Anyone got any good .onion links...

anyone got any good .onion links? i hopped on for the first time in a while and found the site i would always use to find sites went down

pic unrelated

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Now go away, FBI.

hmm whatcha lookin for?

cmon man hook it up. the weirder the better

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really just about anything. weird, fucked up, porn, anything in between

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ya niggas aint got no faith. im just a dude bored as fuck on the internet

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i dont know man its probably best you dont see some of this shit for your own mental wellbeing

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yeah im not into shit like daisys destruction or shit in that vein. just mainly looking for the weird shit in the bowels of the internet

The deep web is like the regular web but with more scams. You don't see any of the cool illegal shit unless you know where to look

not even necessarily trying to find illegal shit, but weird deep web ramblings and porn collections. i used to use freshonions but the link i had doesnt work anymore and im too much of a noob to find good link repositiories

what the hell is that?

infant rape/mutilation/murder, pretty well known deep web material known for fucking people up

bump for interest

Hey. Dark web user here.

I know what you want, you'll find it on Xplay which can be searched via Torch/Notevil search engine. Have fun you sick fuck, just know I'm watching.

Meh, Xplay has shitty download speeds.

Why would you ruin the fun, It's not like he's gonna find Central Park or some shit.

man i dont even know where to start outside of the hidden wiki, which is full of dead links and shit im not interested in

I'm not going to confirm or deny that I may or may not know what it is you are referencing.

How can I verify that you aren't some FBI fucker running a sting site? They've done it before.

Risk you take.
All of them are legal

I would strongly advise against. Even if OP isn't FBI doesn't mean there isn't a lurker. Don't be stupid.

You guys sound so lame, all this forced cloak and dagger bullshit

this, don't get yourselves into a mess you can't handle kids

Don't you trust me Kyle? Big Brother is watching.

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man fuck yall, im going to bed, thanks for nothing

Bottom line: if you don't even know how to search for it, then I can all but guarantee you don't know how to keep from being caught once you find it.

So you're either law fishing for a bite or you're a newfag looking to get nailed to the wall. I'm having no part of it.

Go to bed.

Imagine glowing this badly. Nice try officer Greg, better luck next time.

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This man's got it, Trust us OP it isn't worth the paranoia, shits hella sick anyway. But if you are really wanting and hungry, I'll give you a hint. Theres two uncensored Hidden Wiki. The same word has different results on both.

The image filter won't even let you post a technically sfw clip of it.

Any site that's been up for more than a week is a Honeypot. Following a hiddenwiki leak is like walking into a police station. For legal reasons this is a joke.

What is it?

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I'm not going to spew the keyword, I'd get in trouble newfag. As for mister worrywart over here, we have more important things then hunting viewers, bigger fish to fry like distributors.

Them, not we, my bad.

The real question you should be asking is

onions or BUNIONS!? hahahahaha

if u honestly think people are trying to catch people viewing it then you've a screw loose. They'd rather tackle the sickos involved/making them.

That's not how policing works. They arrest the drug users not the drug creators

When convenient. Otherwise it's not a direct concern to federal authorities as it's a waste of resources.

Aha! Your cover is busted, deputy!

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What are you taking about Yea Forumsro, I'm one of you. Have some porn.

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yeh, cause the police arrest people who are smoking a spliff. Only people they'd arrest are the people who buy in large quantities, police dont give a fuck about users, only suppliers. They may use the buyers to get to the suppliers however.

Holy shit... somebody took a red pill and learned how to use it

Unless you're like king of the rat lords, they aren't gonna waste time tracking you down, unless you are like right there and they just decide "fuck it why not". Pose a sufficient challenge and you'll be fine

And then you read headlines like "1500 taken down in kiddie porn sting." But yeah, sure, whatever you say. It's not like OP isn't going to fuck it up and get logged or anything.

why is there so much cp on the deep web? I swear anytime you go to a link list that isn't the hidden wiki it's got at least 10+ pizza sites. Like ffs I just wanna look at disabled people not fucking kids

Figured I'd confess, my shift ended aprox. 3 mins ago. I was watching this bored for a little while hoping someone would fuck up just for fun, but you all seem level headed, and the others are too big of idiots to get themselves in trouble.

Kinda mad I blew my shit in that last post but whatever, while in Yea Forums everything's SNAFU.

My favorite Gatorade is Cool Blue or White Cherry, so the guy lurking knows it me. Don't forget the honey mustard next time J, Thanks and GN.

P.s. Cleaners please shut this thread down.

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easy way to find links that are up.
have fun

the fk u on about lmao

badge and timestamp

It's a copypasta but he fucked up and didn't post it all

And what if I post it? I don't gain anything from that. Timestamp a picture of your pet and I'll do it.

TBH I just wanted your pic's EXIF data but I don't think you're dumb enough to fall for that



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You're a smart cookie, I'll give you that.

Do yourself a favor and stay off of tor

>using proprietary software for sharing illegal content
Stay off tor for your own safety

it's a bot that posts literally in every thread