Waifu high school reunion

waifu high school reunion

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Other urls found in this thread:


doobie doobie doooo!

Attached: yui_retard_dance.gif (300x298, 890K)

not cool:s

>implying i know anything you talk about
fucking oldfags
not cool:s

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zu... cchini? whats that?
Sorry for meddling, but why do you feel that way?
at last?

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Attached: Smug.jpg (1920x1080, 149K)

i'm sorry to hear that. is there something i can do to fill your emptiness?
my waifu isn't even 3 years tall... this feels like discrimination
youtube.com/watch?v=q77-ggkzWRI i hope you like it

Attached: DZ2xrH5VAAEAeOe.png orig.png (931x1500, 839K)

You may not like it, but Vigne is what peak GabDrop looks like.

Attached: Ritsu 888.jpg (250x276, 14K)

The 2MB limit sucks so much dick

Attached: Kyouko (700).jpg (1125x1500, 723K)

I don't remember exactly when I first started posting but it was like late 2015 / early 2016 or something
Then again I switched too much for anyone to recognize me at this point I think lmao

Sorry man you're not tall enough

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Sudden spike in activity here

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still here


mhm they are rather late no?
ffucking right?

Attached: Smug.jpg (1920x1080, 149K)

>my waifu isn't even 3 years tall... this feels like discrimination
That's kinda gross:

zucchini is just some weird thing that people eat
i dunno. i really don't know. i guess i just feel bad.
see above
yeah, nah, fark off, cunt
cool and welcome and yay model!

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Fellow meguca

Attached: [Meguca]_Puella_Magi_Madoka_Magica_-_05_[BD][h264-1080p_FLAC][7AB5FA8C].mkv_snapshot_09.57_[2014.07. (1746x1080, 255K)

Imagine posting in here instead of being productive

Attached: Y1k.jpg (1103x1200, 1.07M)

>tfw found this thread already
I thought it'd be weeks since I'd see you again, frens.

Attached: 33.jpg (720x720, 334K)

I mean Vigne is peak Dropout but she's not peakest
This is what peakest looks like

Who even says "fark" anymore you niggertard
Say fuck like normal people

Attached: Screenshot_83.png (683x1079, 869K)

hello, friend. sorry for insulting you last time. this is a different thread. welcome.
yeah, nah, fark off, cunt

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Attached: Check.gif (365x359, 1.2M)

But Raph is best dropout


Attached: Kyouko (234).jpg (2343x2343, 1.6M)

very cute post
i dont live in Illinois therefore none of this applies
hmm... sometimes i listen to noise music when i feel empty, i dont know if that's very helpful...

Attached: DbOY96NU8AACsHZ.jpg orig.jpg (640x631, 48K)

This thread.

Attached: Pathetic.jpg (303x287, 44K)

Good to see ya again

What's good?

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maybe i will, but i don't wanna fall the downward spiral every other oldfag falls down.
rec me an album.

Attached: 0403173728.jpg (774x1038, 108K)

i kinda like it! and how are you?
yeah... Try not to let anything happen, you will not want to do it again, right?
I hope you feel better!
in which country?

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Attached: Smug.jpg (1920x1078, 149K)

thanks, friend
its name originated from Italy, i think.
apparently it's also called courgette.

Attached: 1339102410905.jpg (720x405, 35K)

mhm is exciting!
just search for waifu in catalog
its not on purpose no

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I don't like wearing glasses because they make me feel like I look like a soyboy so I'm gonna get the John Lennon / Harry Potter frames
I felt prettier when I drank those herbal teas, my testosterone levels are too high and I'm gonna end up looking like Sam Hyde after he over did the roids and started looking like Trotsky

I got a 15 minute warning for pretending to be underage

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you already know the album theflenser.bandcamp.com/album/deathconsciousness
but i specifically recommend the last track, earthmover, for empty feelings.
that's more than i could've hoped for, it just felt somewhat relevant in theme.
i'm doing well, dont know what i should eat for dinner and the longer i wait the more options go away. how are you?

Attached: DamYiUwVAAANuhK.jpg orig.jpg (1170x836, 96K)

The boys are back in town

Yeah, that's right about the point I started posting
I'm sure we spoke but especially depending on time zones I probably didn't realize

Vigne is purity incarnate
Absolutely golden

It is merely in jest
Only a meme

I can never decide which Gabdro I would wife harder tbh

Have you considered noosing?

