Unpopular opinions thread: No ad hominem edition

Unpopular opinions thread: No ad hominem edition
>the world is not in fact overpopulated but underpopulated
>Imperialism should not be a dirty word
>Democracy should be
>there's nothing inherently wrong with racial discrimination in certain contexts
>Donald trump is probably being blackmailed by Vladimir Putin
>all music made after 1950 is terrible
>hardcore pornography is degenerate
>softcore pornography is wonderful
>baseball is the best sport
>the minimum wage should be abolished
>19th century businessmen were morally superior to contemporary businessmen
>atheism is irrational
>learning classical languages is a more valuable exercise than learning modern languages

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where are you on the political spectrum?

>china is a model for the future of western freedom

I consider myself extremely right-wing to the extent the right-left dichotomy is even a coherent concept, which ultimately it isn't.
Is this a predictive or an aspirational statement?

god you sound like a wimp



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the clampdown on personal freedoms is accelerating

>voting on a national level is an opiate

> Tell that to China
> It isn't a dirty word.
> Agreed, democracy should definitely be.
> 100% agreed, racial discrimination is needed in order to evolve, also it's a healthy human trait to prioritize one's own race over others.
> Maybe, but there's no evidence to support this.
> Well that's an obvious lie, you haven't listened to all music after 1950.
> Yes, but I'm gonna watch it anyway.
> I won't argue with that.
> Well that's just unfair, think of all the losers in society, who will clean our toilets?
> It depends what way you look at it.
> Atheism is irrational, just like theism. Blindly believing either of those things without evidence is irrational.
> They are both valuable, depends what you're using them for.

Retar thread

> Politics on any level is, was, and always will be an identity-oriented team sport and voting is merely playoffs

>Manmade global warming is a myth. Humans are merely an influential factor.
>The black population is unable to create a modern civilization even if given resources to do so.
>Stairway to heaven is mediocre at best.
>You have no right to complain about your job if you have chosen to do it or is a result of your laziness.
>People who believe atheism is irrational are in fact the ones that are irrational
>Being a centrist is the only rational political stance of today.

The problems in China have quite little to do with the size of their population and are likely to be made worse by their ridiculous one-child now two-child policy which has led to a massive imbalance of the sexes, among other things

>The black population is unable to create a modern civilization even if given resources to do so.
Counterpoint: the Bahamas

Lot of truth in these but history shows that political activism can ameloriate many evils (usually ones created by previous activism)

>The exception proves the rule.

Actually I think the imbalance of sexes stems from the whole China prefers boys thing. The child policy has nothing to do with gender imbalance, being that a person's gender is left to chance.

>memes are incredible vehicles for propaganda

Woah, calm down there EU.

>Reddit is superior to Yea Forums in EVERY MEASURABLE WAY
>4chins is Hiroshimoot's personal kopeks piggybank because of all the russian race/pol bait he gets paid to have posted.
>Forcing anons to solve endless captchas is pointless when the spammers all have hidden 4chumps passes.

>whole China prefers boys thing.
and when you only have one shot at having a son....

Propaganda is what people called memes before the internet.

I agree in the obvious sense. There are memes like this one though. I like these memes.

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>>hardcore pornography is degenerate
Well I agree with one of those opinions. Never understood why anyone wants to watch some other guy fuck someone. Some combination of gay and cucky. Total dick softener.

God you sound annoying. Here’s your (you)

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>>Manmade global warming is a myth. Humans are merely an influential factor.
>>The black population is unable to create a modern civilization even if given resources to do so.
Categorically yes.
>>Stairway to heaven is mediocre at best.
No, at least above average.
>>You have no right to complain about your job if you have chosen to do it or is a result of your laziness.
No, not everyone has the same chances and opportunities. Though anyone could suceed if they really put effort into it, its a lot easier for some to than others (poor, disabled, discriminated, etc.).
>>People who believe atheism is irrational are in fact the ones that are irrational
Yes, but militant atheism is also fucking retarded. There aren't any gods so just fucking get on with life, don't wast time fagging around with delusional cultists.
>>Being a centrist is the only rational political stance of today.
No, though I am certainly not left or right. The problem i have is when retards drink koolaide for whatever faction they are in and ignore any actual discussion other than 'if you aren't with me you are the enemy'.

this is wrong on so many levels my troll detection is on like 192%
i r8 5/7 4 making me answer

sage goes in all fields
don't feed the troll

OP is a faggot
oh wait you said unpopular

Centrism is a mistake motivated by social desirability bias. Our current president is a centrist and also a moron. This not coincidental.

American football and association football are both by far the most entertaining team sports. I'd probably take NFL over college football for pure skill, despite niggotry. The european football leagues and tourneys are not quite as mesmorizing for me, but more than make up for it by not having endless commercials and stoppages.

Also, pro apehoop is utter garbage compared to the NCAA tourney apehoop.

Go away edgelord

confusing concepts for groups of people seems to be pretty popular

Depends what the definition is. If centrism means we should have an evenly balanced amount of democrat and republican ideals, then its infintely retarded. If its more that some ideals from the two sides are good, but the rest are gay, then not so bad.

USA politics have very little end result difference when comparing modern democrats and republicans. Both are pretty strong federalists with different approaches as to how to apply such power.

Groups of people follow sets of concepts. Are you retarded?

>and also a moron
Gonna need a proof on both statements there, buddy.

>people don't stop to think about concepts imaginary groups of raving lunatics believe in

>Trump is a centrist
His real and expressed political opinions are an incoherent mix of positions with no necessary relation to one another. To wit
>favours cutting income taxes and deregulating except regarding economic activity that crosses international boundaries which he things needs to be taxed and regulated more.
>despises immigration and immigrants in visceral terms, but also claims to be in favour of it, and actually is in favour of it when the immigrants are attractive women from Yugoslavia
>never goes to church, nor lives a life consistent with Christian ethics, but is deeply offended by people not saying Merry Christmas and pretends to be pro-life
>is hyper-patriotic, literally hugs the flag, yet is on record saying he finds the term "American exceptionalism" "rude"
>favours both "law and order" and being "tough on crime" and handing out pardons to cases deemed sympathetic by Kim Kardashian and her husband
>claims the people he hires for cabinet positions are "the best" and has an extremely high turnover rate in same positions.
>can't decide whether staying in Syria and Afghanistan is good or bad
>claims he wants NATO to be stronger (wants allies to have larger armies) also publicly muses about whether America will live up to it's NATO commitments vis-a-vis Montenegro
Donald Trump's political beliefs are rooted in gut level reaction and emotion any coherent ideology.
>is a moron
>0 evidence that he has ever voluntarily read a book
>Spends a massive amount of time watching cable television
>think the European Union existed during WWII
>doesn't know who Frederick Douglas
>think the Soviet Invasion of Aghanistan was a counter-terrorism operation
these are just the ones I remembered off the top of my head.

national socialism is progressivism and communism is conservtive