Whats the best way to keep someone from finding out i wet the bed?

Whats the best way to keep someone from finding out i wet the bed?

Attached: 9fbb7b7e-a9d3-4076-951d-dba48c10e93a.jpg (640x818, 116K)

stop living with your mom and dad

kill them

Keep them out of your urine stained room.

Ummm wtf lmao

Whatever jackass

wear a diaper to bed?
srsly, you have this issue...sorry bro.
A little background?

Not fucking posting it on Yea Forums would be a good start dipshit

Lmao great idea

sleep on a piss soaked mattress

Well diapers are hard to hide but my parents buy pull ups instead

how old are you?

Thanks for the advice douch bag


what did the doctor say? why is it happening to you?

Not sure i have had the problem since forever though

Nice to see all the stupid trolls went away though

use a towel to soak up the piss
spray white vinegar on the pissed area
wait a bit, then soat up white vinegar with another towel

U r a jarate warrior, destined to fight an eternal struggle


Um ok thanks i guess lol

Trolls are so fucking childish