argument? Have you ever even heard of hobbies that don't involve being an insufferable cunt about shit you have no idea about? Maybe hunting? marksmanship? Collecting?

Grow up, man. The world isn't yours, and you don't get to tell me what I can and can't do. Like, ever, at all.

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same user? in the end its not a weapon because anything can be used as a weapon. Guns are tools. Shovels are tools too. You just want to use "scary" words to play on heart strings. Ill use less reactive words so that we can have a more logical discussion about things without using emotions.

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ut most of them were Democrats

point is there's always a group of people to blame, and acting like one's the victim while likely blaming another group is hypocritical and ignorant.

nice echo chamber yall got here

I'd put money on MS13 having a higher body count than all of those guys together. But keep pretending no Latino in human history has ever done anything wrong.

ah no user, liberals nowadays like blaming white people, especially white males who aren't pole smokers

you totally miss the point.

anything can be a weapon, anything, its all dependant upon how you use it. a gun is a tool for a job. just like a spoon is a tool for a job.

descriptive words are not set in stone

The sole purpose of a gun is to kill. the sole purpose of a camera is to take pics of underaged kids? No. Apples and oranges, dumbass.

Man those Olympic guns sure are optimized for murder. And did you hear about that guy that killed 10000000000 people with his paintball gun?

you miss the forest for the trees.

a tool is a tool, neutral in its being until used by a person for whatever reason. there are good reasons to use a gun, there are good reasons to use a camera. both can be used to hurt people, or save people.

whether its good or bad is wholly dependant upon the peraon using it.

but you don't get school spoonings in the news because spoons aren't super easy for anyone to just go kill a bunch of people with.

what about targets?

you're trying to say rectangles are squares. name 5 things a gun does(that's productive) besides hurt/threaten to hurt.

child porn, eh?
interesting, dilemma

i think this gun-camera analogy is good, even if it may be some boomer meme i've never seen before

If your problem is with machines designed to kill, then I have news for you, nigger, You're wasting your time on the small fries, right? Try lobbying against the military industrial complex and see how far you get. Not interested in banning real weapons like F-35 fighters, nukes, tomahawks, and artillery? So then you don't REALLY have a problem with the machines do you? Then what the fuck is your problem?

So, then I guess that means you're just a fascist liberal cunt, then, just vomiting up what your retarded peers and their little idols have been feeding you.

cars are good for it, just ask a muslim

Y'all a bunch of fucking tards. Guns bad. Guns good. Guns gave ya the right to say whatever batshit crazy stuff ya want on Yea Forums.

The sky is bulimic and that's the real problem.

The sole purpose of a gun is for the LEGAL destruction of what is on the other end of the barrel. Whether it's to shoot a piece of paper, hunt for food, or even possibly killing someone else in self defense.

protect lives, defends homes, stop bad guys in their tracks, makes a 105 pound woman equal to a two hundred pound rapist, keeps politicians from forcing you into a re-education camp, during natural disasters they keep you safe from criminals.

did you know cops are not legally required to protect you as an individual?

I used to shoot fireworks out of my grenade launcher on my ar-15. Thats a harmless use.

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boomer meme?

dude, im gen x lol

that's not traits of a tool, but a weapon, try again.

U gen faggot.

cameras, tablets and smarphones in the hands of unsupervised children, have definitely caused the proliferation of child porn, similar with weapons.

Attached: Figher on Ribat in Idlib with AK-103with Pulsar Apex XD75 thermal optic. As you can see, both are in (900x1200, 261K)

Left here (liberals can fuck off). I'm not a fan of guns because they make it easier to kill people. I don't want to ban guns because banning stuff never fucking works, just look at drugs, alcohol, ect. I also don't think that more guns makes a safer society, that's inherently false. What we need is improved education so that people don't turn to crime in the first place, and stronger mental health services so that people who aren't right in the head can get right in the head. That being said, I still don't think there's any reason anyone needs a semiautomatic rifle except for killing someone.
Bolt action? Love them.
Pump action? Great!
Lever action? Awesome!
Break action? Cool!
Muzzle loaded? Classic!
Semiautomatic? Are you planning on murdering someone?

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just go read the whole thread, ive already answered the tool/weapon dichotomy

and those are productive things a gun does. they keep you and yours safe in the easiest way possible. very productive.

Every weapon ever created is a tool. You're literally pandering to the lowest possible denominator. You have absolutely no interest in a constructive debate of any kind. Your sole focus is to drag the debate into the lowest form of argument where you can "win" with an emotional appeal. I'm surprised you're not calling them "baby killers" yet. Oh right, because you're a fucking laughing stock here without an argument, you save that shit for harassing parents with dead kids.

Because obviously an AR 15 was designed from the ground up to murder as many newborn infants and widows and orphans as possible in as short a period of time,. That's what you're trying to convey with your ridiculous nonsense, and that shit only works when you're preaching to the choir, or your audience has shit for brains.

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thats true. and its been happening for a long time now. jessie slaughter comes to mind

This picture is why everyone should own a copy of Rulebook for Arguments.

then you take away the easieat tool for someone to use, a semi-automatic pistol. try swinging around a 18 pound long rifle in a hallway.

