What do i do if Im dying and god is forcing me to die slowly and miserably?

What do i do if Im dying and god is forcing me to die slowly and miserably?

>live in shitty poverty house with parents
>entire thing is 300 years old and broken down
>house leaks all over when it rains
>probably full of shit mold and shit
>scared its full of lead paint and shit
>wind is always blowing 3000000miles per hour
>wind comes right through my window 24/7
>scared its lead paint filled death air or something
>scared my room is full of toxic mold
>ALWAYS tired
>like always tired
>like tired light headed spinning confused slow cant walk right fumbling
>always look unhealthy as fuck
>look like a pale sick dying cancer patient
>eyes are always completely black ring covered sickly looking cant even go out in public
>always too tired to function just waste every day being tired
>every time i find a way out god strikes me down
>entire house is cold and depressing so stuck in my room where there is probably concentrated death air
>parents too retarded and too poor to ever fix or do anything
>house isnt even worth fixing its so old and shit all it will do is crumble and decay
>no one would ever buy it not even worth the price in repairs the property value is so worthless out here
>god constantly strikes me down and ass rapes me and traps me here
>wasting my entire life being tired and stuck with my poor shitty parents miserable every day

I just feel more tired inside my shitty house and like my eyes sting

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Be a marine
See the world

Get a job

Could call the right govt office to see if you can have your home declared a hazard and marked for demolition.

My parents are in poverty debt

>look like a pale sick dying cancer patient
probably because of your creepy house. find somewhere else to live or get a job flipping burgers and move in somewhere else.

It literally doesn’t work that here god traps me here. And this is my ptsd hell. I hate god

have you tried leaving the house?

also. drink a bunch and light the house on fire lol

arson? fuck it. winter summer winter summer. you good

>It's God's fault I'm a lazy, ungrateful, useless sack of miserable shit... waaaaah

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It’s litwrally 30 degrees all year

God got me arrested and stuck in my shit small town on a lifetime probation sentence for being black

>God got me arrested and stuck in my shit small town on a lifetime probation sentence for being black
street xanax overdose guy?

I cant tell if your a Christfag or not but if you are that isn't how god works.

>In Bible
>Sinner have free will to do as they please
>Literally says in bible your holy actions lead you to god

Okay OP keep blaming the world.

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you need medication OP srsly you're nuts bruh

I just CTRL+F search for the word probation to successfully identify your threads. You really don't get tired of posting this, right?
On the other hand you're probably spamming Yea Forums with different threads all day long so i really shouldn't be suprised.

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Why dont i get free will? Why is it as soon as i find happiness i am instnatly struck down and everything in my life is ruined

Dude I’m literally trapped in a shit house that’s destroying my health worse than smoking cigarettes all day and being 400 pounds overweight is when i dont do anything and I’m just trapped here completely alone and sad and if i do find anyone theyre just poor angry hillbillies and 30 miles away

Meh - you're larping.
There would be no reason for you to beg for pity while at the same signalling several times in every post that it's your own fault after all.
Except maybe if you get off on people telling you how much they despise you.

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If it's really that bad, vandalize some shit and go to prison . Free food, Free education, free gym .

Such a faggot

I need to know how to leave with god striking me down

>Do you even Christianity? Maybe you're too autistic

Do you actions actually reflect how you live you dipshit. Ever take a step back to see how you act

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I think all religions are a lie and there is a god but hes really really evil and every religion is made up for money and shit

Just leave you fucking homo.

Sleeping outside is better than sleeping somewhere with bad mold.

Youve played yourself into thinking this is God but really youre just obsessed with your small comforts and value them over the unknown.

God bless your house.
Negro mothefucker, your blessed house will take you sooner than you think.
Your pathetic soul will soon be useful as a source of energy for Marduk.
You can answer whatever you want, you will still die soon, in that very house, and you'll be fed to the Only True God.
In fact, you're still alive because your suffering means something. Let's get your small fluffy brain well drained first.
Other lives, souls, pain experiences would be, and are more valuable.
But people like you, well, you're easy. The easiest to convert. See you soon. You will feel cold no longer.

God is after me

How do I leave? Why won’t god stop? How do i kill god

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stupid faggot, give up the cigarettes and you would have plenty of spending money.

stop being a drug dealer, and you will get off of probation.

you still however, will be a piece of shit nigger.

Sounds like you have cancer. Better see a doctor bro

Fucking idiot. You got yourself arrested.
Typical nigger


You misspelled be a child killer and burn the world.

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Are you me? If you are white femanon we could meet up, which continent are you from?

you have access to the internet and all of the information and knowledge man has ever known. you could learn a new skill and master it in a matter of months yet you cry on Yea Forums about your shitty life.

fuck off