Maybe 400 million dollars could be used to help the terrible refugee situation

Maybe 400 million dollars could be used to help the terrible refugee situation.
Maybe 400 million dollars could help people living on the street and along the Seine.
Fucking Catholics and their overinflated ego.
If we put even a fraction of the amount of energy towards our descendants as we do our ancestors...we could actually make this world a decent place to live.

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weak bait

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lets all pray for op

If I had 400 million I'd take 50 of that and keep it, the rest would go right into funding Spacex starship.

Yeah but your ancestors left cooler things than you or your decendants will. I'd put money toward restoration. Give some artists and sculptors with honed skills some work.

that's why you don't have 400 millions

Whatever bub...fuck a Catholic..and fuck their church.

You assume that we've already reached a pinnacle? That our ancestors, if provided the opportunity, couldn't create something as beautiful?
Our obsession with nostalgia is ruining our future.

**Excuse me....I meant our Descendants.

I'm fine thanks. Pray for those poor fools that think this empty tourist trap is more important than human lives.

Yes help the refugees they deserve it much more.

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>Pre refugee crisis
>'Shit all the homeless are now dying in the streets, we should really help them'
>Post refugee crisis
>'Aren't we so glad we flooded the streets with more homeless, these ones are muslim too'
>'Yay now they are killing the native homeless faster!'

France didn't need any more social burdens. But by all means keep trucking in more niggers and carpet pilots.

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they help refugees because they DONT LIKE YOU

Maybe not just refugees, I get it....but how about better social services for all citizens of the country.
But I suppose they need to open it up quickly so they can sell more plastic crosses at the gift shop.

Regardless of whether I agree with you or not, when was the last time you stopped to help a homeless person on the streets of your town/city by buying them a meal or bringing them food?

That 400 million is going to make a lot of jobs.
People have to work the stone, the lead, the wood, the metal and glass.
People have to put it in place.
People have to design it and plan it.
People have to redo the interior.

900 years of history in one building is worth preserving.

Why don't you get over yourself, you deserve money from where, our hard work? Go fuck yourself in the ass with a metal pike.

I don't need them. Those people do need a little.

I feel like France might just have some small part to play for the reason why Africa is so messed up.
I kind of feel like France may have taken so much advantage of Africa, without putting anything back, that perhaps this "burden" of refugees is a little bit their own fault...

ITT: OP and others who do not know the sheer enormity of charitable funding and services provided by the Catholic Church, Catholic charities, and Catholic individuals.

OP, cursory research would show you the vast charitable acts of Catholics. Even if you don't think this money should be spent on a building, it is inaccurate to claim Catholics don't care or do anything for other people. People who are familiar with the facts realize how important Catholic charities are in communities throughout the world.

I suggest you do even only a little research. It will take minimal effort. In the future, you might want to do that for any topic you don't know about before making assumptions or drawing conclusions.

I get that...for sure. I'm not all about destroying history. But come on..dumping a zillion dollars just to try and fix in 5 years while the rest of the city burns is insane. But thats can be blinding.

I'm not in France. I don't need your money.

There are too many people in the world. Human lives are what will kill humanity. We need to cull the numbers by a couple billion.

I'm quite poor myself...but I do. I try to give. I'll share a chunk of a baguette...I offer food and money when I can.

If it was a normal building, it wouldnt get this.
A skyscraper or something, no one would really care.

But it's a big symbol of the country, the city, 900 years of history.
It has a LOT invested in it.
If it just sits there and burns out, that'd be tragic b eyond belief for historical reasons, but also for the french as a people.
Same as if the White House burned down (calm down canada), or the Colliseum was destroyed, or Big Ben or the borg cube in mecca.

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I know that...I know many impeccable Catholics.
My point is why spend zillions to fix this place while the rest of Paris burns.
People need help. If the Catholics want to continue the tradition of helping them. The building isn't the heart and soul of good deeds.

overinflated ego? lol
thats a 900 year old piece of history being preserved
not to mention 1 billion€ was spent on refugees in the EU so dont act like nothing is being done
if you really care so much just donate, dont hop on a shitty forum complaining about what other people donate their money on
climb out of your ass faggot

Absurdist ideology. Who then, o lord, shall we chose to let die by the billions? Your family? My family? Your friends?

