what to do /b ?

Attached: DR5QFMSXJQ6VDBSDOKW43INKJ4.jpg (443x436, 48K)

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listen to music you like, walk around outside, entertain weird concepts. the normal shit

16:45 consumed.

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Oy bro. Im stoned on hash (and some tobacco), and m also snusing atm. How you doing, man (or woman idk)?

guess what. :) heheh

Attached: frest.jpg (1919x1079, 518K)

anons welc0m3

listen to this song

The single best experience I've had on acid was watching the movie If I Stay (2014)

I had taken 2 tabs and smoked a joint one summer night, the girl I had a crush on was abroad and we talked a lot over the internet. I asked her what movie I should watch and she recommended this that one. I don't know whether it was the young love, the acid or the movie itself, but I was entirely enraptured by the experience, so much so that I shed maybe the happiest tear of my life.

That time has passed, and I really really want to watch the movie again, but I dare not. It could never be as magical as it was the first time.

Attached: unknown-3.png (260x393, 129K)


Hello fellow Swede?

Hello from the east.


lol first time I did acid a couple of years back
I felt an urge to listen to Passenger of Shit and it was the greatest thing ever

hot knife

ah, perkele indeed

Watch this video on a big screen

look at trees

fap, its incredible.

I am the hash and snus user. Norway here. Weed is hard to come buy but hash is awailablle.

Fy faen

you should probably quit ur bullshit because it's retarded. No one does LSD, goes on /b and finds a weird picture to accompany their lies for attention.

Oh you poor thing. Lots of people do that, i've done it myself. I love looking at random shit when i'm tripping. You dont have to go full on Buddah mode every time you trip.

I am always happy when there is weed available in my town, it's almost always overpriced though, but hey at least there is lots of fucking snus here

fy fan

Not if you know the right people and live in one of the bigger cities. Lots of weed in Norway

I do know the right people, but I live in a small town, and I don't live in Norway