Francisco Javier Lugardo Galan is full name

Francisco Javier Lugardo Galan is full name.

Located in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico.

[email protected] is his email.

Have fun with this faggot. You know what to do.

Attached: 1640C422-C9BA-4CE1-9B4F-88C864D69809.jpg (500x667, 123K)

Forgot to mention it’s a extortion/blackmail scammer. Exposing is what I’m doing.

Do you seriously think anyone gives a fuck?

Uhh yeah I do.

If you have to explain it dumbass then we didn’t know what to do.

The uhh yeah I do wasn’t me(OP) that was someone else lol.

Es joto el güey?

Is pic related?

arregla tus problemas como hombre puto no andes chillando en Yea Forums

Why the fuck should anyone work for you

NYPA faggot

Wouldn’t surprise me to be honest

Nah just a random pic I found on a thread here.

Me tiene miedo el puto

Fair enough faggotron.

Because I’m bored and dude thought he could scam me through Facebook

welcome newfag. nypa.

Only got your word for it.

NYPA. Deal with your problems on your own.


seguro, por eso andas rogando ayuda aqui

che joto

Chinga tu madre, chillando como homosexual aquí en Yea Forums.

the who?

Are you pointing innocent annons towards a mexian cartel guy? Is this the inception of a gore thread?

share your GF and you might get some interest in this thread

No he just tries to act like one.


Yea Forums isn't your personal army faggot, Man up and fight the dude.

Nevermind this post was a bomb. I don’t even think that’s his real name or location.

Put in your own work, pussy


Mejinarcos de mierda
Son puros simios rapados

Laughing at all the NYPA fags that think they're the shit now. Not realizing back in the day Yea Forums would fuck with this information for the hell of it. Just another day back then