Looking for medfags. What is the white thing in both sides of my tongue? I brush teeth every two days

Looking for medfags. What is the white thing in both sides of my tongue? I brush teeth every two days

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Looks like you have something called: transient lingual papillitis on your tongue.

Do you drink a lot of soda, eat a lot of sour candy, maybe a high salt intake?

Just a lot of cigarretes and hash everyday, could it be? What do I do now?

kill yourself, obviously

Thank you sir, it may solve the problem.

I don't want to freak you out, because since you're posting this here it means you're already pretty anxious about it.

Could be harmless calcium deposits, and brushing your tongue while you brush your teeth could get rid of them.
Are your molars straight? AKA do your teeth fit correctly in your mouth? It looks like it could also be irritation from your molars.
It's hard to tell from a picture, but it just looks like poor dental hygiene.

I'd say follow up with a physician or an ENT, they might be able to give more insight. Could be something like oral cancer, but I don't want to jump to that conclusion.

looks like dried jizz

you got a case of the gay


looks like something is rubbing and scraping away skin. are your molars pushed up higher than the rest of your teeth?


Oral hairy leukoplakia

got canker sores

mouth thrush

You most likely grind/chew in your sleep. It's dead skin like when you bite the inside of your cheek.

Every two days? Why so frequently?

do you do meth and move your tongue around a lot subconsciously? my ex girlfriends brother was a methhead and he used to get sores like that on the sides of his tongue due to subconscious mouth and tongue movement.


Get that shit taken care of before it spreads. It really really really sucks.

stage 4 tongue cancer.

Periodontist here. It's carcinoma in situ and will spread to the rest of your body fairly quickly if you don't get it treated.

My molars are kinda popping up or something.
I chew my cheeks everytime, also my tongue.

Your mouth probably smells like an 80yo East Asian cunt with a fungal infection

you rolled 8 or 9 too many times


Brush your teeth after you wake up and before you go to sleep and you wouldn't have this problem.

Does it brush off easily. If so probably a yeast infection, if not, probably Leukoplakia.

maybe brush your teeth more often than every two days????
