Hey amerifags, what’s the difference between the US and yogurt?

Hey amerifags, what’s the difference between the US and yogurt?

If you leave yogurt alone for 300 years, it develops a culture.

Attached: france usa.jpg (4056x2465, 1.83M)

The other day I saw webm of a Paris train station. Everyone going down the escalators was black. It was absolutely incredible. it was like Africa. If that's what you call culture then count me out

America have a culture of liberty. More then you can say about the rest of the world.

as if France hasn't totally degenerated since the revolution

Your saying your a racist and you hate France?

Yeah because only america has liberty.
Keep comparing yourself to Iran mate

No. user says your culture has been stolen from you. Frenchmen will be removed from France in this century.
Bonne chance!

but you forgot usa was created by europeans

This. You don't have to hate France or be racist to feel this way either. If what user described about the train station isn't in Invasion, then I don't know what it is. We wouldn't want that for our country

Damn leave it alone for 3 weeks and it develops a culture, McDonald's fries cant even spoil

You support rape and racism in undeveloped countries?

Im not even American. Maybe there are other places. Not in my part of europe tho. Give examples of other place with similar levels of freedom. Id love to move if possible.

Move to America it’s a great place full of interesting cool people who will be happy to welcome you into their country

It's racism... At its core. The reason why you see so many black people together is that they are segregated from the whites. Specific Parisian suburbs are mainly black. The centre is mainly white. Talk about different education or economic levels from African immigrants. But saying they black there goes the neighborhood is plain racist or just stupid.

Most 1st world countries have similar lvls of freedom.
Usa is rank 10 in freedom, so if you think the difference is not very big from rank 10 to rank 1, then the difference is not very big from rank 10 to 19 either.
This means you have 19 countries to pick from. Honestly, just pick one.
For me, I'd rather not move to Usa, since they lack political freedom, and the freedom of not getting shot. But that's entirely your decision.
GL picking

it doesnt matter who's taking it from you, theyre still taking it from you.

I bet everyone in the ancient world said the same shit about those damned culture-less Romans. The Mongolians said the same shit from the other side of the Great Wall. The US is your culture, you just don't know it yet.

Serious question: how are you frenchfags getting butthurt over notre dame memes if your country doesnt let you watch memes?

Side note: you are all cucks who let your government dictate what you can or cant do.

Lmao if you call surrender and losing all sense of cultural and racial identity sure France has all that

What’s wrong with hating France?

Just like Americans, then. Except the French actually do riots and shit.