Where can i buy kekistan flag

Where can i buy kekistan flag
not usa because shiping to europe is fucking expensive

Attached: Kekistan_Flag_2_burnedcopy_grande.jpg (600x352, 25K)

I don't know


Please don't embarrass me/yourself/your family by actually doing this

stop being poor

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-17_13-43-29.png (777x769, 185K)

try asking here >>>r/Yea Forums you cringy fucker.

Bought one on amacunt once.
Shipping was about 3$ from us to gayrope.

how the fuck is that possible to buy a flag from china for 3.50 ????????????

Because shipping costs them virtually nothing. Ask for rebate when buying two, they give you 5 cent off

>Buying on Amazon
Why don't you remove the Jeff Bezos in the middle and order directly from China?

this shit is fueled by rainbows and love ?

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It’s fueled by ylyl threads

It is fueled by International Mail Exchange agreements. I deliver your mail, you deliver mine. German post delivers everything from Singapure to Germany, Singapure post delivers everything from Germany to Singapure. Singapure post can ask for 5 cent postage and still makes profit

Yeah your flag takes up a lot of space and volume, so naturally you have to pay for most of that ship's fuel

Most packages shipped from china to the 3rd world country im living in, get catch out from the customsoffice. This takes about 2-3 weeks longer.
And a bunch of products i've ordered from china were never delivered at all.

And of course pic related

Attached: bezos.jpg (960x540, 47K)

I bought mine from here and it's surprisingly well made.

Because I want it to actually show up

lmao welcome to 4 years ago newfriend

Check the seller's rating. Also if something doesn't arrive you get your money back. I fell for a scammer twice, money back no questions asked

i know its a napkin but it is some effort to send it

⧸If they send them in bulks, then your flag is only a fraction of the cost it takes in total.

i would never buy such thing just saw this thread randomly scrolling


Why would you want a dead meme?

You mean, even if you'd never fuck a trap you post in trap threads anyway?

To make people think he isn't an absolute newfag, was here when Kekistan. I also still have my inflatable Bill Gates doll somewhere..