But you didn't, because yes anything can be made into a weapon, but a gun is not somehow made into more than much use other than a weapon. if it get's jammed it loses like 75% of it's value as a deterrent other than being swung at someone. don't get me wrong, i enjoy shooting guns, but trying to claim it's a "tool" is bullshit.

The reason I'm opposed to banning of pistols (if you ban semi-automatic pistols, you might as well be banning all pistols) is that pistols are, due to their (relatively) short range and (relatively) low power, they are a weapon of defense whereas rifles are inherently a weapon of offense.
To me, that argument is like trying to ban shields along side swords, sure you can attack and kill someone with a shield, but they are designed for defense whereas the sword is designed for offense.

So push for laws requiring safer handling conditions and not to take away the right to protect ourselves. Gun are like drugs, prostitution, alcohol, abortions, ect. in that when you make laws prohibiting them you don't actually make it go away, you just make everything less safe for everyone involved.

tools are tools, again. its up to the person using it to decide if its a good use or bad use.

>guns good use
killing the rapist who just broke into your home
>guns bad use
killing your classmates because they bullied you
>cameras good use
capturing your childs first birthday
>cameras bad use
taking pictures of your childs after party where theyre naked and sucking on your cock

"guns are more than weapons, they're tools!"
lol both example uses for guns are killing people?

It's not bullshit you illterate fucktard, because in a world of logic, all weapons, are subcategories of the broader family of TOOLS. Every weapon, from a rolling spike trap, to a fucking firehose is a tool.

If you are literally unironically claiming that weapons are not tools then, you can just hang it up there, because you're arguing with a dictionary at this point.

So go on, weasel around and backpedal you ignorant fuck.

It is exponentially easier to hurt a multitude of people with a gun than without.

what he's saying is there's a difference between a tool and a weapon. All weapons are tools, but not all tools are weapons, see?
And not all tools should have the same rules because they are tools for different things.

Stupid argument. Cameras can do a lot of things besides child porn. Guns aren't good for anything but killing people.

noun: tool; plural noun: tools

a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.

I know you people are stupid, and generally just a broken record without any real thought, but come on. Learn the language you're communicating in, at least. Your uhhh "argument" isn't one. It's just partisan virtue signaling for your liberal friends. That doesn't fly in the real world, m8. Seriously.

you are making a bad faith argument about definitions in a sad case of trying to save your argument. a gun is a tool, no matter what you want, the sooner you realise that, the easier it will be to work with others.

i beat you bloody with a shovel, is it less a tool then?

>a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.
>a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.
(thing not tool)

cars and trucks are even easier to use, and to get

How does that disprove him when he said that all weapons are tools, but not all tools are weapons?

Didn't some guys kill 30 and injure 130 people in China with knives not too long ago?

I would explain it to you, but your favorite crayons don't work on Yea Forums.

They aren't designed and mass manufactured with the intent of them being used to kill, you fucking retard.

Ooh, look at me, I know what semantics are. I’m smart.

Umm you forgot about killing animals and putting holes in objects

He said "trying to claim it's a "tool" is bullshit."

You go back and think about your life, now.

Jesus Christ that image is so fucking stupid.

How the fuck does a single person manage to hurt THAT many people with a knife? Are they actually retarded over there?

it would be considered a weapon as soon as it was for harm or threat of harm.

First of all, the dictionary is not an authority on language, shut the fuck up.

That's retarded. Pistols kill far more people every year than rifles. Banning rifles would have virtually no impact on firearms deaths. And it would be fundamentally unconstitutional.

And it is always a tool, just like every weapon ever created is a tool.

Words have meaning. I get it that you want to call them "innocent little baby killer monsters" but that's something you need to work on with your therapist, cunt.

Also sport. Shooting compitions are a surprisingly big thing

>Literally this retarded

Thanks for proving my point about you idiots.

You go on a crowded subway, swing a knife around, get off at the next stop and repeat.

>Someone isn't buying my "baby killer" monologue, I better get angry and tell them to "shut up" because that's all I know how to do.

great, thanks for the example.

im not a millenial, so no crayons needed.

tools, weapons, devices that can be used for other things than what they were designed for.

the actual argument is whats worse, the tool used or the motives of the person using the tool. but since orange man likes guns, then guns are bad huh?

And yet, you rarely hear about people committing mass murder with a vehicle.
Makes you think.

and by that we know that youre as bright as a black crayon

Yeah, but a knife? I mean, just swinging it around you're not going to kill anyone, for someone to kill fucking 30 people you have to actually know what you're jabbing at. You'd think after the first or second person gets stabbed, people would fucking try and restrain the guy.
Maybe if it was like a fucking katana or something with a bit more length, I could see that happening.

>Politics and the English Language

um a dictionary is used as a repository of the agreed upon definitions of words.

>you wont follow me in what i say, youre stupid and a dictionary doesnt mean anything if it makes me look/feel bad.

god fucking damn you are stupod

Not really, there have been quite a few, its just not as hyped up as the shootings because there isn't an agenda to ban trucks.

