Reminder Yea Forums is radicalizing black men into thinking white women find them attractive
Reminder Yea Forums is radicalizing black men into thinking white women find them attractive
Is the kid okay?
He's fine, but one day he will probably shoot up black churches
hes black now sadly
this board has no strategic value on the internet.
Willfully tries to kill a 5 year old, fails. No wonder they are always so mad.
But it has such nice engravings!
this is almost hilarious why would anyone ever go to mall of america? why would you bother to keep going. i thought it was really awful getting drug there by a girlfriend to go spend money. what in the hell are you thinking to even go there if you're not making money off it? then do it over and over again constantly.
Lmao mentally ill trannys can only shill Niggers so far
I'm a mentally ill tranny and why the fuck would I shill unattractive pieces of shit?
so for revenge for women rejecting him he throws a small white boy off a balcony and not a women
I'm a white guy who cut off my penis. Now I let niggers fuck my anus and it's great! You should do it too.
To anger the white man.
What a stupid nigger go figure
niggers aren't very smart
The way of supreme gentlemen
And why would I want to anger white men? White men rule the world the last time I checked, I prefer to keep on their good side as much as I can.
He kept tryna push a white women off but he couldn't get near one.
i loved this post of yours, i'll have a small fry with that.
I'm guessing you're trying to say my post is bait?
I get paid in shekels.
My remuneration is denominated predominately in Israeli New Shekels.
fucking incels i swear are one of the biggest threats to society
They are just a side effect of a society that's about to fall apart.
It looks like they're trying to make it fall apart going around trying to kill people just because they're mad
incels are just the product of jew social engineering
then they need to go kill some jews and not innocent white kids
You fucking cuck fags think there arent blackcels. Only retards think every black like me has some kinda bbc porn shit.
No I assume you're utterly desperate and your job couldn't get exported for cost cutting measures.