Drug Thread

Drug Thread

What drugs have you done/do you do, and how was your experience?

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done molly at raves, fuckin good vibes

Love molly man. Really chill drug.

thinking about dropping acid next time, thoughts?

Done nearly everything, my favourite being crystal meth

Weed - Still smoke from time to time.
Cocaine - Tried it two times, but have been shitty stuff both times because I never felt anything.
Crank/Meth - Felt energetic, stayed up for days. Saw it turning people around me crazy so I quit using it.
Used to drink like a fucking fish though, while doing all of the above and/or popping pills. These days drinking just gives me a headache, and pills aren't really my style.

have some dmt infront of me right now was gonna smoke it tonight

I have 50% changa

are you going for the break through?

Acid, its dope as fuck, I usually do it at concerts, makes my tear ducts really active
Shrooms, like acid, however it makes me feel like i have to shit, yet i never can.

weed - constantly
alcohol - every weekend
cocaine - alongside drinking and from day to day use
meth - used about 3 or 4 times, all great experiences
shrooms - whenever available bcoz awesome visuals
acid - whenever available bcoz awesome visuals
MDMA - use to take for month periods at a time but have changed stance on it now. (removed myself from club life)
morphine - use for self pain relief regularly
oh and ketamine for the same

Weed pretty regularly, I like it the most, acid once off two tab, was pretty trippy took me and my friend like 30 minuets to drive 5 minutes to house never recommend driving on it but it was a crazy time, shrooms same deal as acid but not as mind fucking and hard actually more enjoyable would do again, oxy/hydro kinda just lays me out and not want to do anything great for laying on your ass and watching tv, did coke a few times never really liked it, also had codeine a few time not really worth it IMO. Overall my choice of drug is weed, gives me a little of everything I like except tripping balls and gets me outta my head

Weed - i like it especially when watching sports i betted on, otherwise it makes me too lazy n fucks my schoolwork and daily tasks
Coke - best drug ever love it, come down is sometimes a bitch but worth it
Speed - shit drug
Shrooms - theyre interesting but not my cup of tea, felt too lost and helpless at one point i was like whens it gonna end, it was a long trip though, had some good points

Tired an ecstacy pill once but i guess it was bogus or something just got a headache
Caffeine alcohol and cigarettes arent drugs fucking faggots

Coke , i dont like weed makes me paranoid , same with lsd too mental , with crack or powder i get this powerfull felling i can do whatever and know it be wearing off in a few hours , its the most safe drug for me

I've never done Molly because all my friends got really unclean stuff when I was younger and I wasn't trying to fuck with that. LSD can be really potent and as a classic psychedelic, I suggest you familiarize yourself with how it is going to be different. Taking a good dose can be incredibly fun or uncomfortably thought provoking. You can simply enjoy the experience, or think about hard stuff and come out of it feeling like you've done a few months of 1-on-1 therapy... it's incredible what it can do to your brain. The trick is to go into it, and leave it, knowing its just drugs... You might learn things or gain understandings about yourself/the word from psychedelics, but it's meaningless unless you take what you learn and put it into action within your life.

Everyone drinks and smokes pot. I have most of anything available to me if I want it, but I really only would regularly do LSD and Psilocybin. Personally I find those the most common, safe, and beneficial psychedelics you're going to get. I'm sitting on a fair amount of fungus right now, I trip hard about once a month, maybe more. Find it'll help you work out some kinks you may be having at the time, see what you need to be working on and what you may be forgetting. I treat large does edibles (500mg+) as trips as well. Although I don't do those too often as sometimes when you go that deep in without a significant tolerance you're getting into a dangerous place. Those trips are usually very fearful and introspective and strange. Assuming you don't just pass out or start spinning out and lose your cool. It's no wonder people call 911 when they're on those things, eating is not smoking it.
I treat most of my hallucinogens as entheogens. Like most drugs, these are tools that can be used for a litany of intentions. I find that by treating them as experiences that I'll take things back from I can garner some personal growth from the trips. Plus it does somewhat "refresh" your serorotonergetic system which can be great for your mood and getting yourself out of a bad loop you've been behaving in. Remind you what's important.
To anyone who doesn't know already, 5-HTP is a great vitamin to have if you trip on serotonin based psychedelics like MDMA, LSD, psilocybin, etc... It helps with that burn out sort of "grey" feeling that comes after.
I've done low dose salvia in chewing form and I wish I was in a position to experiment with it more. That also goes for DMT, which I've tried to isolate but so far I've only been able to get my hands on a tiny dose for one smoke and I've been saving it. Would love to do some ibogaine, but I can't find any way to get it either.

serotonergic* I'm fucked up *now* so I have no idea how much of this is formatted properly.