Everyone dies. The question is, who do we allow to reproduce? Why should we make it easier for the refugees to reproduce?

You got it bub.
>dont hop on a shitty forum complaining about what other people donate their money on
Have you been on Yea Forums before?

I can't argue with that brilliant logic.
I feel like you're not at all qualified to make ANY decisions regarding procreation.

no i just found it a few days ago actually seems like a cool place yeah

Well....enjoy the absolute madness.

It's a shame they didn't just jump in, Catholics are good firewood.

The cold is nature's way of telling us to burn more Catholics

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Nobody in the world is qualified. That is the problem. Soon there will be 100billion people all fighting for scraps and we'll just die out because the earth can't sustain us any more.

Norway approves.

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A hundred billion seems like a big leap. We're only at like...8. That's a loooooong way away.
There's more than enough for everyone when taking how much food waste into consideration.
We're not doomed.

Norway did not have any council meeting on the approval of anything today. Where to you get the power to declare such approval for an entire Country? One poster? The entire country? Are you SURE you're qualified to speak for Norwegians?! ALL NORWEGIANS?!!YOU?!?

>Are you every Norwegian person on Yea Forums right now?

I guess denial is one way to deal with it.

Denail ain't just a river in Egypt sista!

maybe if muzzies didn't start the fire it could have been

You apparently don't know.

>If we put even a fraction of the amount of energy towards our descendants as we do our ancestors...we could actually make this world a decent place to live.

This apparently isn't true. Catholics give billions each year. This is a fraction of that spread over years. But it's an assumption and conclusion you make to support this other statement:

>Fucking Catholics and their overinfglated ego.

I'm not even going to address the fact that it isn't about ego at all. Others here and elsewhere have pointed out the historic and cultural significance of Notre Dame to the world, not just Catholics. But I cannot understand how you think this is because of Catholic ego if you actually do comprehend the amount of charity provided by Catholics, especially since it far exceeds the amount needed to restore Notre Dame.

>[S]ome impeccable Catholics

Just like any group of people, there are really good and really bad. You're pointing this out like Catholics are an exception.

I don't know your purpose or reasons. Maybe you just don't like Catholics. Maybe you don't like organized religion. Maybe you don't like religion. Maybe you want something to be grumpy about. Maybe you want something to feel self-righteous about.

It's okay to admit that you came into this uninformed. All of the facts weigh heavily against you. I think you realize that. And I think that if you would have known the facts beforehand, you would have realized it then too, and not made this thread.

It would have been one thing to argue that the 400 million could be spent on something else as its own argument. That would have faced cultural and historical arguments. But you had to go all anti-catholic for no reason, even though you're wrong in this case.

Really seems like you're just running your mouth, man.

I'd rather save a piece of history and not some rape vectors

>being this dense

Careful with that gravity field, bub.

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Agreed, OP. People only give a shit about history when it's convenient for them. America has wiped out hundreds of years of Native American history and how many people have donated towards that? White people (esp European) obsession with preserving history, especially historic buildings, is hurting progress. So many churches sit on prime real estate and they pay $0 in taxes. Fuck em.

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>Being this devastatingly ignorant of the importance of historical touchstones

New shit condos are not progress.

New shitty condos is not progress

Meh...Im over it. Cry to your Gods and spend all the money in the world on it. Save Churches...Save Pedophile Priests.
Whatever bub. Good Bless.

Still too proud to admit you made bullshit assumptions to support bullshit conclusions? Anyway, glad you got your bitching out of your system. Maybe you can do something legitimate and productive now.

No no....I truly and honestly think spending 600 million dollars to save a building rather than 600 million to saves peoples lives is utter bullshit dude.
Regardless of historical significance, regardless of all the "good deeds" Catholics do...
Spending that while the rest of country burns is lame.
Jesus loved people...not stained glass windows.