People have been arguing about gun regulations since way before trump, the fuck are you bringing him in for?
Is your vocabulary composed entirely of buzzwords?

maybe it's because cars and trucks are tools, not weapons

but it is also exponentially easier to hurt a bad guy (who is illegally attempting to use a gun) with a gun than without, right?

Why should I, a law abiding citizen (even on/b/), be denied the opportunity to have a gun?

If you are not for the confiscation of ALL GUNS, then you shouldn't prevent me from having a gun to protect myself from someone using one of the remaining guns. If you are not wanting to go full-retard and suggest confiscating all guns, then be prepared to suggest any type of control you want as long as you can reasonable explain how it would have even prevented any one of the recent mass shootings.

I am reasonable and will consider anything that would actually help, but doing something just to do something doesn't help more than thoughts and prayers.

Not what they mean.
They mean it's a fucking tool and it does a fucking job.
The job it's intended to do, it does effectively and efficiently.
There's a reason why so many people hunt the modern firearm season for large game.
Fuck why are people so dense?
Someone's pretty well painting a damn picture and people still don't understand. How? Have we really become so dumb as a species?
I'm legitly afraid you fuckers are going to start watching your plants with Gatorade.

ask france, britain, a few other places, take away one tool from psychos, theyll find others to use

Well that's objectively false since pistols are used in 80-90% of offensive deaths. The claim is especially absurd given that the AR-15 is the most popular home defense rifle in the U.S. while contributing to a fraction of 1% of gun deaths annually (semi-automatic rifles in total make up less than 2% of gun deaths).

Which are? The only I can remember recently are that france one, and I guess the one where that mustang ran unto a bunch of protesters in the U.S (and that one only killed like one person I believe)

You can use a hammer to build a house, or to bash in someone's skull. People misusing are the problem.

triggered are you?

please list what "buzzwords" i used instead of trying to make something outta nothing

ok let me ask you this, is an airplane a tool?

I mean swinging around is a hyperbole, but you could go through a crowd with a knife and stab a bunch of people before anyone realized.

Let's be fucking honest then. You are a racist Trump supporter and you just need to fuck off. Nothing you says has value, because you're just repeating the lies of your Russian fascist and the Russian-funded NRA.


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You mean just in that post? or all of them?
This one alone has "triggered" as one of them.

Maybe taking it away is a stupid idea anyway, and will only result in law abiding citizens being disarmed

False dichotomy. Most people just want more sane regulations on what is available to the average person.

OP you're kinda preaching for the choir here. Everyone on Yea Forums /pol/ and /k/ who're "anti-gun" is just trolling.

That's not at all what he's saying, but you're welcome to enter the debate with an argument of your own, dude.

thank you.

damn it took this long

its not the tools that are the problem, its the fucking retarded people who are the problem

ha. "cars and trucks are tool, not weapons"

how quickly did ya forget Nice, France? Stockholm? Did ya forget because it didn't match your simple political position?

I bet you're a yurocuck.

Nope try again

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a camera is a tool with a singular purpose, to take a picture, a gun is a tool with a singular purpose, to propel a bullet toward a target. both are useless without an operator, both can be used for good and bad purposes, taking family photos and protecting said family, or... they can both be used for bad, such as CP and murder. a gun isn't inherently evil, it's a tool with a purpose that some choose to use poorly. again, why ban the tool if it's the people who have the problem.

two or three in the UK, several in france, japan i think had one, its a daily thing in china, but their news wont allow them to rwport it. take away one way of harming others and people who want to harm others will just find a more creative way to do so

I bet you're a commiefornian or some other type of cucked foreigner like a leaf.

ok. name some sane regulations that might be effective.

Look up violent crime for those countries. Guns aren't the problem.
Then subtract all Democrat (black) controlled cities violence from the national numbers and you'll have a better idea of where the US stands.

you can use the butt of a gun to hammer in a nail, what's your point?

>two or three in the UK, several in france,
Sure, I can see that happening, but you can't deny that a truck is a lot easier to see coming that a gun that can be hidden in your pants or jacket.
Oh come on, I seriously doubt half those kills are malicious, and not just idiots that can't drive.
You spun out over there and kill a dozen easy.

look at you, bashing the fasc. proud arent you?

>you dont think like i do, you donr hate what i hate, you dont like what i like. So im not gonna engage you.

if tomorrow, the dems came out and said to kill republicans, would you?

if bernie became president, or any dem for that matter, and said that like Mao it was time to round up the conservatives for reeducation, would you be a part of it?

You got to stab somebody in the right spot or a lot of times to kill them and they usually won’t die instantly

cameras are used as weapons every day

Not even going to read through this thread, I'm just going to do an ITT:

>bootlickers who unironically believe the US government could beat out the US population in a civil war despite the fact that the military has repeatedly had their asses BTFO'd by rice farmers and sandniggers with AK-47s since the 60s

>people who value security over freedom and also know fuck all about guns or what an "assault weapon" actually is

>Hillbillies who mean well but have no idea how to argue

>About 3 people who know what they're talking about.

Was I right?

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ban internet! ban computers! ban radio!

ban internet! ban computers! ban radio! ban everything except burkas and korans!

