

Attached: 1367450411771.jpg (660x576, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


op is nice

Attached: 378417238.gif (384x288, 283K)

>what do we do?

what do we do.

Attached: 1500622808918.jpg (300x300, 13K)

I still love everything about you sweetness.

Attached: black-cat-yellow-eyes.jpg (1024x1024, 110K)

>>what do we do?
>what do we do.
what do we do.

Attached: 240.jpg (392x545, 34K)

>well, i know that i would want to see you as much as i can. and i know i want to make sure you're feeling alright, too. and, i also care about being there when you need it.

... ...i'm happy to hear that... ...thank you for caring about me... ...thank you for being there for me...

Attached: 1342365056893.jpg (1016x1002, 94K)

OP is very nice to those of whome OP likes

Attached: cat-2540940_960_720.jpg (960x713, 201K)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>when are they coming
>>>when are they coming
>>>what does that mean?
>>when are they coming
>>you look like a vampire there
>when are they coming
>i guess i am

when are they coming

i guess you are

Attached: 1354228447437.jpg (800x1131, 97K)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>when are they coming
>>>>what does that mean?
>>>when are they coming
>>>you look like a vampire there
>>when are they coming
>>i guess i am
>when are they coming
>i guess you are
when are they coming

can we be friends

Attached: 199.jpg (620x875, 67K)

>op is nice

thank you.

Attached: 1349823662188.jpg (533x787, 100K)


Attached: 1344207999729.jpg (600x847, 97K)


Attached: 1344207999729.jpg (600x847, 75K)

but you know, i can't always be around
like right now
i need to go to sleep
so i hope you have a nice day, friend
and i'm sorry that i have to go
but i hope you understand
you're nice

Attached: 1544590896102.png (850x600, 228K)

>I still love everything about you sweetness.

...thank you...

Attached: 1360627103538.png (250x375, 25K)

thanks for a wonderful december

Attached: christmas present.png (1280x800, 612K)

>>>what do we do?
>>what do we do.
>what do we do.

what do we do

i don't know what do we do?...

...are you the same one that would always quote the same thing with me a lot...

Attached: 1353716569762.gif (240x338, 26K)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>what does that mean?
>>>>when are they coming
>>>>you look like a vampire there
>>>when are they coming
>>>i guess i am
>>when are they coming
>>i guess you are
>when are they coming
>can we be friends

when are they coming

we can be friends

Attached: 1345245380894.png (280x360, 28K)

I could be

Attached: 288.jpg (740x901, 101K)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>what does that mean?
>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>you look like a vampire there
>>>>when are they coming
>>>>i guess i am
>>>when are they coming
>>>i guess you are
>>when are they coming
>>can we be friends
>when are they coming
>we can be friends
can we be bestest friends?

Attached: 399.jpg (747x1024, 440K)

>but you know, i can't always be around
>like right now
>i need to go to sleep
>so i hope you have a nice day, friend
>and i'm sorry that i have to go
>but i hope you understand
>you're nice

... ...
... bye...

Attached: 1348528161867.gif (500x281, 43K)

>...thank you...
Dubs ^_^

>thanks for a wonderful december


Attached: 1495298319838.jpg (500x500, 43K)

>I could be

are you

Attached: 1346713928823.jpg (535x900, 48K)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>what does that mean?
>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>you look like a vampire there
>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>i guess i am
>>>>when are they coming
>>>>i guess you are
>>>when are they coming
>>>can we be friends
>>when are they coming
>>we can be friends
>can we be bestest friends?

we can be bestest friends.

Attached: 1344035772674.jpg (570x871, 48K)

i guess i am

Attached: 234.png (300x300, 90K)

>>...thank you...
>Dubs ^_^

Attached: 1362183090346.jpg (600x800, 48K)

>can we be bestest friends?
I would love that ofcourse.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>what does that mean?
>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>you look like a vampire there
>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>i guess i am
>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>i guess you are
>>>>when are they coming
>>>>can we be friends
>>>when are they coming
>>>we can be friends
>>can we be bestest friends?
>we can be bestest friends.
can i come over?

Attached: 88.jpg (660x1200, 64K)

>i guess i am

...oh...so...you're really the same 1...that posted that with me before...then...i remember...it's interesting to know that was you...

