Do bisexual people deserve basic human rights?

Do bisexual people deserve basic human rights?

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no those rights are reserved for humans.

>people ain't.

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Ecks dee.

pick one


call it whatever you want. its still true.

No, biscum are the only subhumans.

Bisexuals are the literal peak Males. Able to breed women and fuck lesser beta males so they know their place. Prove me wrong


Bisexual men spread AIDS to the straight community and bisexual women were the gateway sexuality to the current degeneracy we see today. They're the supreme form of cancer.

drop sum cig butts in her mailbox

no because they can't decide what they want

So, it's somehow impossible to decide that you like 2 different things, rather than only one thing?

You have to decide to only like beer or only like wine, you can't decide to like both?

>why would anyone want to be retarded as to claim this?


I love to fuck guys when I just want to do some fucking. But I'd never have a relationship with one. All my relationships are with girls.

Living the dream.

Well, you're right.

No, he isn't.

Drinking wine doesn't give you AIDS.



neither does being bisexual, which is simply the state of being capable of finding a person of either sex attractive, that's literally all that it means
if you're actually retarded enough to practice unsafe sex and get AIDS, you deserve it, regardless of orientation
I'm bi myself, in a monogamous same-sex relationship right now and completely clean

I'm glad you picked a side.

No user, they don't. And neither does anyone who is not exactly as I want them to be. Including you. KYS NAO!

Stop liking things I don't like and be less like you and just like me.

I didn't, I'm attracted to both females and males, which is what bisexual means.
The state of being in a relationship literally has nothing to do with it, just as it has nothing to do with having any kind of sexual orientation.
Fucking grow up, faggot.

>And neither does anyone who is not exactly as I want them to be.
How do you know?


>The state of being in a relationship literally has nothing to do with it
Sure doesn't.
>Fucking grow up, faggot.
Cool it with the homophobic remarks.

Bisexual men passed HIV from fags to the straight community. In my opnion every bi fag deserves to have a baseball bat covered in razor blades shoved up their ass.

When I meet you, if you're not exactly the way I want you to be you should simply die. It's just that easy. I have a very narrow scope of what is acceptable. If you're outside of those parameters, you should not exist or at the very least, you shouldn't have any rights whatsoever.

A bit extreme, but good to know.

>do people that do things i dont like deserve to die
That's how you sound you fucking lunatic

>In my opnion every bi fag deserves to have a baseball bat covered in razor blades shoved up their ass.
Based and redpilled.

lol no

Why? I never said they should hanged in the public square and then decapitate them to put their heads in pikes.


what does "deserving" have to do with it?
please use a less emotional term to describe what you are asking.

Also, assigning "human rights" based on sexual orientation/gender is a from of discrimination.

"human rights" aren't conditional.

Yeah, they're.

I didn't realize there were so many muslims on Yea Forums