The USA is a disgusting shithole filled with obese people gorging themselves into an early grave...

The USA is a disgusting shithole filled with obese people gorging themselves into an early grave. Literally 40% of you all are obese, and the number just keeps climbing. The only thing the hamplanets produce are empty coke cans in the landfill. Also, to all the white supremacists out there, why do you think white people should be preserved when literally 70% are fat fucks with a room temperature IQ?

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u right, all white wombs should be bred by BBC

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You must be super-disgusted by all of the nations that are even fatter than the US.

At least I dont live in a mudhut lmao

Do you know that the average nigger iq is around 70? That's considered retarded by white standards

I eat because food is abundant. You smelly Europeans will go "Ooooh it's the end of the world and I'm sooo hungry, I should have taken advantage of eating when I had the chance, instead of just eating water crest tea sandwiches" Now you die and I survive via stored body fat.

troll bait kek

Our obesity rates skyrocketed due to mexican immigration. Mexico is the fattest country on the planet and staistically speaking within 10 years 100% of black women will be obese.

Why you angry tho

>implying that a race shouldn’t exist if most of it’s people aren’t productive.
You realize that applies to most of the races on the planet, right?


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why do you care if these people are so beneath you?

>Room temperature IQ


> Using the word literally
> Not outing yourself as a millennial

You’re throwing a lot of shade for some europoor degenerate faggot, op. That in and of itself is no surprise really, but what’s funny about it is even us fat Americans have better quality of life than anyone in your shiteating country. Hows your currency doing there, shitstain?

actually, mexico is the fattest country in the world. why don't you go bother them

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do you ever do anything other than post obvious b8 threads on Yea Forums? is this what you do all day everyday?

Hello brother.

when you're on the dole and live in the corner of someone's basement you need to find ways to entertain yourself

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All 16 of them making up less than 1/3 the population of America which is more than 1/3 obese. America even out-fats them in raw numbers.

Must be rough to live in a third world country


This mf never heard of nauru

How's that 3g connection working in your hut going? Wah wah wah American this American that..yet you fagz watch our movies tv shows etc etc...dumb dipshit!

I'm a pretty productive american.

>lifting so in good shape
>in college about to earn my degree
>no debt
>money in the bank

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Stupid nigger black people are scraping the bottom of the bin, lowest average IQ, highest crime rate, high unemployment, and more likely to shoot you because you're a "white devil" when their dumb nigger ass probably just got out of prison for armed robbery.