Yea Forums, help me out is this a guy or a fish?
Yea Forums, help me out is this a guy or a fish?
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Oh Wowo that is right there Grimes! !(pic related)
She is not a fish but the best whisper singer of songs sung softly to the world.
can someone tell me why everyone is talking about this bitch atm
No we don’t know either
It looks like a female
dear god you need a life
right now william has the 2nd best selling album in the world, was #1 last week, and is a zoomer trans
Industry plant, just a project from a huge record label.
Rises to fame from literally nothing,
these threads are probably made just to boast her popularity even more.
It's pretty pathetic how people just swallow whatevers literally shoveled down their throats.
fuck trump.
*Beep boop*
Trump = Bad
CNN = Good
>initiates fornication subroutine
Really, who wants Putin’s sloppy seconds? You will get polonium or a novichock. Can we just get Pete David’s sloppy... single digits?
Who watches CNN? Only a retard equates that channel to mass consumption.
Pick one, faggot.
These threads are a marketing campaign.
Sage goes in all fields.
lol imagine being this fucking stupid
It's a transboy?
Ausm Weeeech! Ick habs Eilish!
fish for sure
She reminds me of Ellen Feiss