Anybody living in a low income area? I've lived a pretty sheltered life and have recently became curious, whats the culture like? If you're not in a gang how do you keep safe? Whats your view of police?
>pic not related
Anybody living in a low income area? I've lived a pretty sheltered life and have recently became curious, whats the culture like? If you're not in a gang how do you keep safe? Whats your view of police?
>pic not related
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shameless self bump
I respond to this via vocaroo since I'm lazy. Hold on.
I've lived in an area where the arab and turkish mob run everything and police are afraid of them. I got lucky because I made friends with a turkish mobster, free food in restaurants and no paranoia because people who saw me with him figured that I got protection. We lived in the same apartment for a year, shit was cash
I live in the US in a city infamous for having the highest income inequality of any city it's size. I don't live in the WORST area, but I live where a lot of other white people wont.
People get robbed a lot, the night before last a girl was shot in the head less than .1 mile from my house. Local niggers often come up to me in stores & on the street to see if I want to buy crack or heroin
There's one (1) singular trick to being safe: don't be an asshole.
That means: Don't flash cash & expensive gear. Don't try to ripoff the drug dealers. Don't get involved in other people's shit. Talk to the niggers like they're regular people.
My area is thick with cops, who have extra enforcement power because I'm in a "high drug-trafficking area". I can be stripsearched on my way to the store with no warranty or wrong-doing, because the police consider walking in the "high trafficking area" (where I live without a car) to be probable cause.
I've lived here 6 years and have had 10x more problems with cops harassing me than our local gangs
Ignoring people is being an asshole. Safer to make a friendly but noncommittal acknowledgement. I nod at everyone.
>no warranty
you deserve to be strip-searched
Look, man, if the cops break my asshole while cavity-searching me, by all rights they owe me a replacement.
Live near Denver Colorado, and I must say the police are an absolute necessity here. I can't imagine how out of control the niggers would become without them. You can definitely tell the areas where there is less of a police presence, as it will be full of run down nigger slums like 5 points.
I live in Switzerland but I’m visiting the USA right now. It’s shocking how poorly people here live. Even people with decent income live worse than poor people in Switzerland.
Grew up on Seventh Street in Riverside Ca.
Never belonged to a street gang, though many were present. Did join other groups that behaved much like street gangs. (School sanctioned sports, FFA, Scouts.) Never really bonded with any of them. We all join gangs though.
Makes it easier for us to divide everything in to us and them. Seems no matter what "we" do there is always a divide among humans so we can justify our hate and derision. Even though both sides are always exactly the same.
Until we figure out how to unite churches will burn and children will suffer.
I am just going to keep watching.
You must be visiting shit areas.
USA is, and always has been, a third world country
Lol if you think that place is even remotely ghetto you got a big storm coming
Not trying to assume anything here because I know cops are dicks, but do you dress or act different than you would if you lived somewhere nicer?
>not in a gang how stay safe?
dumbass, being in a gang is a way to guarantee you WON"T be safe. Gang members are at constant war
OP here, I moved to the east coast from the midwest for my work and live in a 5 bedroom w/ 4 roomates in the "bad" part of town. There's a lot of homeless, a few abandoned buildings, and the cops drive in pairs at night, but I've never had any negative interaction with the people here. There's no gangs that I know of, assuming the average income is the same, how do gangs change everyday life?
I agree, but its something I hear a lot, a "safety in numbers" mentality.
This guy I met in rehab got himself out and into the medical community but his entire motivation was survival. Was in a "gang" (nothing official) of 4-8 people as a youth where he felt it was the only way to stay alive.