Attached: 1349305723413.jpg (600x600, 51K)

i'm chemo

Attached: 2.jpg (1920x1080, 127K)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>what does that mean?
>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>you look like a vampire there
>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>i guess i am
>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>i guess you are
>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>can we be friends
>>>>when are they coming
>>>>we can be friends
>>>can we be bestest friends?
>>we can be bestest friends.
>can i come over?
you can come over.

Attached: 1346800185021.jpg (500x875, 59K)

>File: 2.jpg 1555487351557.jpg (127 KB, 1920x1080)File: 2.jpg (127 KB, 1920x1080)

akarin's not really a long name ...

>i'm chemo

i'm chemo ... so you were them... that's interesting... it's nice to see you again...

Attached: 1344121617502.gif (273x400, 60K)

>can i come over?
Ofcourse you can

Attached: be03f71d2b89fdbd574c47202ae4c0bb-700.jpg (1245x700, 100K)

Attached: black_guy_looking_up.jpg (266x400, 17K)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>what does that mean?
>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>you look like a vampire there
>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>i guess i am
>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>i guess you are
>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>can we be friends
>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>we can be friends
>>>>can we be bestest friends?
>>>we can be bestest friends.
>>can i come over?
>you can come over. *hugs*

Attached: 2.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

chemo's not really a long name ...

I'm chemo
>chemo. - "chemo" is sort of nice things that makes things better andor gets rid of something that ruins andor kills nice things and makes things worse.

Attached: 2.gif (220x123, 276K)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>what does that mean?
>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>you look like a vampire there
>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>i guess i am
>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>i guess you are
>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>can we be friends
>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>we can be friends
>>>>>can we be bestest friends?
>>>>we can be bestest friends.
>>>can i come over?
>>you can come over. *hugs* *hugs*

Attached: 1339278896762.jpg (466x700, 52K)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>what does that mean?
>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>you look like a vampire there
>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>i guess i am
>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>i guess you are
>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>can we be friends
>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>we can be friends
>>>>>>can we be bestest friends?
>>>>>we can be bestest friends.
>>>>can i come over?
>>>you can come over. *hugs* *hugs* *hugs*

Attached: 2.jpg (700x989, 254K)

>chemo's not really a long name ...
>I'm chemo
>>chemo. - "chemo" is sort of nice things that makes things better andor gets rid of something that ruins andor kills nice things and makes things worse.

no... not really...

i'm chemo ...
... yeah... you're chemo... i'm chemo... we're chemo...

Attached: 1342911938148.jpg (600x800, 83K)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>what does that mean?
>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>you look like a vampire there
>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>i guess i am
>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>i guess you are
>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>can we be friends
>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>we can be friends
>>>>>>>can we be bestest friends?
>>>>>>we can be bestest friends.
>>>>>can i come over?
>>>>you can come over. *hugs* *hugs* *hugs* *Hugs*

Attached: 1322434957398.jpg (512x512, 73K)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>what does that mean?
>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>you look like a vampire there
>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>i guess i am
>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>i guess you are
>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>can we be friends
>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>we can be friends
>>>>>>>can we be bestest friends?
>>>>>>we can be bestest friends.
>>>>>can i come over?
>>>>you can come over. *hugs* *hugs* *hugs**hugs*

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>what does that mean?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>you look like a vampire there
>>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>i guess i am
>>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>>i guess you are
>>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>>can we be friends
>>>>>>>>>when are they coming
>>>>>>>>>we can be friends
>>>>>>>>can we be bestest friends?
>>>>>>>we can be bestest friends.
>>>>>>can i come over?
>>>>>you can come over. *hugs* *hugs* *hugs**hugs* *hugs*

if we are all chemo and kill all the cancer, what will we kill... what will we do? maybe we need cancer.

Attached: 223.png (763x647, 298K)

>if we are all chemo and kill all the cancer, what will we kill... what will we do? maybe we need cancer.

... ... ... play and have fun...
no we don't...

Attached: 1345150444199.jpg (488x678, 37K)


Attached: 2w9Vkq5.jpg (600x848, 47K)

may delete thread soon

may probably remake i guess

thank you

Attached: 1345590421168.gif (300x300, 36K)

will there be alot of lols,luls and lulz?

Attached: 218.png (1000x1002, 697K)