How do these people have jobs?

How do these people have jobs?

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why is this important?

They don't. They leech on midwestern emo guys who are older than them and work dead-end job, live in their shitty ass dirty apartment doing drugs all day long.

They don't. Most of them have rich parents who can afford to put them through those pointless gender studies degrees they all seem to do

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not op, but you are free to express yourself however you see fit, imo. however, if you're just another neet leech, the gallows are waiting for you.

If you consider whoring yourself out online a job...

Liberals don’t have jobs they rely on handouts and welfare.

It's just make up and clothing. You take it off and put on some jeans and a blouse and they're like anyone else.

You're really judgmental about someones instagram pictures. I guess that's the sign of the times. You kids keep thinking the internet is Real Life. It's not. It's all fake.

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That's not even remotely true. Not even Hitler had that mentality. You're going like medieval desu vault m'lord.

Working for a strict corporation is the worst life possible.
-t.wages slave

they dont

In general they don't work and are largely unemployable. They're mentally ill and mentally retarded parasites which is why they push for (((mUh SOshUlisM)))

Not every job is in retail putz.

Why would you assume they do?

She sells her used panties to you cucks

You get mad when people don’t work.

You get mad when people do work.

When will you be happy?

George Soros

Talk shit all u want, your local post office needs people like this.

Your girlfriend ... now go smoke a dick


Thread is filled with walmart cart corral cowboys bitching about someone elses life. keks for days around here.

Most to them work in the drug business. They deal or grow pot, etc. It's a billion dollar industry so needs armies of scumbags and retards to keep it running.


They work at hottopic

They graduated college

They hire their own, like jews.

You'd be surprised how much you can get away with when you work freelance.

I know someone who does web design/engineering and literally never leaves their house. -Morbidly- obese but rakes in dosh like you wouldn't believe. Never interfaces with employers visually.


This, my ex went to school for photography, bitch turned emo and shit mainly because her parents did not like that she listened to bands like avenged sevenfold, and ripped down a poster, and this small event is what lead her to become a cutter, im not even fucking lying. Her parent's were cool, just strict Mormons... One that note, Mormons hate when your refer to god, as Mormon God, when asking questions about their bs religion.

Most of them dont, and the ones that do are whoring themselves out, or they buy and sell shit on ebay all day long.

They have skills that someone is hiring for and they apply

Soros payroll. Useful idiots. Satanic pawns. But these aren't the ones you should worry about. The most dangerous pawns wear suits and work in the highest echelons of government selling your rights to the satanic elite. Politicians and their goon enforcer drones.


They usually don't and just sponge off welfare. The ones that employed have to be because of anti discrimination laws. But they only work in non jobs like customer service work. They are ring fenced from actual work.

Most people in this shithole country are fenced from actual work. Not everyone can join Daddy's union.

This has nothing to do with communist unions. If you learn how to network, gain skills, then approach companies you will get the job you want. But it takes time and perseverance. You have to understand that there is more to just emailing your CV to your perspective employer, then getting upset they didn't rush back to you to carry you on a golden chair into your new office and throwing wads full of $$$ at you for sending your CV to them.

Fucking millennials.

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I know 7 people who lost their jobs recently and they were dead end jobs. It's time to leave this communist state. I don't feel like being gunned down by a SWAT team for growing a fucking tomato or some shit.

>I know 7 people who lost their jobs recently and they were dead end jobs.

If they get their higher national minimum pay rise there will be more jobs lost. Economies contracting. Good thing I'm self employed and my industry is safe.

Good luck young anons.

Is that Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle?

When those type of people are gone.
Preferably to Mars or some other distant planet.

All grown up, he did good for himself eh?

You make your own luck it's called get the hell out of dodge. Debt free.

Family got rich selling out Jews to the Nazis during WWII.

they dont...

Wtf is that supposed to be