Trips decides if i spend $1200 on this escort

trips decides if i spend $1200 on this escort

pic related

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$1200? Jesus you must be desperate. She's not hot.


Please don't.
$1200 could be spent on other things that retain and have more value.

She should give you a discount of $100 for every tattoo she has.

that's an outrageous amount to spend on an average looking girl unless it's for day/overnight and you don't have to wear a condom.


Donate them instead.

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No such thing as $1200 pussy. Don't be a retard.

Where I live, there's better pussy than that for 50-100€...

no ... just no

per inch of tattoo

You could use $1200 on a kick ass pc or set up to give yourself a good enough cinema experience to jack off to endless porn

A deposit on a car to fuck bitches in

Or you can waste it on this whore and have buyers remorse


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no, dont do it.

Do it


Do it


Why in the world would you pay 1200 for that. Maybe 400 at most. You are not only a pathetic loser, but you're fucking up the game for the rest of us. The most you can offer a bitch is 600 for pay per meet.

spend it on something that matters

Why would you donate for a fucking church?

Yeah waste your money on her

Jesus, fuck no retard, get free pussy on tinder. Save your money.

Hard no. You could have 12 decent prostitutes for that

No OP. Spend it on something you’ll cherish for years to come. New PC, new tires, pay off debts, new clothes.... anything else

Where is she available anyway ?
Asking for a friend

NO, save it and buy something useful

and The Clap isnt useful

ony if she's 15yo. She looks trashy as hell

No OP. Why pay when you can rape instead

Would pay 100 bucks max for her

how retarded, fuck no

If you've got the money to burn, go for it dude. She's cute, have a good time.

If $1200 is a lot for you though I'd say no. Invest it in yourself, maybe buy some clothes and get a really nice haircut, take a class, improve yourself so you can get women like her for free.

Your call though.

That is a minor. No.

>Paying money to restore something built and maintained by your tax dollars that doesn't get taxed itself

Fucking kekopolooza

Do it and post nudes

yes and make pics

a thousand bucks are justified for her in my opinion

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This made me to an analysis spreadsheet.
Based on the current value of a woman at $250; I took into account various factors and weighted them against formulas.
I then took my current lover (my wife) and put her stats in.
I am currently experiencing a $4.57 loss mostly due to age.
The following factors were used.
>Age (Minus $1 for every year above 17)
>Last Education Level (16 [4 year degree] - their ed level)*-1
>Annual Income ([their income-$100,000]/1000)
>Net Worth/Assets ([NW - $100,000]/1000)
>Number of current lovers ([CL-1]/[Age Score/10])*-1
>Number of Past Lovers (PL/[Age Score/5])*10
>Number of Kids (Kids*-5)
>Number of Tattoos (Tats *-10)
>Area of Tats in cm (Area*-2)
>Past Drug Use (If yes -$10)
>Current Drug Use (If yes -$20)

I ran my ex through this and she was a negative $67.27


I ran my first gf at 18, no kids or tats. only one previous lover; made $12k a year.
Positive $7

Hell no

Ewww, tattoos, stds and daddy issues.
She ain't worth $12 let alone $1,200

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I ran the stats for an 18 year old, one current lover; making 5k a year
Net gain $50
I think my formulas are spot on.
But I did not take into account STDs....hmmm
I need to add that factor in just in case.

from what I found on the web it seems that she is a stock trader/Luxus hooker with her own website
just my two cents

where do you live user? i want to come for holiday and fun times.

In factoring the value of a woman the STD is a deal breaker.
I cannot put a negative value high enough to warrant any kind of value after an STD.

If you spend 1200 on need to KYS

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Do her raw

you will never forget Freja

'course you should

This bish ain’t worth $1200. Where the fuck do you live?

Oh relax, they've got a billion dollars lined up from French richies.

Will she let you ejaculate directly up her nostril?

If 15 minute sperm extraction sessions are your thing, maybe.

Incel autism the post

How long of a session?

Is that a sea creature?

hell no

If you want a sea creature or some fish just hit up your local fish monger. It'll certainly cost less than $1200.

NO! OP shouldn't do that, he might catch STD which will cost him much more than $1200.


( https:\\\invite\H5YDBuz )


do it


Hhahahaa if you consider to pay then you deserve to be scammed.

That's just a waste of money! That's why you should pay, roll

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Do it ya desperate bollocks! vid with Yea Forums written on her for proof

Take $1200, fly to dirty southeast asian country, fuck tons of asian hookers that will appreciate the money more.

you could get away way cheaper in the netherlands, basially get a whole week of pure sex with same quality for same money

Thank you tanner, very cool!



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It's 2019 and you are still paying for pussy?

More of this whore?

If user is from the states then Tijuana would be closer and less expensive.

buy heroin for 1200 and do it all at once

pay $1200 to get an sti. excellent decision.

The absolute state of burger sex ed

One Night in Bangkok - Murray Head (HQ Audio)

i love how triggered some boys get by tattoos

Do it

It's been suggested that 70% of the visitors to this chinese cartoon board are jewish. That would explain it.

if you post vids on gif then go for it

Do it OP

My first car didn’t cost that much and it lasted me 5 years. Hope she’s worth it..

