What the HELL are they feeding kids nowadays?

What the HELL are they feeding kids nowadays?

This bitch is 14 wtf

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M O D S !!

Genetical engineering

Now they grow faster, like cattle time growth optimization

Need more photos for science & stuff

we put tons of growth hormones into our farm animals to maximize profit and expect the food we produce not to work like ... you know... growth hormones.

Post some theories on the matter

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yeah, it doesn't work that way


more importantly, can we get sauce?

Hormones from plastics and GMOs. I ain't complaining

Probably don’t post her with age then? MODS?


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Doesn't look like anything crazy to me. She has an ok ass and she's sticking it out. 14 year old were always hot.

okay please enlighten me, how do hormones work

I don’t remember girls being like pic related when I was in 8th grade

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The difference is not the bodies, it’s how they show them off.

10 years ago there wasn’t so many IG internet sluts trying to gain a following.

An all american breakfast is pretty anabolic...

i do. honestly, the biggest factors here are photography and fashion. bitches be sluts.

Alright, boomer. Girls in your day were probably malnourished.

I’d believe it

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That's because you went to a Christian conservative school in Buttfuck, Indiana.

I did go to Christian school, and all those people are now on crack, homeless, or in jail.

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That is exactly where I was in eigth grade. Those girls were taking it in the ass and calling themselves virgins.

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Perfect age. Except the whole legal thing. But yeah I guess just more liberal social values? So girls can dress / act more like sluts, and get rewarded for doing so.. (which is ideal in my opinion )

killer body

Do you think the parents are aware?

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Where do you fall in those 3?

No. The picture says she's
77 and Female.

She's a good looking granny.

I'd smash
But yeah, sexualisation of kids has been a thing for a while. Probably has to do with the fact that children are the easiest demographic to target due to being stupid and inexperienced, and they also think that "adult stuff" like sex are cool

there is little to no difference in child development as compared to any point in the past 200 years

At 14 the body is more than ready and able to take dick. She has great curves and flaunts it. Good for her.

best pic, edging my dick about to cum

What do you mean? Some yes some no. So be parents similarly liberal (again a good thing ). I dated an 18 yo a while ago, so obvs older than we're talking, but first time I stayed over at hers ( which was i think the 3rd date ), so basically told her dad to go to bed so we could fuck. .. He was fine with it. :D

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All true, but you can call it sexualisation, or the natural/ traditional order of things.

Except males have 1/4 the testosterone of 100 years ago and women have 4 times the estrogen of 100 years ago.
But you're right. No difference.

Angles and poses

Do you know her? Where is she from?

what males? what females? are you talking about children?

I'm right. No difference.

Idk I found her online

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they are all in a race with eachother to grow up faster than the rest, everything is a competition with these bitches even how fast they can become whores

I'm sure if we left the choices to these kids they'd be 14 and married with a child already

What makes you think she doesnt look 14? Thats exactly how old she looks to me.

You should have seen my girlfriends tits when she was 14. Perfect big ass globes that handnt existed long enough to sag, at all.

When I hooked up with her again after we had graduated. They had fallen.

We hooked up again when she came home from college too.

All I see is a chick whose gonna be fat. If her ass looks like that at 14, shes gonna be big as fuck by her 20s.


Nice find :D.


estrogen in the modern food
it makes girls mature faster
also makes them hit the menopause faster, cause you have a limited number of oocytes.
doesn't have much affect on boys as far as maturation. just makes them more prone to store fat

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Well that made me sad.
I tell myself all these animal abuse videos are fake.
I pray they are. But at the same time I’m filled with such rage that I’d inflict on the perpetrators in the same manner.
Is it wrong to love and want to avenge animals like these and hate my fellow man?


You dont know shit about that dog, he could have been an asshole. Stop making assumptions.

The benefit of a steady diet of CUM

not my cock sadly

Wishing I was 14 again. . Or maybe 15 or 16. Damn.


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I mean, look at that ass, it's insane

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Is good for their skin too

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too old user

girl is 15

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She looks 14

What the fuck are you screeching about. It`s just a picture of a 14 year old in a bikini just like you would see in the catalogues. It`s people like you who are into kids and by screeching for the mods you are just trying to hide the fact that it is you who is into the kids fantasing about all kinds of weird fetishes with them.

technically that's not nassau, it's the the atlantis resort on paradise island

any older pics?

You mean of her? Or her older?

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Our Glorious God saw to it that they are old enough to seed when they are old enough to bleed


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nb4 chris hansen