-liberal democrat voters

I think the big problem is how easy it is for psychos to acquire guns. Even if the regulations were harsh, they'd still manage to find a way to get them illegally.
The only honest way I can see a problem like this diminishing is to severely reduce the amount of weapons that actually make it into circulation.
That won't ever actually happen though, so enjoy your guns (I know I will)

box cutters and nail clippers cant go on a plane.
wonder why?

The truth is that, the only reason liberals are against gun ownership is because they are a populist platform, and the raw truth of it all is that reality is racist as fuck, and niggers are a primary cause of violent crime, gun homicides, and city blight, but can you imagine a populist party advocating for "people control"? Nah, so they would rather trigger everyone with buzzwords and do nothing about the real problems, while they sit around and mentally masturbate to each others stupidity.

This is all just partisan bullshit. You can buy an illegal full auto machine gun in California for about 1/5 the cost of the legal preban equivalent, without any oversight, paperwork, or tax, and that's the reality we live in. Banning guns will primarly affect the ability of law abiding citizens to survive, and do little about violent crime, and it would do NOTHING against organized crime, except help fuel another gigantic black market, like during prohibition.

This is the fucking truth about it, but the truth is very unpopular, it seems.

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The only use for a gun is to harm things
Animals, birds, your neighbor's kids, whatever

Whatever you do with a gun, aside from competition shooting which you basement niggers most definitely do not partake in, is going to bring harm, or greatly increase the potential for harm, to everything around you

So what do you do when a tool is guaranteed to only be used to cause harm?

Yes a gun cannot directly harm someone without human intervention, but that's a moot point as every cunt and his dog owns one

If guns magically disappeared off the face of the earth, then logically so would shootings. Sure stabbings, stranglings, beatings and whatever else would increase, but they are much riskier to the perpetrator than aiming and then twitching a finger, and typically less lethal than a gunshot.

The same goes for people attempting suicide. They want an instant, painless death which guns can provide. Without them they have to seek something which could be incredibly painful, or may not even work, which becomes a deterrent.

However, there are cases where guns do have uses
>Farmers need bolt action rifles and small shotguns to shoot animal pests, there's not much way around this
>Hunters need a bolt action rifle, or perhaps a small shotgun for birds. If you can't kill it in one shot, you're a fucking shit hunter.
>Law enforcement needs pistols (or a better alternative: tasers) as they are easy to carry and reduce the risk to a person who is volunteering their life to protecting the rights of others. They also need to be held accountable for their decisions, but that is a separate issue
>Soldiers are a different thing entirely, the fuck you gonna do when every nigger on the block has drones and shit, and hide behind innocent civilians?

You don't need to take all the guns, just stop selling this shit to unstable motherfuckers, stop selling fucking cannons to Karen down the street, and link a weapon to a person to make them liable for anything that happens to or with them

You would have to be REAL angry, and your victim REAL dumb to actually get killed by a fucking nail clipper.

They don't have to die instantly, with how crowded the subs are in China they wouldn't get help fast enough to save the bad ones

is your hand a tool or a weapon? obviously you are too dull so your brain is not a weapon, but what about someone elses?

is a truck a weapon or a tool?

this. fuck millennials and fuck their stupid liberal indoctrination camps called school

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Wow you are ignorant. Mao was a national hero and is an icon that should be celebrated and looked up to as a source of inspiration. He saved China and he's not a fucking evil dipshit like our tiny-hands dictator.

You are so stupid it actually hurts. Yes I do support Bernie, and I actually wouldn't be opposed to killing Rethuglikkkans like you.

>but all a gun does is shoot people.
thats interesting, i just drove by a shooting range where people were shooting guns and none of the guns were shooting at people

Also dub 69s get

bet you can't gut me with one you fuckin puss-ayy

>I'm trying to understand why you all are more willing to demonize the tool rather than the culprit who just uses the tool.
The idea that liberals do not want to hold people morally and legally responsible for crimes committed with weapons is one of the most flagrantly stupid straw man arguments in the history of straw man arguments, and anyone who has ever genuinely believed it should feel deeply ashamed of their apparently limitless capacity to accept corporate propaganda without thinking about it. Likewise if it is not obvious to you that these stupid arguments are being produced by representatives of a multi-billion dollar industry, and not by people who want society to conduct itself sensibly. The ideas that "He should not have done that" and "He should not have been able to do that" are not mutually exclusive.

Cameras and even knives are general purpose tools. Guns are not general purpose tools. All of their uses boil down to killing things or honing skills that are only useful for killing things. If there was a tool the only practical purpose of which involved sexually abusing children, you would not want it to be sold at Wal-Mart. Nor would your objection to its sale amount to a moral defense of pedophiles.

dastardly criminals can always use trucks vans and chlorine gas. Gun control don't work.

