Guys I’m new to Yea Forums and I am a proud Obama supporter please be nice to me

Guys I’m new to Yea Forums and I am a proud Obama supporter please be nice to me

Attached: 9F18FF80-93BE-485E-A34F-1381026EDEE9.jpg (300x300, 13K)

but why?

He is a nigger supporter


Attached: sarah_palin.jpg (750x500, 417K)

how is he supporting trump? i dont get it

Watch out comrade. I would turn back. They don’t like Democrat’s here. Small forewarning
With friendship
A republican

Attached: C3A57094-9E1E-4C67-87FC-AFB07D3ECB90.jpg (1000x567, 82K)

Attached: Obumfuck_Embarassment.jpg (480x430, 30K)

when obama won it was all IN YOUR FACE THIS IS YOUR PRESIDENT

and when Trump won it was all IN YOUR FACE THIS IS YOUR PRESIDENT

this board is basically full of autistic retards trying to make a win for themselves out of things they cannot control. Its a psychological thing, they are fair weather fans of whatever,

then there is also this phenom on the board where almost 85% of the time, no matter what the OP posts, the first comment with go against them in some way, be its a disagreement, a slur, or some kind of "this is why you're wrong"

Attached: Obumfuck_Shit Stains.jpg (261x195, 11K)

Attached: Obumfuck_Noose.jpg (540x960, 41K)

spot on

When Trump get elected

Attached: 42D5BE1D-4DDC-4595-B507-593CD8567E44.jpg (590x591, 59K)

very well thought out picture for someone who doesn't understand economics, foreign policy, or anything really. Its a good easy imagine for friends to give the poster a hurumph! and likes. It soothes the souls to feel like you have won.

It damns the soul to feel right and be unwilling to learn why you are wrong.

fuck off and die obama voter

Attached: Obumfuck Left and took fucknards with him.jpg (774x505, 69K)

I like you. Fuck reactionary neckbeards.

Fuck off Nigger Lover

Attached: Obumfuck_poop.jpg (960x714, 60K)

Attached: lvIi1kS.gif (400x254, 1.43M)

i realise OP is bait but it is interesting to me (not american) how this board loves to talk about black people being primitive and less intelligent but obama's statesmanship and diction were much better than those of his white contemporaries. must cause a fair bit of cognitive dissonance

Welcome to 4 chan. Now go kill yourself faggot.

Fuckin kill urself libtard

Smart boi hours