You guys got any good mobile games you'd recommend?

You guys got any good mobile games you'd recommend?

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ugly ass cuck

fucking embarrasing



You look like an Oblivion character

Elder scrolls blades

Albion Online, download client on there site

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Plague Inc - it's a strategy game for mobile where you have to genetically engineer a virus, infect all people on planet earth, and kill them all. 0.99 cents on Google Play.

I play it at the gym, when I take a shit, when I'm mindlessly browsing Yea Forums, when I'm eating, and when I'm sleeping.

I fucking love this game.

Thanks frens

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Freegin obliterated

>mobile games

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Unironically Candy Crush is pretty fun and addicting.

Also just download a mobile game system emulator of your choice and some roms from any website. Play some sonic the hedgehog 2 or something.

same developer made a mob game called rebel inc
same play style


How the fuck did none of you retards say old school RuneScape yet?

cause we're not retards addicted to grindfests supplemented by occasional pop up texts that says one of your numbers changed and the imaginary clout from having your numbers higher than other people's numbers

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>Raise a glass for fetal alcohol syndrome

You sound like you have small numbers.

runescape fags btfo

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How do you have too much hair yet no hair at all

>playing a game that tries to have shitty graphics and busted archaic gameplay on purpose for the sake of preserving nostalgia, yet constantly breaks all sense of nostalgia by constantly adding new shit

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>he still plays runescape
nigger its 2019, shit wasn't even good in 2005

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Kingdom rush is a fun TD game on mobile

Runescape was a grindfest circlejerk. It was always retarded and gay

>game that's sole point was to preserve runescape as it was in 2007
>updates regularly, tons of new items that completely changes combat and pvp, recently announced new skill
Pick one, they should have just called it rs2.5

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Honestly runescape made for a fantastic mobile game, got enough free content to keep you occupied until you decide to pay for members or not

mystera legacy, us east server

Get PSP emulator and play Persona 3

Can you give me 2m, my bond ran out and my bank is full

The whole point of old school was that majority of players fuckin hated the update to combat that made it play something like wow or other mmos so they rereleased a game that wasn’t utter shit. Nothing wrong with adding new items and forward progress for content so long as it keeps the spirit of what the game should have always been

Go beg some brain dead twitch streamer or someone dumb enough at the grand exchange

OP said "good" games, user.

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Death Road to Canada. Good game. Also on PC.

Were you expecting bullshit like boom beach or maybe the generic game of the day on the Apple store perhaps?

Gunman Taco truck
like a old school side scroll. and you kill zombies.


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fuckin retarded laughing

This is actually much better OP. Go bald. I think it suits you.

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