>The idea is that people shouldn't have the ability to shoot other people.
this is UK-tier logic

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This. Or riddick

I am liberal regarding most issues, but I happen to disagree with most liberals on this issue. I think that you should be able to own certain classes of weapons without restriction, as long as you've never been convicted of a violent crime or used mental illness as a defense in court. I think you should have to register a weapon to yourself if you want to carry it in public, but not if you want to keep it in your home. This is how we treat cars. You don't have to register a car to use it on your ranch, only to use it in public spaces. I think municipalities should be free to declare their public spaces gun-free zones, just as they can decide where cars can go and where they cannot. I also think that citizens should not have restrictions placed on what they can own that do not also apply to law enforcement, with the exception of units whose only job is to respond to violence or potential violence, like SWAT.

I could be talked out of these positions by someone who was willing to think clearly and argue honestly about this topic, but all vocal supporters of gun rights seem to be like OP, happy to spout out childishly nonsensical NRA propaganda, and unable to do much else. "hurr durr, guns don't kill people, good guys with guns" etc. The perception that none of you are actually thinking about the arguments for and against gun control hurts your cause more than any liberal ever could.

You don't fucking know me ill do it with my bare hands and lick up your end trails ya cunt

You would have to be an effective knife wielder to kill that many people, or be the butcher from gangs of New York

same thing with pools. why arent we banning swimming pools? they just get carelessly left in someones backyard and they drown more children every year than any guns shoot

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And just anyone can go find this black market, right? People like Adam Lanza and James Holmes would had been just rockin' up to the docks shouting "guuhnns, guuhhns, who wants to sell me a guuhhnn!?!"

And some russian or something will pop out of the shadows and say "C'mere, I got your guns, and thousands of rounds of ammunition. That'll be 142,000 dollars."

And everything would had all been the same.

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>inundate all media with gruesome violence and make guy with the gun the embodiment of power
>why would mass shooters do this?

it is also known as: common sense

If the tool is dangerous, it needs to be regulated.

This isn't rocket science, dipshit.

>The sole purpose of a gun is to kill

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That's a machine.
There are devices called machine guns.
Those are still illegal for me to own.
Unless I want to have an FFL license. But that's not something I'm interested in.
Wtf so airplanes have to do with the price of tea in China, anyway?
Want to ask me if anything else is a tool?
Hammer? Tool
Nail? Fastener
Boat? Vessel
You? Tool

the problem is that the kids didn't have them

>If guns magically disappeared off the face of the earth, then logically so would shootings.
Except this is reality and gun bans would take guns away from law abiding citizens only

It is regulated. Unfortunately regulations can't stop dipshits from ignoring them

Anakin still would have destroyed them, dude was a beast

come to tn and lets see

Yeah, guns aren't the problem, the dipshits that make the guns are the problem.
If these cunts didn't over saturate the country with so many weapons, Jimmy across the street wouldn't be able to hop in his bike and gun down 50 people with the guns his daddy bought at Walmart.

and with that, you have made the argument for private ownership of guns. you have zero, zip, nada right to determine if i live or die based on what you feel.

so fuck you and try something.

Mao killed those who didnt agree with him and starved people to death on purpose. he was a monster

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is benis a tool?




but we need to match the polices weaponry or there's no balance and that's tyranny. So demote police to bolt actions.

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Exactly. Virtually every gun involved in every crime in U.S. history was once legally purchased from a firearm store, even the ones that wind up on the streets.

And who exactly would be making these guns if the gun market shrank by 50+ million customers?

It isnt libs that arrest carpenters for having a hammer, screwdrivers, and work gloves with possession of burglary tools.

These laws only ever gain traction and get passed when people start looking for ways to keep the coloreds oppressed when the start getting uppity.

Actually, I'm not too fond of trump and didn't vote for him.
Dude's a moron. Look at his comment on Notre Dame Cathedral. Use airborne water tankers to put it out?
Who the fuck thinks dumping that much anything on a weakened wooden structure from high above is a good idea?
So your obviously wrong.

school shootings are incredibly rare despite the leftist CNN propaganda you have swallowed. and they were even more rare in the past when guns were actually easier to acquire and had far less regulations. so modern day school mass shootings are not a product of gun laws or regulations being too lax. if you want to blame something for the school shootings of the last 30 years, blame liberal leftist parenting (lack of it) and snowflake accommodations where everybody is pandered to, nobody is disciplined, and instant gratification and entitlement for the "me me me" generation reigns supreme. no need to learn how to work hard, persevere, or struggle through hard times. if things go bad, if you disagree with people, just shoot it up! thats the leftist mentality in a nutshell. so why are we blaming the guns?

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Any tool can be misused to do damage, but they still have a purpose to do good things(cars get you somewhere but they can kill people in the wrong hands)
Guns have no other purpose than to kill

>I also think that citizens should not have restrictions placed on what they can own that do not also apply to law enforcement, with the exception of units whose only job is to respond to violence or potential violence, like SWAT
Already the case.

>I think you should have to register a weapon to yourself if you want to carry it in public
This is stupid because it would serve no purpose other than to establish a database of law-abiding gun owners that could later be used for confiscation.

>I think municipalities should be free to declare their public spaces gun-free zones
You are free to want this, but it is unconstitutional. People have a right to guns; they do not have a right to cars.

And this is why European countries that banned guns, especially the ones that did so 100 years ago, have virtually zero gun crime.

>idiots cannot comprehend this.

