I tried trading a $50 worth of steam for 50, 30, 20 bucks, no one would. I need money for food for me and my dog, Cerb.
But no one is trading, so....I guess I’m just giving it to you and hoping someone might throw me some PayPal to help me out. I really need it and don’t have the karma for r/assistance yet, but man I just wanna eat.
But if not, I made someone happy.
Roll a 12, a 48, or a 99 and INCLUDE YOUR STEAMID so I can add you and I can send you your game(s)
For anyone who might want to help out, PayPal: anigoleh@gmail
I used whoever sent me like 16 in PayPal to pay the tax so he could get the full $50
Jayden King
this Yea Forumsro went above and beyond for me, even paying for tax with this. I hope another good guy user can help him out, he absolutely deserves it
And thank you whoever sent me 16 in PayPal. Thank you a lot, it means a lot.
Matthew Parker
you didn't deserve him you scripting faggot
Gabriel Cooper
Thank you Yea Forumsro I really do appreciate that a lot.
I hope you enjoy
Nathaniel Adams
>doesnt have money to eat >spends what little he got in tax for games for a stranger doesnt compute, user
Liam Brown
I sent more than $16; did PayPal deduct the rest?
Andrew Roberts
It was 5 bucks so he could get all of what he wanted to my 10, I would have had 10 in useless steam, and I can at least get my pets food
I hope for generosity but I did this to make someone happy
Aiden Evans
Some people are just nice enough to help out a stranger. I mean, I wouldn't use money I really needed to buy someone a game, but maybe karma will help him out.
Cooper Anderson
user? help me help you
Hudson Miller
Oh holy shit I didn’t see that 23. Thank you so much dude
Noah Mitchell
Yeah it is...I’m sorry, I haven’t been able to catch up with everything
Cameron Jackson
listen bud, I've got more than my fair share of games from Yea Forums so I know there are people who help others out, but this bloke cant afford to buy food for himself and his pet, so it baffles me that the money that someone else sent him, that he needed for food, was spent in buying games for a stranger. see what I mean?
Hey, thanks to Trump, the economy's doing GREAT! It's BOOMING and unemployment's at an all-time LOW! Getting a JOB should be NO TROUBLE AT ALL right now! (Unless, of course, you're too young to get a job which would also mean you're too young to be here! (You must be 18+ to view these boards. If you're not you must leave immediately, delete your cookies and cache, uninstall your browsing app, smash your phone into small pieces, wash your eyes with bleach and take enough hallucinogenics to completely erase your memory before you kill yourself.))
Luke Lewis
I was goin to walk up to the store and buy stuff to make shepherds pie. It’s inexoensive and can last a while and that lets me afford my pets food too
Kevin Hernandez
So this thread worked really good for you, originally you would have traded for only 20 real bucks for that 50 steambux. Go get your pets some food, pal.
Haha! You fell for one of the oldest paypal scams in the world! Say byebye to whatever's in your bank account forever!
Joseph Butler
that sounds pretty good, actually
if you wanna talk feel free to add me, I'm the guy who rolled like 30 times
Austin Hall
Try reading the thread. Someone else sent a payment and I missed his
Christian Price
Good job, user! I'm glad to see there are still lots and lots of stupid mainstream rubes who're dumb enough to fall for this old trick. I may come back and do this myself later.
Logan Richardson
>333 nice
Juan Lopez
anigoleh is my id
Kayden Harris
>Even with trips being this new >Not knowing this old Paypal scam >Enjoy getting ripped off, sucker!
Carter Garcia
It was no trick...
Juan Flores
cant find you mate add me maybe?
Robert Ross
One of the reasons "new" 4ch-an is so much better than old 4ch-an is all the idiot, trusting mainstream moron suckers who fall for every troll and bait post that gets posted here. I just laugh all day at all the incredibly stupid suckers!