You'll fall down it anyway
It hurts me to think I've been spending Friday night on the 'chon for a literal decade

Attached: renge114.jpg (850x1114, 176K)

>insulting you last time

Attached: 28.gif (500x280, 266K)

>reminiscing about the old times actually brang them back for once

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Would be if I posted my og waifu

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It looks like a cucumber
and have you been doing something else?
you should choose fast then
im tired right now

Attached: A portrait with a serious tone.jpg (560x795, 72K)

What the fuck, she's so good though

I love you Mai

Nothing special, same old same

Attached: Kyouko (22).jpg (800x800, 670K)

yeah! what do you do, now?
hmm... so what you're saying is, you wanna look like a girl?
also sorry for the warning
thanks, friend.
i refuse! i don't wanna become some old boomer like all of you!
just office politics
yeah, well, apparently it's a type of squash or something

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Well hey as long as nothing bad happens, it's all gucchi!

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You're still too short man, sorry

I mean, all Dropouts except Tapris are good tbh

I don't know who you are, sorry

Uhh, I used to claim Ikaros from SnO or Kurumi from DaL back then, I don't remember. At one point also claimed Nonon from KLK. I remember you Renge, but I don't think we ever spoke to each other tbh
But hey, who knows, maybe we did

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oh, that's good. renge is super cute by the way
i'm not hungry enough to choose now... it's a true conundrum.
i-it's a pretty biased pick... but i hope you like it.

Attached: Db9DvOlUwAgKDCa.jpg orig.jpg (600x800, 44K)

building new models!
build em!

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back off. i have a pic of an anime girl holding a gun and i'm not afraid to post it
it's very nice. thanks, friend
wooo! have fun with that!

Attached: WhatthefuckdidyoujustfuckingsayaboutmeyoulittlebitchIllhaveyouknowIgraduatedtopofmyclassintheNavySea (690x932, 88K)

Silly me, it is I the ultimate heretic, Youknow

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You will get boomed like the rest of us

But she a cunt
Why would you not want Vigne's precious smile

I can't keep track of anyone's waifu swaps except Moogert's because it's just the flavor of the month big eyebrows girl

I think I spoke to you maybe twice
I remember seeing all of those but I can't trace back that far

She is precious
I like red eyes and monotone and lolis, obviously, so it works out pretty well for me

Attached: renge67.png (572x800, 488K)

not unless i suicide when i turn 10

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I don't recall us talking before but here I am

Attached: You Know Gasai (123).jpg (608x900, 449K)

But she's hot

Yeah Tapris is the most forgettable, the dog is more memorable

Attached: Kyouko (415).jpg (694x1007, 106K)

How fucking troublesome can it be to bump it back up when there's a million hosts out there that let you permanently host images for free.

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That's how the rest of us end up anyway
You're caught between boomer and death

Attached: billposting.jpg (1210x1183, 225K)

No if you try to look exactly like a girl you will get wierd uncanny effects
Androgyny is attractive, /fa/ told me

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Two can play that game fucker. I bet your pic isn't even cute

He did it

When you've heresied so much you can't be traced back feelsbadman
I should've stopped at some point lmao

I actually forgot what she was called and had to look her up. I think the only one who unironically likes her is Amatsu

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Are you really going to eat that?
you are complicated
for what reason?

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I don't know this meme

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You know I had to do it to em

Attached: You Know Gasai (24).gif (465x410, 991K)

Literally Gab is hotter and neither of the charm of Vigne or Satania

I've seen you plenty but we never really ended up talking iirc

Why would you trust /fa/ on anything
That's like accepting music recommendations from Yea Forums that aren't the bad rats ost

I never talked too much with heretics literally just because I couldn't remember who anyone was

Attached: renge101.png (540x540, 103K)

handsome young lad
/fa/ is a bunch of /fa/ggots
well at least you don't look ugly, right?
fug you called my bluff
yeah, i mean, not all of it.

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it fills me when i am empty, i hope it can do something similar for you
yes, it sounds like you've found a true waifu. i hope what i've found is something like that.
i'm never hungry after work for some reason, even though i've barely eaten anything all day.
give me suggestions!

Attached: DcxDJjRUQAAgVnB.jpg orig.jpg (1796x2048, 559K)

Yeah, so what brings you back?