Do it because i cant do it.

Post a thread later about her

Thanks op for being rich boi semnapi

Ya cause the Catholic Church doesn’t have enough extra $ laying around.

Yes but you can't penetrate her but she pegs you then you swallow your own load

Only if it doesn't mean not being able to afford rent/bills/food. Fuck responsibly!

Do it and then do a review about on her. What you liked, what you didn't like etc.

do it and post lol

No. Spend it all on really bad cheap $50 tops hookers. Film it and start the worst, most horrible, biggest pornhub channel.

do it. take pics. share.

you can fly to some 3rd world country and get 100 times better prostitutes fly back and it still would be cheaper than this trashy hoe.

I second this

This is true.

Make her pregnant op

Hire a black male escort instead

I second this

how much am I worth?

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no escort is worth 1200, retard


Ur kidding?

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Spend it on me

no I'm serious, where you live?

Bump on this. Spend it on an user dont rent hookers

Ur a joke. That bikini cost 3x that lol

Do it

Doesn't mean you're worth that. Your body is average at best. You'd go for around 100 to 200 an hour in Houston...thats depending how old you are, which you look a little older.

No one cares what you think, faggot leftist degenerate. You can pray to islam and muhammad later Hanz, now go watch your wife get fucked by black cock you submissive homo.

mb 100 but only if you have a penis

Do it faggot

lmao, user youre a cheapscate retard. Ive seen way uglier girls go for way more. Find the desperate guys and she can make the same ammount of money as what OP is paying... Im sure.

if trips, then you must see the escort but you must pay her 3x her asking price, so $3600 for her time

No, it's called knowing that whores are worthless. They are the lowest of the low. Just go to adultsearch and look in a big city. I can guarantee you, you will be surprised what goes for 150/hr. Whores are a dime a dozen. Endless supply of daddy issue bitches.

shes got that e thot look that gets my dick diamonds, but a grand? nah

Lol I have been offered more for a handjob and turned it down

Do it

Then you're not only a whore, you're a dumb whore. Again, go to adultsearch and search a big city. You will then realize you're worthless.

Do it op

Thanks ;) what would you offer and want to do to me?

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Lol or maybe you’re worthless because if I was a whore, you couldn’t afford me

Trips say: do it.

Dont, faggot

Wouldn't want to. Can find better. Much better. Esepcially if those pics are the best you got. You'll be 30, questioning your life as a single mother wondering why you are where you are. Then you realized you thought you could always live off your looks, but looks fade. Your shitty personality that got you where you are will still be there. You'll then rant of Facebook looking for sympathy.

Nothing. I have never seen a more basic "I don't work out" skinnyfat bitch.

str8 up

Do it

A classy whore is worth no more than 300 dollars a hour, and that's allowing you to do ANYTHING you want to them

Lol cuckbook. I’m here on Yea Forums. I actually have a good job, and do just fine on my own faggot. Hearing how much people think I’m worth turns me on bitch

1200 is a good deal

Spend it on drinks and/or dinner and fuck a bunch of women who will be much more fun. It's terrible to fuck someone who is only interested in you to get paid.

Ugh ur boring

Do it and cum inside her :D

how else are you going to lose your virginity, user?

Is my ass like a little bit hot at least?

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Using guys to buy me things is fun though. Some are so dumb.

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Do it

Fuck her

no buy bitcoin

>Age (Minus $1 for every year above 17)
How much for every year they're below 17?



dont know what is more pathetic this whore or op

Buy a doll instead.

You have a seriously distorted perspective on the value of things

impossible to judge without face

50 bucks... and no condom

you aint worth anymore

Thank you sir. I LOVE being called a pathetic whore.

Range based on what I’m willing to show

Don't be a fucking idiot. I get the meme, women who aren't in the business think escorting is about going out with some wealthy douchebag and being arm candy for a few hours and making thousands of dollars. That's not the case.

The $1200 girl in OP? That's to hire her for like a fucking weekend. The whole weekend, in which time you're doing whatever the fuck he tells you to do.

Further, going rate is about $180 an hour for someone like you. That's the full hour. Most guys aren't going to want to spend more than 15 mionutes with you, that's called a QV or wuick visit, that's about $80. Escorts have rates like 60QV, 100HH, 180HR.

And just to be clear, it's a euphemism for prostitution. You're fucking some balding loser, who expects you to gum his sweaty ballsack until he's ready to nut in your mouth, you filthy whore.

So, consider your college education, and leave "escorting" to ghetto gang whores who need a way to get meth and crack., fucking dumb cunt.

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I'm not him, but you aren't worth much. You turned down a blowjob for money beacuse you're not a hooker. good for you. There's a hundred women within a 5 mile radius of any city anywhere, willing to do that for under $60, many much prettier and younger and in every flavor you can imagine.

