What a meal...
What a meal
what a commitment to your mental illness
I posted this specifically so you could come here and find it lmfao.
What an immature little boy you are
you're a racist piece of shit, not a real logposter
fuck off and die
so what if i hate niggers?
stop getting so defensive, it just explains your mental illness is all.
and now we learn you're not only the racist poster, you're also the guy who tries to deflect with
i dont go on /bant/, sorry sliddo
stay mad racist kid
your picture means what exactly?
that you are new
sorry, arguing a faulty premise
stay mad racist kid
ill post it here bitch
take your meds bud
more proof logposters are a bunch of racist pricks
sure thing racist kid
im not racist
sure thing racist kid
>hurr durr racist
Shut the fuck up, you nigger loving faggot. Now fuck off this thread if you either are not going to post steamy pics or appreciate them.
>desperate lie
more proof logless shills are unrelaxed
grow up!
brother, racism was never a part of logposting, we are not here for racism, we are here to enjoy andy's creamy logs
nope, just gonna keep pointing out your racist shilling so other logposters know what kind of filth has infiltrated their ranks