Attached: You Know Gasai (79).png (659x857, 607K)

But Gab is a stinky cunt

Don't mind it, haven't really interacted with you in a good while though, hope you're doing good

Attached: Kyouko (5).gif (400x400, 1.87M)

i usually eat food when i need something to fill me when i'm empty.
but it's nice.
and very enjoyable.

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que picante

Attached: Y1k(4).jpg (2432x2401, 524K)

Nani sore

Attached: You Know Gasai (47).png (500x500, 1.15M)

ok, posting my waifu; be nice

Attached: 25.png (911x1000, 491K)

Gab is absolutely a stinky cunt
Raphi is a nice-smelling cunt but she's still a cunt

Mugi posting something and me dropping by to see how thread is going, I guess

I haven't heresied in 3+ years so I guess that would qualify as a true waifu, yeah

Billy is a regular adonis

How long ago did hand leave? My scale of time is broken

Attached: renge26.png (739x1000, 333K)

Ehh it's recently picking up it seems.

Attached: You Know Gasai (37).gif (400x495, 914K)

she cute
the odonsta family contains dragonflies

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gl with the storm headed your way boopslut

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I can't believe he finally did it

You might have talked to me when I was Ruby. But yeah what I did back then was kinda retarded. I had to tell people who I was like 3 times because they just wouldn't recognize me
Also idk about Gab being hot at all. I'd say she's cute if anything

I mean, it's easy to see through newfags

Ay caramba!

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try not to eat too much

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sh-shut up!
no worries, it's not a lot

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It's just hail

Oh dear whatever shall we do?

Attached: You Know Gasai (194).jpg (551x740, 482K)

It's ok to be wrong. Satania is second best at least. Who's your favorite zombie again? Ai?

Raph moved up to 3rd for me recently. Gab is kind of lame to me and I don't really find her attractive like Satania/Vigne/Raphi. She's still infinitely better than Tap though.

>fotm eyebrows girl
Ritsu is my waifu of 2 years now Kyle.

Attached: Ritsu 879.png (1375x1375, 85K)

He gave us his goodbye pasta in 1 june 2016 but kept posting under personas.

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well i'm glad it's something for you. if there's anything else you think i can get you, let me know
sorry i'm not sure what i meant, i just hope i love my waifu for that long, i guess
okay, what should i have to drink? i already have some water.

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>Ritsu is my waifu of 2 years now
but why?

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no, i'm okay...
i could go for a hug.

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That's a really good image

I was only jesting jarrod

Checked and thanks for the refresher
It was a good pasta

You're good champ
Just keep posting the same person and you will

Cute's a better word for it, yeah
And it's all good
I'm pretty sure we've all done some rarted stuff at some point

Billy is a dragonfly

I'm actually glad for that
Nice to see some activity again

Attached: renge84.jpg (850x1134, 269K)

Favorite zombie is Sakura what are you talking about
I'm sorry, I don't want to be approached by filthy what-was-her-name blondie lovers

Probably stop switching you fucking heretic
You should be like me, who stopped a long time ago
nice dubs asshole

See you could at least be like Youknow and gets dubs but you can't even do that now can you

Attached: Screenshot_399.png (746x1079, 1008K)

who's Billy?
are you saying i can't open up a userscript and get dubs? that's cheating, baka.

Attached: 1343603496961.jpg (753x1200, 654K)

This is Billy

Attached: FaceApp_1554788244604.jpg (856x1142, 767K)

Indeed, the server I was apart of has ended.

Well excuuuuse me for finding alot of cuties to choose from!
Thank u, I lub u too

Attached: You Know Gasai (63).jpg (1080x1493, 290K)

but why

Attached: 0403174144.jpg (1920x1080, 451K)

I hope so, something interesting to tell about your life?, I was left without conversation topics
juice of some kind

Attached: Inspiration V2.jpg (849x637, 280K)

why not, he's a good looking lad

Attached: Shin.jpg (2448x3264, 1.25M)

my life? huh... i was kicked out of high school. i think i already told that story, though. i don't know if i want to retell it again.
yeah, i guess so...

Attached: 1349737439902.jpg (640x480, 51K)

MY SON! How has your glorious work been?

Yeah, I like that one quite a bit

I heard one of them got yeeted but I was only ever in 3 and evidently not that one

Billy thread

Billposting only

Attached: renge133.jpg (900x900, 813K)

I find her very attractive but it wouldn't be Christian of me to go on about why in here.

It was my first time seeing a "I totally don't post here anymore give me (You)s" here.

