Need source

Need source

Attached: 20190416_213313.jpg (768x519, 182K)

Other urls found in this thread: suicide ksg

Only newfags will remember this

this is some next level newfaggotry

2/10 dude should have done a better job on the tarp. There was definitely brain matter on the paint

Honestly, if you're going to an hero, why even go through the trouble of putting a tarp up in the first place? Why would you care?

Uh, the source is us. This took place on Yea Forums.

Oh yeah, the Yea Forums Live feature they rolled out last year. Shame nobody uses it anymore.

>an heros on livestream
>mom comes in and goes hysterical

It's actually super sad desu


Attached: 1551487357886.webm (400x220, 1.82M)

Ahh the smell of burning flesh in the morning , just another day.


I have the video

hope he has enough heal potions

Upload it.

The fuck it is

Here you go, faggots

Attached: 1522443420342.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

I’ve seen and heard the full version. His mom goes into the room sobbing, freaking out, and telling 911 dispatchers there’s “meat” everywhere. This kid’s melon exploded all over the place. There was nothing left.

Omg do you think he's ok?!?! O_O

Anyone got the full verison?

Here you go, faggots suicide ksg

Attached: E5C342AC-0F2F-4A27-B3F0-AC9901AF9E0F.jpg (526x402, 74K)

Is this the one where in the audio you hear some fucker screaming after walking in the room?

what is the story behind this?


Probably his mom tbh. He looks like a kid still living at home.

The new Ghostrider looks cool

I appreciate the fap material. Thank you!

the tarp was ineffective

>Pedo weeb and possibly furry
>Edgy suicide with excessive force
>Yea Forums member
Everything checks

I would like the full version. Witnessing his mom will make me feel warm

need source
>need sauce
fix'd, you fucking weeb fuck out of my /b

Attached: 1543803281997.gif (160x110, 1.3M)

anybody has the news coverage on this

Wow. So edgy. You guys are real hardcore.

This video just makes me feel sorry for his mom. That poor woman.

Attached: unknown-24-1.png (1490x1208, 1.37M)

R.I.P robot

Attached: 1521573280949.png (1490x1208, 754K)

Attached: 1527572074112.jpg (750x5349, 525K)

Poor quality

Sorry but it will have to do im on my phone atm not my pc the short vertion is he was in a discord and forced to perfom sexual acts for 9 pedos as well as to ware feminine clothes they then black maild him to get hrt or they would sent the pics to his family if i recall corectly, il try and find a better quality image that has the story

How did this faggot get his hands on a KSG?

Save the pic it should clean up and be readable if not you got kik i can send you anouther but better quality

900 to 1k? live in the US? Not really that hard

On one hand, this is why I don't trust pedo apologists, not in this site, not anywhere; seek help and put yourself in the hands of authorities/mental institutions. On the other hand, it's better for your family to find out you're gay and doing nasty stuff on the Internet than let a few douchebags take control of your life; he just kept giving them blackmailing material the way I see it.

nice try reiko


Oh im not a pedo apologist i saw this wben it came up 2 weeks after the poor kid an hero'd fuck pedo's the only good one is a dead one

this. please and thank you

Did you even read the shit?

Head's up, I don't know how reliable the Encyclopedia Dramatica is, but they say Reiko looks different, and the picture of this post is actually a victim of his.

Attached: Reiko's_Dox.png (1800x894, 1.27M)

>messed up the autofocus right before taking the shot
>only see a few blood splatters
That's the real tragedy here.

Thank you i did doubt that was him and now i have a some what recent image cheers