Come to think of it, I've done my friends amphetamine pills, basically just speed. Totally could see myself falling into using that stuff just to get things done. Avoiding it.
Love my liquor, was an alcoholic before I had my 2nd acid trip and after I couldn't drink like that ever again. Totally got me out of that rut. I still smoke on the daily, once a day, mostly because life is dull, but also for anxiety and appetite issues. Take CBD in isolate form whenever I have the excuse to in the day because that is the bomb.

Not overly interested in stimulants, opiods, or much of any of the litany of downers either. Would do pure MDMA, but that's quite rare here and if you're buying "ecstasy/MDMA/X" on the street and you're not testing it yourself, you're doing a fair amount of meth with God knows what mixed with what might be some real MDMA. I don't fuck around with that.

Oh yea I also forgot my rides with Xanax, that shit will have you walking around completely blacked out not knowing what the hell is happening. Never really had a good experience with them and usually end up passing out at some point unexpectedly

I feel like I'm allowed to shit on drugs because I've done them, weighed the cost/benefit and discovered that most people using them regularly do them more than they should in a way that is detrimental to themselves. It's incredibly hard to strike a balance and moderate anything and not everyone should be putting themselves in a situation with high risk.

Weed: Spent many years pretty much constantly stoned, find I'm much more productive without it and now only use it once every several months.
Alcohol: Depends on the day, I drank a bunch in college/grad school, but adulting requires me to only binge drink with friends like maybe once every 6-10 weeks. Usually a glass of wine with dinner. Beers with friends weekly.
Tobacco: Used to smoke infrequently. Now I just crave nicotine when I'm shitfaced which is uncommon. Cigars and pipe tabacco feel classy af.
Coke: A few times at the clubs/parties, it didn't usually do much for me, just a shitty comedown. Really addictive...
LSD: several times, I really respect it and make sure I have a good set and setting. Usually fun.
Mushrooms: Many times... Have tripped very hard in the past, religious experiences, ego death... Feel like a better person for it, but don't do these more than once a year.
Ketamine: Once, K-hole, fuck that shit
Salvia: Long ago, more times than I can count. Concentrated high-dose salvia from hedge shops have usually given me extreme visuals and complete loss of awareness/control... It sorta got boring and I saw it as a dead-end after a while. Usually not very insightful on it.
Nitrous: A few times... Inhalants are a pretty fucking dumb way to get high... Never really worth the danger/potential damage in my opinion.
Spice/K2/Synthetics: Had some pretty rough panic attacks and palpitations on these, usually not worth the effort. Found them much more disassociative and uncomfortable than comfy weed high.

DMT isn't more useful than LSD and shrooms imho... Tends to be harder to moderate the doses and you often have less control over thought processes though it can be introspective and emotional as well. I really like what you had to say here.

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-first drug i ever tried at age 16, felt like my head was spinning, out of my mind tripping balls at school every stare from a teacher felt like they knew i was high, people were scary, mainly put my head down in class and went through crazy visuals, felt serene though when not frightened, lost main cognition and only existed with visual perception and hearing and touch, not much thought whatsoever
Then second time i was at home listened to MGMT and learned that it was for people tripping balls, really good shit, watched fear and loathing in las vegas, listened to more music spent most of my trip on my computer chair. Did experience ego death as I forgot who I was and how my personality worked asked for reminders from a friend on my beliefs and mannerisms
>mxe(analogue of ketamine)
Fucking awesome. Loosey goosey body high like when your drunk without the nausea or head pressure or sloppiness. A VERY clean high. Felt very happy and not in touch with my body. Stood and closed my eyes, could still see in perfect detail what i had just saw before i shut my eyes. Very surreal. Also saw in my peripheal vision a grudge/exorcist ghost lady in white dress walking up the stairs. Listened to music and watched videos about the ego. The highlight of the trip was laying in bed, closing my eyes with the lights out and losing all sensation of my physical body. Felt my heads presence shoot upwards like a rocketship akin to an out of body experience
Lot of money wasted, smoked daily when i was 18, every night get home and smoke a blunt or a bowl, get fast food, watch some movies or listen to music or both, every fucking night all the time every day, made me happy without fail and made music sound 100x better but such a god damn drain on money
Pretty cool. Elated mood, sociable, focused.