That's just it, you're not you in the business, you're a thing. Just another flavor of woman on the market. So, while it's one thing to enjoy the fantasy here on Yea Forums, it's another to do it. Don't do it, and don't glamorize it either, it's shit

I’m not considering it, just a fantasy. A friend told me she makes 15-25k a weekend and I’m a lot hotter than she is.


She wishes she made that much. In case you haven't guessed it, that's a flat out lie unless she's fucking over 100+ different men a weekend, or so

1 guy and sometimes 1-2 of his friends. Seems like sometimes it’s just one or both of the friends too but I don’t think she wants to admit it.

Fuck her twice

$1500/hr is a reasonable rate for a really upscale escort, the sort that work in places where rich people like to be seen, and the sort that have the attention to detail and perfection that people will pay that much for.

What's the pussy and asshole look like? I'm thinking no more than 100 because a baby probably as been shot out of that pussy.

dude. unless she shits gold, there's no reason to waste money on an escort. find a good handjob parlor and for $80 you get a great release and a decent massage.

Best answer

$1200 for a weekend of handjobbery sounds quite nice, actually.

Do it, faggot!

Don’t, you can do better than that for free

just do it.
And then give her an other 1200 bucks just to fuck your assistance as bloody as she can you faggot

just do it and stfu fag

The more money you spend for a fuck, the more of a loser you are. Save the money and go bang a $50 whore, it'll feel just as good.

They must be dumb to give you anything you attention seeking whore

Yes and record

I wouldn't fuck her if she gave me 1200

Based /fit/izen
Good to see my people thot patrolling other boards

I think a better idea is quads tells you what to do with that 1200


$250/hr max and she's be getting raw fucked in the ass for that price

Most are, that’s why it’s fun

No baby. Asshole only gets fucked a few times a year.

>School-Pron Links collection.

Please present them, lady.
As an user who's never paid for a root, and therefore have no idea what the going rate is, I'd say if I was in need of a fuck I'd happily pay $200 for an hour of your time to fuck you every which way I desire.

100% chance she is mentally unstable

Don't support some crazy girl just jerk off

ITT: crabs in a bucket

2nd this

That thing is sporting a package between those legs.

Let's see it slut. You like having your asshole licked?

It's not that it's triggering, you're seem to be triggered by people having some taste.
Personally I find them trashy looking.

zero point zero

She's hot but not $1200 hot.

You mean you let guys fuck you so they buy you things? What's the difference between you and a whore on the side of the road?

yikes, don't.

I've been told that I should be a gigolo but I make more with a job that's legal.

Village People -Just a Gigolo -1978-Original Music Video [Digital]

6 5 4 3 2 rolling

David Lee Roth - Just A Gigolo

>posting the Village People version instead of the David Lee Roth cover
I feel like traps are 5% less gay now

If you are going to do it you get a hotel or motel room and bug the place with hidden cameras, then post the recordings here, also never bring her to your own address.

I posted both, there's also this one which is pretty obscure.

Louis Prima & Keely Smith, Just a Gigolo & I Ain't Go Nobody (1959)


You pulled that trigger a bit too quick there.

... also don't do it in public, that's felony shit in some places. A girlfriend and I wanted to fuck in the Atlantic in Florida then I remembered that is was during the day and our hotel room was right off the beach so we went there instead.
They take public sex pretty seriously in Florida and a felony can fuck up a criminal background check or a security clearance.

If I get trips, OP must find a girl that is far less attractive and post proof that he paid for the ugly whore. The whore needs to be at least 3 times less hot as the current one.

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You can literally f*** pornstars for that much

At least it was dubs, OP already called trips.

Depends... would I get to fuck it or just look at it?

I only fuck people I like if I’m horny and attracted to them. Which isn’t often. Most just use dumb guys.

Based. Please OP

Rooll, do it

Likely depends on how much you're paying.

do it for the genitalia warts

Depends how big it is. I only like bwc so it hurts.

That too ;)

That's nothing that a good wart creme wont sort out.

Shes hot for an escort why dont let the man spend his money incel

Listen to this incel faggot.

Heck, you could buy a used car for $1200.

There are your trips.
Do it

Where did you find her at?

She can't be very good as a stock trader if she's also a hooker and she's also risking her trading license which with any kind of ding will cause the license to be revoked and also likely get her fired.

... trust level would go to zero if dinged for being a hooker as a stock trader, it could be used against her to do weird trades for her pimp or other nefarious types.

Me likey Krung Thep.

The woman in that picture is really hot though.

Nice trips!

$100 dinner and a movie, at best. lol

no escort will be worth that amount of money

five dolla lovin long time
Full Metal Jacket - Me love you long time - Papillon Soo Soo

Lol I have been offered 12k for 60 hours by my friend who does this and said no. Kys nigger

Does that include ball gagging you and whipping you while in leather with open butt cheeks?

Lol his offer was vanilla so definitely not.

Do it you stupid fucking nigger

Is OP ded or got arrested in a bust?

You better get to cum in every hole raw for that much.

Nah invest in yourself

Your money do whatever you wan't with it faggot

Offer her $1500. waste your life and your money