You could have used the chemical fire extinguishers from the airport.

what law or regulation would stop a mexican cartel from shipping guns here with a load of drugs that would stop me from going to Chico with $700 and getting a gun from him?

let me guess, you voted for hillary? want to know how i guessed it? because you are incredibly uninformed and obviously have zero idea of what happens in the world outside your bubble. try reading the news daily, you will get smarter for it. and no, i dont mean leftist propaganda MSNBC. sure, you can read them, but make sure you read from many sources and most importantly learn how to think for yourself instead of parroting whatever some dyke maddow tells you

this retard did just find with a long rifle

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Come to LA and watch how fast I beat your Nazi ass.

I mean if they all got fucking Thanos'd or sprouted wings and flew back to their home planet you illiterate flog

Most shootings are performed by those who have no previous convictions

this is false and why you are having such a hard time digesting the logic is beyond me. all tools are weapons and all weapons are tools.

hand me any tool and i will kill you with it, thereby proving it to be a weapon

The fuck does Hillary have to do with anything you parroting faggot?

If you ban guns, mass killers will just devise terrible things like a power washer hooked to a portable/dolly air compressor that's modified to shoot sulfuric acid.

Now go look at acid attack videos, and keep it mind that shit was splashed. Now go look at a video of a power washer blasting shit to pieces at 100 feet away.

And of course there's bombs. And poison. .... and worse.

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It's worse than that. The bitches blame our balls, soon to be outlawed.

You mean Killary, amirite?

you dont get it. he is just a normal guy and that is the beauty of it. he is not a corrupt career politician who has been in washington DC for decades. he is just an outside businessman, who speaks whatever is on his mind at the moment and isnt giving you some carefully staged and rehearsed commentary while smiling and happily lying to your face like literally every other politician in DC

youre right, in a way

they have little gun use in crimes, but their violent crime rates in whole havent gone down. thats the weakness of that argument, you refuse to look at the overall rate of violent crime

>hurr durr no guns equal less gun crime

while stabbings and beatings go up because the amount of violence is not stemmed by the outlawing of a certain tool

>idiots refuse reality like this

We got riddick here, kill me a toothpick

Outlaw all gun manufactures.
Now, the only weapons available are the ones owned by people and criminals.
With time ( a lot of time), law enforcement can size all illegally obtained weapons and destroy them.
There, I just solved you gun problem, and all you "law-abiding" sister fuckers can keep your toys.

I couldn't have done anything.
I was in my bedroom at the time.
But not sure that would work. I don't know what type of retardant they contain.
There aren't too many wooden planes around.

>and worse.
Dark Souls 3 PVP?

acid attack photos*

>shit takes days to kick in

i might get sick from the smell of S.F.

cmmiefornia isnt my place, too gay

this retarded


this retarded

yeah thats a big lie, a whopper in fact. we have red blooded american states with little to no gun regulations and they have some of the lowest crime rates in the entire country. so you cant link causality to the correlation between gun ownership and gun crime

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Yes, I'm one of the greatest players of all time, closedtripod, winner of 13 tournaments, now fuck off.

This is retarded, retard

Guns don't cause crime.

Neither do nukes, but we clearly don't want everyone to have those.

Neither does anthrax, but we clearly don't want everyone to have access.

Some tools are just too dangerous to allow everyone to have them

this retarded

hmm, look at new jersey vs utah. interesting how gun ownership is not correlated to gun homicides

Attached: state gun owners vs murder rate.png (613x550, 19K)

this is a smart user

no, children cause child porn

If you think Trump hasn't had his hand in politics for decades you're an idiot. Electing the corrupter instead of the corrupted isn't exactly the best move.

let's also not forget that without the existence of guns, some things we have that ARE classified as tools with no argument, wouldn't even exist. There's a type of tool that uses .22 blank cartriges to drive nails into concrete for construction... but those .22 cartriges wouldn't exist if the gun hadn't been made first. Yes, I'm aware that this is about the use of the gun and not the history of it, but there have been some good advancements as a result of gun. Like cut/bullet resistant materials that have uses besides just bulletproof vests. We wouldn't have developed these materials if the guns hadn't been around to inspire us to make them.

this retarded

nothing im just making myself feel superior for correctly guessing you to be a brainlet. are you mad?

this retarded

this retarded

this retarded

Lol, if gun bans don't work how come this stuff hasn't happened in those countries you giant faggot?

If you are going to equate acid and knife attacks to the ease of killing with a gun you have already proved how much of a brain-let you are.

...So you ARE a parroting faggot?

so punishment before a crime?

how very stalinist you are

Why not just admit you are racist? Why not just admit you are a toxic white piece of bigoted shit?

Stop using psycho as a buzz word. Most of these shooters are not psychopathic.

omfg this level of stupidity. Do you even know what a homicide is?

Pleast, compare that to the U.S.

Fucking MORON!


"There were 709 homicides in the year ending March 2017, 141 more (25% increase) than in the previous year, this includes the 96 cases of manslaughter that resulted from events at Hillsborough in 1989; excluding these the number of homicides increased by 8%"

Again, do an apples to apples comparison, you dipshit. 20,000+ gun HOMICIDES a year, 100+ thousand HOMICIDES a year, for a population of around 150 million adults.

