We say the meanest, most brutal, devastating insult we know to the user above you

We say the meanest, most brutal, devastating insult we know to the user above you

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nigga u gay

no ur mom gay

you frickin' frick

i dont care you break your elbow.

no u


You have a face.


You will never be loved


Your bloodline ends with you, you filthy, disgusting incel NEET


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I hope you step on a Lego

Your'e a stinky face!

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

I would insult you but it's not worth the effort!

You’re a turkey jerky

You’re a turkey jerkey

cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.


Ur mum gay

You're a well rounded individual, with respectable parents who have infinte love for you and your siblings.


Quite the contrarian are ye

Takes one to know one faggot.


You are a caca pp popo face

No, YOU'RE a turkey jerky

Well you are a turkey jerky

ur minecraft server is sucks

Are you a men or a woman? Ive been looking you for twenty minutes and i still cant tell.

Your penis is really small and you know it.

Stinky hat

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At least I put my small dick to use you filthy virgin turkey jerky

That’s why your moms in a fucking wheelchair you fat hooked nose kike, your so retarded you call people newfags cause it helps you sleep at night knowing that your a bigger faggot than anyone on this board. You are a no life fat piece of shit virgin who will have a heart attack in your parents basement and no one will ever remember you.

self reflecting?

ur an turkey jerkey

shut the fuck up you turkey jerky

That’s why your dad was fucked in the ass.

At night I wipe my ass with your toothbrush when your asleep.

You watch black guys fuck your mommy and rant on Yea Forums about white supremacy.

You will never have a gf in roblox

I am sorry but you are just not good enough for me.

I don’t know, man, I JUST left a political thread

Well you’re a turkey jerkyy

Roblox is for really old guys trying to fuck children or retarded children

you mean nothing to everyone


You are Weak and predictable


You roody poo candy ass newt gringrich looking mother fucker

You are good enough to be a cat doodoo box

Fuck you too OP you fat son of a bitch

your mother was an hamster and your father smelt of elderberries

You aren't.

hur hur your a fag

u r a diaper man

You look like syphilis


You are not'ernt to not be a knot

I raped your grandmother and while your mom watched.

Do not mistake me for fillanderer of cheap bitches

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I raped u while u watched

You are too stupid to know that AOC is a moron and that Bernie was hand picked by Hillary as a placeholder.

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Your mom was a pig and your dad was a degenerate hillbilly who only fucked animals

You're an ok guy.

I'm gonna take a shit down your dirty home's heating register to make it smell better

It’s not rape if you like it. ;)

Thank you so are you

You are a fat virgin

I will be fucking my girlfriend while you all are fapping to Loli bread, traps and g fur

I win


Your mother was a time traveling hermanphrodite who fucked and impregnated herself, and it is from this paradoxical incest that you were conceived.

takes one to know one

eat horse

Du e ein sundpult fittonje, far din skjemst.

At least I’m not a fucking hooked nose kike who killed Jesus and at least my mom knows how to time travel all yours does is open her legs for any Grimey nigger that walks her way

You look like the kind of guy that would suck dick for bus fare, then walk home.

You look like they guy who sucks dick for the milk

You have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

You put your penis in your own bunghole

You put your penis in Chris Farley’s bunghole

you browse Yea Forums instead of going outside and trying to make friends because you're super insecure about yourself


I will swear at you

You look like my next ex

When you were a baby your mom had you circumcised and the doctor burned your dick off so all your life your parents made you think you were a girl. Until now

Some people cause happiness wherever they go; you cause happiness whenever you go.

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You’re a turkey jerky

At least I make someone happy. Everyone just pities you even the squirrels

You're about as bright as a black hole and twice as dense.

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While I was fucking your ass you kept screaming “gimme, that, turkey, jurkey!”

Your breath is so bad your butts mad at your mouth

If you were to receive an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

We should hangout sometime and insult people until they kill them selves

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That’s the image I saw when I did a satanic ritual

Here is a victim call her text her

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I'm a little annoyed at you.

Your so fucking stupid you boil rice in the toilet

You microwave watermelons you dumb fuck.

AIDS called and told me you too fucking gay

Your madder than a sabertooth tiger in a tinfoil factory you limp dick pussy foot.

If I had two sons I'd shoot myself and make you pay for the funeral you ass duking clown town frigglefrack.

Your insults are worthless.