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Attached: 1339358557770.jpg (809x995, 298K)

It's been yeeted alright, one day server owner decided "lawl fuck these niggas Im out" and took the server with him

Attached: You Know Gasai (114).jpg (827x976, 263K)

Attached: Thermite.png (634x682, 622K)

Yeah I'm saying that you cunt. Are you gonna do it?

Hey man, I also find a ton of cutes and I don't claim them

He's so hot

For example we're still posting here after all these years
Well, at least I haven't switched from Satania in like what a year, maybe

Attached: Screenshot_90.png (340x531, 317K)

It was not the time you said it was because of something from Vietnam or something like that?
I'm glad that you liked it

Attached: A sweet portrait.jpg (600x600, 69K)


The eyebrows are a thing of the past anyway. Aelita's forehead is where it's at.

I could've sworn you said it was Ai at one point too but alright big guy.
Saki might be a blonde but she's top 3 at worst. Do you really not like Saki bruh

Attached: fine gentleman (8).jpg (750x750, 48K)

Oh no who the fuck are you
I haven't been called that for the longest time


Attached: You Know Gasai (406).jpg (900x900, 167K)

Watashi wa Duke-kun

uh, no, i don't think so. what did i tell you about Vietnam?

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also Mai got banned
please press f

sorry i looked through a lot of pictures but i couldnt find anything better
thanks for the kind words, all i can do is hope.
hmm... i dunno. i guess i'll let you know if and when i do

Attached: Da0TohXVwAAiiyp.jpg orig.jpg (1649x1342, 153K)

For fuck off Mai.

Raph or Gab? You can tell me on discord or whatever if you feel like it

What did he do

Attached: unknown.png (1122x973, 1.1M)

How many more of those have we had?
Seems like it was a pretty hot thing to do for a while

Fuck this shit I'm out
That's a pretty dickheaded thing to do

God these are so good

That is a pretty rarted thing to do tbh
Not the Satania but the posting


Oh shit he's back

How long have you been around this hellhole?

Attached: renge65.jpg (795x1100, 319K)

thanks for trying, friend.
for not me, sorry Friend:s
said was underage

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Attached: _58853816_p0(2).jpg (2830x2505, 750K)

What do you mean "back"

Eh what can you do.

Attached: You Know Gasai (139).jpg (1024x1536, 187K)

you coulda just come to the new one like the rest of us

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Wow that sucks

Attached: IMG_20181123_205708.jpg (2448x3264, 1.73M)

three weeks i think, maybe four, i always seem to low-ball it.
if i find a better one i'll post it

Attached: DaQ-W1aUMAUeOww.jpg orig.jpg (1709x2785, 675K)

I do not remember, tell me
ok! why tsugu has fangs?

Attached: Portrait in Thamasa.jpg (1268x911, 126K)

Oh damn. How long have you been lurking for faggot

Nah, I've always liked Sakura best, but I think Ai is like second best tbh. She's fucking golden.
Saki is fine and I really like her character, I'm just memeing

I swear

Aight I'm waiting

Satania too though

Attached: Screenshot_419.png (462x724, 507K)

That's gonna be a negative from me chief

Attached: You Know Gasai (401).jpg (1100x1700, 1.6M)

What do you mean?

Trips, well shoot I guess you weren't lyin

Attached: You Know Gasai (443).jpg (168x192, 6K)

your loss

Attached: 11018479_1608804342672108_633541101_n.jpg (480x480, 26K)

Mai poster will be back in a month
thanks for caring, friend
i'm sorry, i don't think i'll say it right now. just wait for user to post quotes to it.
nice script.
i was bluffing... again

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I just haven't seen you in a long time
Which is mostly because I'm never around and I can't keep track of text posting

Come back to thread like always, I guess

It sucks you in, in a way
I'm rarely here but I never really leave

Satania is really good though

Attached: renge127.jpg (587x793, 165K)

Not a loss at all

Until the spammers or mods take over

Attached: YouKnow Shrug.jpg (800x612, 311K)

hey shizu
why? wait, who? what?....

Attached: You have my atention.jpg (655x1000, 60K)

Hello. How're you?
...Ok? Did he actually get underaged banned?

Attached: ZASLcoC.jpg (1275x716, 139K)

if its not a loss then why are you complaining about losing it

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I'm fine, and you?