Go do some research, fuck off until then.

>"There were 709 homicides in the year ending March 2017, 141 more (25% increase) than in the previous year, this includes the 96 cases of manslaughter that resulted from events at Hillsborough in 1989; excluding these the number of homicides increased by 8%"

>britain crime statistics

this retarded

this retarded

this retarded

Both of those are not sentient materials. Therefore they can't inherently cause crime because they don't have a conscience

>gets bombed
>gets beheaded
>gets stabbed
>gets raped
>gets trucked
>gets acid attacked
>gets imprisoned by the EU Internet police for thought crimes
The diverse utopia of modern-day yuropistan.

this retarded

they certainly encourage it

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this retarded

this retarded

this retarded

sure thing. first ill let it soak overnight in cyanide, then put it in a straw and blow it on your neck

The acid attack is the ease of walking around shooting people with a power washer, especially people trapped in like a gynmnasium.

That's really, really easy, and a waaaayyy worse and more traumatic and suffering way to be afflicted than simply being shot.


yes, it's a device used to transport numerous people across vast distances, or knock down buildings. just like a gun is a tool primarily used to injure or kill, the reasons for which are the main concern.

this retarded

this retarded

i'm stalin for not wanting north korea to have nukes, or for anthrax to be unattainable?

grasping for straws, huh?

this retarded


this retarded

this retarded

anyone know what model gun that is in the OP? I can't make it out

I didn’t say a toothpick soaked in cyanide I said a toothpick

do you? can you read?

says the guy literally repeating himself like a parrot

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this retarded

where did i even begin to portray a rascist attitude? youre the one who brought skin color here, not me.

and being gay is against nature, gays do nothing to advance the species. thats science, not bigotry, im sorry but science isnt bigoted, and truth is truth, anything else is false if it isnt fact.

fact: being gay does nothing to advance a specie survival.

fact: you used skin color before me, you are the racist for going to that argument

this retarded

Cousin why a spoon? Why not an axe?

this retarded

Soaking anything in cyanide and then putting it near your mouth is about the dumbest thing you could do.

this retarded

this retarded

you are stalin like because youd punish innocent people before a crime was commited

this retarded

this retarded

>says the guy literally repeating himself like a parrot
Just pointing out the obvious.

this retarded

because itll hurt more

>Go do some research, fuck off until then.

says the guy who obviously hasnt done any

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this retarded

ARRRHGGG, If I crash into your car with my car E.G. car accident and you die, THAT'S A HOMICIDE!

A homicide is simply anything that someone does that results in another person dying, intentionally or not. And there is no such thing as "intentional homicide" statistics, so I know for a fact you're full of shit. An "intentional homicide" is fucking murder, you moron.

this retarded

typical leftard

this retarded

so you admit to being a democrat voting leftist?

Attached: US homicide rate 1885-2012.png (890x542, 425K)

Exactly. But I doubt he'll be using murder statistics to try to make his baseless claim, because he cant.

it's more of a machine tbh

Only if you admit being a parroting faggot.

this retarded

this retarded

>Already the case.
Is it already the case that street cops can't have full-auto weapons? I did not know that. What about armor piercing ammunition?

>This is stupid because it would serve no purpose other than to establish a database of law-abiding gun owners that could later be used for confiscation.
It would not be a database of gun owners, nor even of people who carry their guns in public, but of guns that can be legally carried in public. If there is a shootout in a bar or on the freeway and the cops can trace the gun, they should be able to trace the gun to a person. You can choose to break this law, but doing that carries its own risk, so this system puts gun-carriers into one of two camps: People who can be arrested on the spot and have their gun confiscated if they're discovered with it (if that's not a disincentive, why do you care about gun-free zones?), and people who can be held accountable if they use their gun in a crime.

>You are free to want this, but it is unconstitutional. People have a right to guns; they do not have a right to cars.
That everyone should be able to carry any weapon they want wherever they want and whenever they want is not the only possible interpretation of the second amendment, nor the most reasonable one.

>And there is no such thing as "intentional homicide" statistics,
theres no way you are over 20 years old, i can tell by how bad your reading comprehension and worldly knowledge is

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how much of a snowflake do you have to be to think that you're being punished for not being allowed to obtain weapons that are more dangerous than they hold value as tools.

you're not being punished for not being allowed to buy rocket launchers, anthrax, nukes, or high caliber automatic weapons.

he knows why you are here

this retarded

That's what australia did.

I'm a classic liberal and I don't support most forms of gun control. The only one i like is keeping the age at 21 for high capacity weapons.

Let the new fags single load.

You need a fucking license to drive a car. Why ? Because you can kill innocent people with your car. Why would a gun not be licensed and regulated ? Guns killed hundred of kids every year due to accidents not to mention all those "accidental" shootings by police

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You know anthrax occurs naturally.
All you need is a nerd with a grudge and i bet they could find a way to make it more resistant.
And obviously we don't want people owning nukes. Hell, you can't even own an working cannon with out the right FFL license. But weapons of mass destruction are a bit different than plain ol' weapons.
You can't vaporize 80,000 people in 2 seconds with any firearm. Go ahead and try. I dare ya.

it depends who you give that hammer to

this retarded

You can't be racist against white people. I'm white and will be the first one to admit this. We are toxic morons that should be rounded up and sealed off from the rest of society.