Food waste is a meme and we are pretty fucked regardless. Despite any good intentions mass migration will be the end of us if left untreated. No one ever talks about it, but white westerners have been at carrying capacity for 20 years in some places and are reaching it just about everywhere. The """""refugees""""" on the other hand tend to tolerate a higher population density than the white westerners and will in time over take the westerners as we run out of places to expand into. Now why is this a problem? Because the shitskins come from shitholes. They rely on massive amounts of food aid, hell look at the population of Africa over time compared to European colonization and later western food aid. They can't even feed themselves. Refugees in white countries taking up a white mans space and resources will not just lead to the decline of whites, but the decline of humanity as a whole.

Or maybe preserving buildings of incredible historical and cultural significance is valuable and worth it, and money to help those in need can come from other waste?

I understand the value of half a billion dollars. I know what it could do to help people. But maybe you should focus on legitimate waste and misappropriated funding. Saving an important building that has been there for nearly a millenium is worth it to most people. Why don't you bitch about all the wasted money that could be spent helping poor people instead? This is the thing you're going to get on here and bitch about? This is the thread you're going to start?

How very shortsighted.

Also, this wasn't just an argument about the the of the money. From your multiple statements, it also was a way for you to get out your feelings on Catholics as a whole.

Hmmmm..Why is Africa so fucked? I wonder if France had a small part to play?
Maybe its time for France to clean up it's mess.

Oh you're just an offended Christian. Boo fucking hoo.
Step back and take a look at all the atrocities the Catholics have done and are still doing. Sorry bub....not buying it.

Africa is mainly fucked because it's a desert. Food does not grow in desert.

And who's history shall we preserve? And who's shall we destroy?

Africa is mostly fucked because of France, Belgium and the Dutch.

You know nothing about Africa

Oops. I meant this guy

>people act suprised that a major tourist city wants to restore a major tourist attraction and quickly collects the funds to do so

It definitely not surprising. Shit...they gotta get that gift shop open to sell more plastic crosses.

No, that was a side note. I pointed out your shit argument condemning Catholics that was so easily refuted. Personally, I'm looking at this in regards to the historical and cultural significance, which is clear from my comments. Oh look. You made another bullshit assumption.

Well, now, that's a random irrelevant argument. How about we preserve as much as we can? Where does anything I wrote suggest otherwise? Where did I suggest destroying anything? Thanks for your two cents. You're doing great.

No worries bub. Nice chatting with you.

Fuck off bigot

>Shit assumptions and conclusions
>Shit arguments
>Tries to be condescending to make himself better about being stupid today

I bet you call people "kid" when you're frustrated and indignant. Have a good one, buddy.

Go cry to your pedo priest in confession.

Africa was fucked before the French ever set foot on it. In fact for all the "atrocities" committed by the Europeans Africa is still better off than had we left them alone.

You need to stop looking at this as a social issue, it's an ecological one. Blacks simply can not feed themselves at their current numbers and this has been shown time and time again. The same applies to arabs and south east asians to a lesser extent.

I'll pray for you, confused idiot

I never call people kid. Really. It seems difficult for you, the fact that people have different opinions and that discussion is not always an argument. I'm glad you have your God that makes you feel superior. I'm happy you think your own opinion is absolute and I hope your history of forever preserved at any cost.
It's a beautiful day...thank you.

Bless you Child.

Again, I never said that I'm religious. I've never indicated I'm religious. But you can't stop making assumptions and getting off track with ad hom arguments, can you? I have no problem with different opinions. I'm just slightly annoyed with people making assumptions, being uninformed, and drawing on their ignorance of a topic to make a blanket and illogical conclusions.

It seems very difficult for you to actually read what people write. Maybe that's especially true when they're pointing out your ignorance and flawed reasoning.

God burned the church because of kid fucking

Holy moly serious at such a young age. You're assuming things about me too; I don't care.
The purpose of this thread was to gain different opinions on a very touchy subject.
Take it easy guy. I really don't care if you're religious or not. I don't give a tiny little shit about your personal life.
I dropped an opinion, people reacted, I was given many different perspectives on the topic, people can read through and not fomulate their own opinions due to having access to more perspectives than perhaps a new source may offer, successful post I do say so myself.
Three opinions are better than one.

***excuse the "not"

OP here. I just don't care enough at this point to continue on and on about it.
It's out of my hands.
Thanks for chiming in everyone. It's been a slice.