Mxe was the best drug I've ever done

Ketamine is awesome

I’ve tried everything but heroin. I do coke almost daily and I have to take at least 2 or 3 Vicodin to get me through the day. I’ve been hooked on pain killers since I was 14. Anymore it doesn’t matter how high I get, how good the speed is, or how great I’m feeling. I can’t shake the feeling of wanting more. Meth, coke, Pills, Fentynl, it don’t matter. I can never satisfy my hunger. I’m always chasing a high that doesn’t exist. Drugs are the only thing that makes me truly happy. I make great money and have a good life but I let drugs take control at an early age. I could quit everything but I’ll always know life is more enjoyable high. Any legit advice for staying sober is appreciated.

I’ve been wanting to do molly at a rave for a while now. The problem is, it’s FUCKING HARD to find the unlaced Molly here. I’ve been told it’s great, and makes you be in the moment

I've been told similarly in the past. To be honest it's nothing I'd want to do often, but I'm so curious as to what the trip is smoking a decent amount of the stuff, even just once or twice. I'd be much more interested in doing it in a stretched out form, like on a drip or of course as ayahuasca. I'd love to some day be able to afford to get down to Peru and do the whole thing.
Maybe I'm biased as I've had much more experience with mushrooms than acid, but psilocybin to me seems like the closest thing to a perfect psychedelic, and is definitely the one I've felt the most benefits from.
Also, thank you, I appreciate that I didn't squander my time writing that long post here. I rarely contribute anything.

OP here. Been on molly a couple times. First time was laced with meth. Second time it felt very pure. No jaw shutter or tweaking. Just high dopamine and serotonin levels felt like im having a great time

This is prob the most intellectual thread on Yea Forums right now

Most of the stuff that you're going to find on the street is going to be impure. Statistically speaking. Always test your drugs. Or you can go pick some mushrooms if you're still looking to be "in the moment." I do a lot of that, but picking up mindful meditation also helps.

What I've done In order of my favourite to least favourite

Other various legal/ex-legal highs

>. These days drinking just gives me a headache,
maple syrup

Alcohol and weed for the most part. I did some biphentin a while back. It gave me psychosis. It was a living nightmare. I was so fucking paranoid. Went to rehab twice. I don't drink like i use to anymore

ghb is my fav got bad rep but its fun loved it cause I have cripling anxiety and i can talk to anyone on it hard part is not doing too much plus if yo drink booze with it it can kill you

as someone who has tried mostly everything, i say fuck hard drugs.

Codeine/morphine, good shit makes you mega relaxed

weed, overloads my senses everytime and makes me stress tf out.

do not take ssri meds as party or entertainment drugs,
>escitalopram 10mg
>take 10 of them cuz dumbass
>get sleep paralysis and major dehydration with uncontrollable twitching and 39 celsius fever

Shit was not cash

coke, once a weekenf from 16-23 (now). just started grou tharpy

Bumping because it's a shame to see her die already. Also, as tribute to the love of my life, miss liberty cap.

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Do coke everyday like Hunter S Thompson

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Protip: Don't combine acid and weed, it can make you have a bad trip

Who is Ray Donovan? He ain't no good to anyone I know...

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or just don't do it unless prepared, really ramps it up

where to buy 4fma?

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I smoke weed and blacks or american spirits on the daily. Drink on bars like once a week. Do acid when I feel a calling or on special occasions like going to nature with friends. I incorporate shrooms on some days of my daily life. Have done dmt once in my life and my next trip will be unplanned. Did molly once, just had sex.

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bro, seriously, DO NOT DO 4FMA or 4FMP


more and more research is coming out about this drug. I had a heart attack on the drug and a close friend of mine had a brain aneurysm. He still can't talk properly. More and more cases like this are coming out.

Do drugs that are tested and are safe


it was awesome, really