Everything you say proves me right. You are homophobic, racist, xenophobic, sexist, transphobic, fascist, and a fucking white supremacist to boot. Fuck. You.

this retarded

The tool/weapon provides the means and opportunity with which a person commits the crime, whilst the motive is purely the person's doing. It's not a question of X or Y, but X and Y.

Sure, the person could resort to other tools to fulfil the opportunity and means of a crime, but the probability of them committing the crime is lowered if say they are deprived of a firearm and have to resort to a knife or blunt instrument.

Guns don't cause crime, they just make it easier to commit. That said, good luck making child porn without cameras lol.

its like none of you morons have read or researched a single thing and instead are making arguemnts based entirely on your emotional feeling of being morally superior or "correct"

never. i can think for myself obviously, because i am not a democrat voter.

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The funniest part is how they compare America with the rest of the shitholes

sure kid

It isn't about demonisation, it is about the statistics. More guns correlate with more gun violence, pretty much globally. UK which had more lenient gun laws (and some gun crimes including a school shooting) is a prime example of the crime nearly disappearing as the means for it were removed.

Your analogy is incorrect/false. Handguns are primarily made for killing people. Cameras are not primarily made for shooting kiddie porn, just for taking pictures in general.

There's nothing wrong with fucking C4, they use it in mines and who knows else. But you just don't want that shit to be sold over the counter to every retard everywhere, because that will inevitably lead to people being blown up (by accident or ill will).

I mean in US you are currently statistically more likely to be (accidentally) shot by a freaking toddler than by a foreign terrorist. How do you fucking justify that? There's nothing inherently wrong with guns, but they are dangerous and their ownership should be an earned privilege for trained, educated, at least somewhat vetted people, not a right for every tard with a bunch of $$$ in his hands.

this retarded


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>fact: being gay does nothing to advance a specie survival.
The world is overpopulated, and the limited resources it can provide are, well, limited.
Faggots can't copulate, therefor less little faggots to take up my precious resources.
I'd say that advances the survival of the species.

well banning assault weapons didn't prevent coloumbine

this retarded

this is what the other faggots dont understand about gun control: its literally a synonym for "state control"

right? someone is keeping the guns. who is that? the ruling government or military. so if you are for "gun control" , you are basically saying " i dont think anybody but the government and military should have guns (the control)"

>never. i can think for myself obviously, because i am not a democrat voter.
Than why are you parroting?

stupid regulations

this retarded

Oh wow, the united states is one of the safest and least violent places in all the earth, literally ranked 121, nearly dead last in murder rate!

Well gee, as someone whose travelled throughout Europe many of times as a photographer and videographer, I cant believe how lucky I was that I never even saw *or even heard of* a single act of violence.

I must be the luckiest man alive.

But really, if trumptard trolls are gonna fake a bunch of numbers, the least they can do is make it seem at least somewhat believable.

What next? The U.S. is the most economically prosperous country in the world for menial laborers?

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you gunna update your table?

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this retarded

Great idea... Now go read the story of Pandora's Box for some ancient wisdom to explain to you how pointless that is.

You can't put technology back in the box. Gun are here to stay.

That's not why you need a license retard

they might put it up their bum

not to sell a whisk to a teenager?


sure kid

The one retard actually used a rifle that was specifically designed to be compliant with the assault weapon ban of 84. Only held 10 rounds. Kek

>That said, good luck making child porn without cameras lol.
isnt that literally what the loli threads here are? anime drawings that skirt the laws?

>it is about the statistics. More guns correlate with more gun violence, pretty much globally.
you say its about the statistics, yet you just make a completely unsubstantiated and untrue claim that has no basis using the stats. why?

>There's nothing wrong with fucking C4, they use it in mines and who knows else. But you just don't want that shit to be sold over the counter to every retard everywhere, because that will inevitably lead to people being blown up (by accident or ill will).
guns are used for self defense and protection. something which most of you antigunners dont appreciate until the day you become a victim then run to the nearest gun store and whine about why you have to wait 15 days when you need the gun right away because of the death threats you are facing

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depends how you use benis


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My point is that my main worry with easily accessible guns isn't really the guns per se, but general levels of idiocy of people everywhere. Especially the average or below averaged "Joe's" who are incidentally MORE likely to end up fucking owning one at the moment.

People are stupid. And a shitton of people are mean and bitter and some outright evil. The reason why guns shouldn't be readily available to everyone (especially certain types of guns, like automatic rifles) is based on the same logic as not freely selling enriched uranium, many concentrated lethal poisons, explosives, etc. The things aren't the problem, the people are, but you can't remove people from the equation.

I mean, what do you suggest, really? Shooting every even minor lawbreaker on the spot? Culling the bottom 20% of stupidest people with smaller follow up culls annually? Limiting access to guns is doable and democratic. Other solutions to the same problem are either fascistic or awfully inefficient as proven by current day reality in the states.