The better part of you ran down your mother's leg

I'll have to pass on this offer. If I did this for fun every day, the suicide rates would skyrocket.
Plus, I've made someone commit suicide before already. It's pretty easy to convince the weak.

At least I don't post on anonymous message boards faggot.

Your mother is a nice lady but your grandmothers a whore

If your brains were explosives, there wouldn't be enough firepower to blow your hat off.

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Just enough to blow my load in your mom.

can't blow a load with balls that small

Does that mean you're adopted?

You're a turd burgling butt pirate

I cannot bear fools, it seems, however, your mother can.

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Your mom can't cook

You belong here.

Your iq is slightly lower then mine, so im better you incel

That would make me your smarter older brother.

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I would like you to know that you're a big-lipped spear-chucking chicken-loving shoe-stealing rapper-killing cotton-picking field-working nigger. I hope you get picked back up by the white men and I hope they whip your back so much that you look like string cheese, you fucking hairless, prepubescent black-frog spawn.

Your grammar is slightly worse than mine, som im more literate, you illiterate.


If your wit was currency, you'd be impoverished.

Fuck calm down Satan

You got me. I'm out for good.

you still eat jam

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If your wit was food, you'd be an african.

You ARE an African

you ARE also African.

You ARE an American

You look like something I drew with my non-dominant hand.

>your mom We say the meanest, most brutal, devastating insult we know to the user above you

works every time

You are what your dad should've shot out with his dominant hand.

Why haven't you been calling your grandmother to tell her how much you love her?

thats going too far, user.

You have low self esteem and you will never be a home owner

you are a diarrhea ridden male lamb

Codpiece face

kike detected

You're the female version.

It is actually the most hurtful insult I have available since it always hurts no matter the circumstances.

Sorry about that, user.

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This guy spent a long time thinking of an insult that sucked and he is never gonna use again. What a loser.

one time in band camp you touched weeeners.

I hope you are always late to work.

you mothetfucking mongoloid gaytard fart

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pants baba!

still less homo than sex with your girlfriend.

At least he has one

How's it feel to know you will only earn enough to pay your bus fares to work fo the rest of your life?

Does it hurt more than knowing you're never going to get with a woman because no matter how hard you try you'll never be able to have a normal conversation wih another human being?

Get the fuck outta here.

P.S. Your dad's a virgin.

I wouldnt call my sex friend a very good girlfriend.

I hope you forget all your passwords.

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Your father is a swine


I hope fire fighters dance around your house

It feels as empty and pathetic as whatever you're feeling, buddy. You could be the happiest richest married man in the world. The pointlessness of life hits everybody equaly.

My grandfather will fuck your grandfather

I hope cops dance around the nigger that shot you

Your penis is small and it scares you

I hope the nigger dances around the firefighters fucking your grandfather.

Fine, but why you gotta be like this?

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Your father was a pennyless vagabond

I hope you never feel the warm embrace of a woman who loves you.

*Why do you have to be like this?* Just because you're gonna die one day doesnt give you permission to type like a savage nigger. Have some decency.

I've felt the warm embrace of a woman that loves you around the tip of my dick

As long as she keeps putting out, your mom doesn't have to love me.

your dad sucks off dogs for quavers

Yours does it for free.

You're not invited to my Christian minecraft server!

You like girls

I bet you camp in buildings when you play fartnite.

I bet you shower naked you slut

You have a smelly penis

Your penis is large and it scares me

You forgot your mothers birthday.

You're underage b8

I bet you don't like eye contact during sex you autistic fuck!

I bet you only have sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation.

I hope every chocolate chip cookie you ever eat is actually oatmeal raisin

I bet you like the smell of stale ass when you fuck

I bet all your insults begin with "I bet".

jokes on you. i love oatmeal raisin. Your mom makes the best ones.

I hope you'll never be an olive

Stupid idiot stinky poo poo head

no u doo doo poo poo shit.

You look like you could suck a golfball through a garden hose

Amy Schumer is funnier than you

u spoopy head doodoo mouth

low blow man.

I bet you're secretly a faggot (I know I might be (probably not, faggot.) )

you pee hole dumb face.


Your mom goes to college.

You know nothing, user.


Get out of here u chicken legs Clucky Mcfuck

U ah gey


Your mom is a slut and you were an accident

Okay Baron.

Your gay


You fat retarded neckbearded degenerate I fucked your mom and came in her ass

U want 2 b happy but u cant b!! :D

user, you ARE the father!