I am a guy with severe gynecomastia

I am a guy with severe gynecomastia.
Ask me anything

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Wtd is that?

Another pic with better lighting

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Dude, your tits are enormous
How did this happen?

I have a genetic syndrome, my body produces too much female hormones. They started growing with puberty

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Fucking kek bigger tits than my gf

I’d just go tranny OP you’d be great

OP can you post complete body? (Ass, dick, hips)

You should wear a bra, you have stretchmarks on your titties

I’m with user, just go full girl and be done with it

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Yeah, that's what people suggest every time I post. I'm kinda considering it by now, I already do crossdressing anyway
I do wear a bra. But they grew pretty fast and left stretchmarks. I also have some on my stomach, I used to be 40 pounds fatter a few years ago

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my dick is super confused right now

Is your name Robert Paulsen?

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Awesome tits man, but shave the beard! I woulda fapped otherwise.

yeah go trap, you've been given a gift, dummy.
Also look into stretch mark treatments, the same pregnant girls do. I know my sister got rid of her stretch marks with cocoabutter and sun tanning.

don't dress like hat the boobs are disabilities genetic, its not you

>Ask me anything

Ever thought about inviting someone over to your big titties?

That's one seriously thicc body you got there. I'd love to ride your ass while grabbing those fat tits

*to fuck

I will, at some point
I know I shouldn't, but I kind of like it. At least they look nice in feminine clothing and not so out of place on my chest.
Not gonna lie, I sometimes wish someone would abuse them.
Haven't had the guts to go through with it though

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Do you let straight NEETs grab a handful? That’d be prettycharitable of you

Ever cum on your titties? if not you should, and share pics!

This thread again?

I don’t understand

How can you have severe gyno that gives you boobs when you can grow a full beard?

I’m ripped as fuck, high dht and test and can’t even grow a decent beard

Life is unfair, you should just become a trap


Do you play with your titties while you wank?

Ever go on omegle and just show tits until the guy is jerking off and then you bend down and show your beard?

so, so, so many truly random threads repeat for fuckin YEARS, just like this one

it's purely bullshit fantasy: push-up bras or muscle or direct saline injections or someshit
google 'severe gynecomastia' to see what it actually looks like

Genes come before hormones. Yes testosterone makes beard grow, but there's a genes have to allow the reception of testosterone in that area for testosterone to activate hair growth

Gyno is a hormonal aberration, actual genetic syndromes like Klinefelters can produce real breasts.
Odd that OP has body hair though, intersex men usually have little to no hairs

Not a guy with gyno but a degenerate with diy boobs

So do you guys reckon that OP is bullshitting and has had a boob job? Because those bad boys look too perfect to be the work of hormones

Because i’m sure if he produced too much estrogen he’d have a small dick, no balls and lack of facial hair right?

I know high test can = elevated etstrogen but I thought one cancelled out the other

OP: My boobs are natural

OP: I already cross dress

OP is a faggot, fake titted homo gay, garbage eating, lard swallowing, eat cheese by the block, cucumber fucking, dirty fleshlight sucking, run cheetoh dust on his shirt, faggot who is trying to justify his mental illness by convincing himself that his boobs are a work of nature by recieving compliments from beta fag trap loverd on the internet.

Stop seeking approval, we know your boobs are fake. The reason you keep a beard is because you find boobs attractive on males.

Fuck you op faggot you big gay

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well, yeah
Sorry for spamming I guess, people generally ask me to post more in these threads, so I do
Yeah, it's not "just" gyno, it's Klinefelters, means I've got XXY chromosomes, not XY like males.
I do have rest of the symptoms besides body hair - breast growth, kind of tiny dick and balls and pretty weak muscles.
Reduced intelligence - yeah, maybe, why else would I post on Yea Forums
I don't have a boobjob and I don't inject some shit into them either.

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i keep seeing this. its fake as fuck. not a single one has had any kind of verification. the earliest result of a lot of these pics is from russianchan.

watch thread, ThIs OnE iS mInE

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Doesn’t kleinfelters usually come with being abnormally tall?

Kleinfelters usually gives you a lack of body hair though, tits and makes you abnormally tall, with a micro penis and balls

How tall are you? And your balls and penis looks totally normal, how many inches are you hard?

are you some kind of hairless man-pig?

Can you cum?

I have female fat distribution but I put on muscle mass easy, have a big chest etc and shorter stature

But i’ve always wondered why the fuck I have feminine hips/ass. But everybody loves it.

It’s weird, anyway. I hope I don’t have some semi klinefelters because I have good muscle mass. What’s t like going to the gym for you, could you put on muscle?

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Wtf bro where are your knuckles?

Got an ass to match to your tits, under your short little skirt?

Damn, I wish my girlfriend had tits this big
What cup size are those?

I'd abuse those milkers as much as you want, you look perfectly ready to catch some cum on them.
Got kik?

post feminine butt

I am 5 10, so no lanklet
My cock doesn't really get much bigger than what's in the pics, a bit over 3 inches I guess.
Yeah, I can cum. I don't shoot, cum just kind of flows out afterwards.
I don't really go to the gym, too many people/attention. I have super weak arms for some reason, but I'm a decent squatter
Not sure, it's a man's ass I guess
That bra is D-cup, but I have some comfier DD-s too.
Nah, sorry

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nice fat girly ass, sissy bitch
who's clothes are you wearing?
make a video of you playing with your plump round tits

Be my girlfriend

Post butt hole

Those are my own clothes, I sometimes buy stuff that I think would look cute on me.
I thought you'd never notice me senpai
Of course I'll be your girlfriend

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If you shaved and grew long hair I'd date you for real
Or maybe I'd just raise your hopes, fuck those massive titties, promise to call back and never do, because it's weird