Attached: Looking far away with the eyes of a dreamer.jpg (550x720, 50K)

i'm embarrassed to say it right now.
maybe one of my "fans" will post it for me
yes, he told me on a super secret private communication line

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idk, I just kinda assumed that you've been gone or lurking for a long time.
I forgot you don't post pics anymore

You almost got trips but I guess you're too fucking weak

Yeah I know
It's fine. I'm just disappointed

Yeah but she's still fucking retarded
I kinda like her because of that though ngl

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I don't know, didn't take me long to lose count, but I think the best one so far goes to CC/Uta-fag.

Meant Gabu there. To sum it up it would be degeneracy involving her unwashed body parts.

Attached: 1543318132484.jpg (1920x1080, 911K)

>SchoolPron Links collection'


sorry i didn't mean to disappoint you.

Attached: 0403174119.jpg (771x1080, 94K)

Oh, shin's is a lost. Yours, is not

Damn.. really do be that way

Attached: You Know Gasai (193).jpg (1100x1100, 1.13M)

Pretty good i suppose. Just about to go to sleep though.

Attached: 11071612_sizuru.jpg (480x480, 21K)

fangs are very cute. if you want to ask directly you could probably send her an email
also the pizza place is closed, i thought they stayed open longer...
i just like posting and talking about my waifu

Attached: DaZtwF2VMAAbpvn.jpg orig.jpg (1528x2048, 374K)

A ruruinion you say?

Attached: 103283.png (224x350, 85K)

Karen won't release me from this hell

understandable, do not worry!
Same here! I'm going to sleep right now.
I have lazy ... dinner something balanced!

i have to go! farewell!

Attached: A proper farewell.png (1607x294, 299K)

have a great day!

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Attached: IMG_20190413_110411.jpg (1434x2048, 306K)

good bye i hope you have a nice night

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but its basically the same, we only lost 4 people, including you

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It's okay, I never expected anything to begin with

It's ok Duke, I know you'll be able to get out someday
Just punch Karen in the face he can't do anything about it

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Attached: 1546244265482.png (376x480, 199K)

Why would I punch such a lovable fishu

I was going to post the pic of Aelita with the big nose but I can't find it. Sad day

Fair enough. Ai is a massive cute, she's probably my 2nd favorite too.

Understandable, sweaty anime tomboys are pretty nut but that's about as far as I can go.
Ever heard of Alison's Halo?

Attached: zBLVhFj.png (351x559, 168K)

Better luck next time fam

Idk. It's Karen, why wouldn't you? I know I'd punch him
He'd probably like it too

Tbh Ai is a really close 2nd, tho I think a lot of it is the fact I like short haired girls more tho
I like Sakura mostly cuz of personality

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i'm gonna kill myself and reincarnate as Sachi

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I'll just up and disappear one day. Not that you'd ever know since you don't come here Kapp

I'm pretty sure I've listened to Eyedazzler before but that's all I know. Anything else in their discography you can recommend?

That frame looks so low budget even I could afford it.

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its the people running it and the ones who left that makes it a loss

>ywn have a song written about you

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first notes always remind me of Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

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"school reunion"
Is this Yui's way of saying only post school uniform images

Attached: Noire38.png (545x690, 427K)

no, it's my way of saying oldfags intimidate me

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i really enjoy your musical taste, it's pretty uncommon.

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How so

Attached: 2SMSsAc.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

thanks. i enjoy yours, too, for the same reason.
they do boomer things that i don't get and then insult me for not being a boomer.
or, at least, so says my headcanon.

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I didn't care that much for Saki until she chimped out over Drive-in Tori. Then she instantly became my favorite when she comforted Ai. That said, Ai might still be the best looking one of the bunch for me

Eyedazzler seems like it has stuff from their first 2 EPs and a single, not sure about all of it. Their discography is pretty small, RYM says they only put out 4 EPs, a single, and then Eyedazzler.
I bet you've heard them, but Black Tambourine is some cute noisy twee.

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i was watching some Tsugu videos that i didn't watch before
she's really cute.

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i dont know about that, a lot of things i listen to are ripped straight off of Yea Forums essential charts
my favorite is the crowd funding announcement video.

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Yea Forums is weird. that's probably where you go to hear albums comprised of a single tone.
which one is that?

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no Yea Forums is where you go to hear the most recent pitchfork review of whatever not-too-popular-but-popular-enough modest mouse clone is good these days

its this one youtube.com/watch?v=y0sf_RPEXjA

also realized my tsugu video archive is inferior quality and i'm an idiot.

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