What do?

What do?

Attached: SWEEP.png (662x388, 394K)

Turn 360° and walk away

next to both the 2's is a bomb, and the other bomb is on the square on its own

The bombs could also be next to the 1 cells

Probably use less flags and start clicking on shit, then save scum and post it on Yea Forums and then try to get a job at that place marketing it as some kind of feature so if they ever type anything ever i could sell it to someone else and drive other competing products out of the market except ones im friendly with and assume can compete with a product to give some kind of legitimate looking competition so i can resolve law suits and then go on african safari trips to hunt and murder children and suck up their blood to sustain my own youth and pay a bunch of people to write propaganda about how amazing i am for helping the starving african children and how entitled everyone else is not to be them while i avoid ever funding them to try to spend the money making more moeny and getting more sycophants.

2 bomb left, one is obvious - on the right of left upper corner. Then it's simple, because you have only one combination to solve the riddle in corner.


nah it can't as there is only 2 bombs left

>walk away

fucking retard

Click on the up left corner. Then listen to Ghost

Why can't they be on the two cells next to the 1s and the other two cells be free? I'm not very expert

assuming op mark all the other bombs right, there is only 2 bombs left to find. One is clearly on the square on its own which leaves 1 left. the only place the bomb can go to match the numbers is next to the 2's

Ok, but why does one need to be on the square on its own?

To the right of that corner is an isolated cube, it's a mine, you only have 1 mine in that corner and both 2s have to touch it.

Allahu Akbar


the mines are next to 1's. left-up corner and right-down corner is empty. thank me later ;)

shut the fuck up ledditor

k den

The mine is the one joined by both 2's. Because theres really only 1 mine left , you just didn't mark the mine thats to the right of the top left region.
