Jews are smart. They want exterminate you not by guns but economically and culturally.
Jews are smart. They want exterminate you not by guns but economically and culturally
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We don't want to exterminate anyone. If I wasn't Jewish I would probably hate Jews too, because I wish I had a scapegoat to blame for all my life troubles. Some Jews are liberal and promote cancerous ideas - but they are not really "Jewish". No liberal Jew is actually an observant one who follows his religion, and they just pull out the Jew card to seem like a minority. This kind is bad. But it's not all Jews, really. Even if it's hard to fathom and easy to group 'em all. The cunts are a loud minority, the most are living their life.
>We don't want to exterminate anyone
None of these are Jewish. But some Jews do crimes. Whites too. Japanese too. Moldovans and Kazakh too. The assumption that all people who are born with a certain gene pool, or into a certain culture, are inherently bad - is an infentile one. The real world is more complex than black or white.
>None of these are Jewish
>The assumption that all people who are born with a certain gene pool, or into a certain culture, are inherently bad - is an infentile one. The real world is more complex than black or white.
These are Muslims. It's funny that you people are too afraid to call them for what they are, so you beat around the bush and chant "AHH THEM DAMN JEWS AGAIN", because Jews are fairly easy targets. But these are Muslims who are taking over Europe. And anyone with a sane mind would like to see Europe waking up and taking care of itself.
Jews are still here. This cuck posioned his kids and did a Kurt Cobain.
>The assumption that all people who are born with a certain gene pool, or into a certain culture, are inherently bad - is an infentile one. If 98 percent of a apple tree is poisoned and infested that all apples ecept maybe 2 percent will be okay is it better to burn the apple tree or let it poison other plants and trees around it? Just cause 2 percent of apples may be okay its not worth the risk and the apple tree is better to be destroyed. Same thing with the Jews you all need to die you are literally vampires
Germany is dying. Jews are thriving. But if nostalgia calms your gentle heart, I won't bother you with it. Escapism is vital - you are on Yea Forums, after all.
Brenton Tarrant is a Mossad agent, he has been to Israel multiple times, and his mother (at least or both parents) are jews.
His entire manifesto goes along with jewish plans to make whites hate Islam but respect the jews/Israel at the same time (which is fucking stupid because it's only jews who flood our countries with muslims to destroy us).
>Brenton Tarrant is a Mossad agent
I know this
he is a mk ultra zionist puppet
"As of 2017, Nobel Prizes[note 1] have been awarded to 902 individuals,[1] of whom 203 or 22.5% were Jews,[note 2] although the total Jewish population comprises less than 0.2% of the world's population.[2] This means the percentage of Jewish Nobel laureates is at least 112.5 times or 11,250% above average"
drinking blood does not make you worthy of a prize giving out by other vampire jews
the goyim know
why do you take pride in some nobel winning jews anyway? their dna is so different from yours & other jews..Nobel prizes are a jew scam anyway lol! they gave obummer one & even bob dylan
Curious. Did Jews make all y'all stupid, too? Or is that just a coincidence?