Our women are gagging on thick black cocks. Every day, thousands of blacks and other non-whites pour into our once white countries, intent on breeding with our white females. We are powerless to resist them.
This is the end of our white race. Just accept it, fellow white men, and give in to our new masters - the Black Race.
Honestly I wish stormfags would stop being pussies and start their day of the rope, I would love to join the army and terminate as many far-right wing terrorists as possible.
Ryan Nguyen
You wouldn't do jack shit but stay locked in your house swallowing nigger spunk by the gallons.
John Brooks
Once white country ? Are you referring to North American countries? Because they were happily occupied before the cockroach white race got here.
Jonathan Bennett
Then why did so many white men breed with Squaw !!!
Elijah Hernandez
Take the nasty fat trailer park meth whores. Breed all you want, but know that you're doing the white man's work of exterminating your own race. The fact that nignogs would rather fuck white women only goes to prove that they don't even like their own kind of shitskin nigresses. Keep doing the white man's work, niggers.
Dylan Morris
*Cockroach Nigger race. Fixed it for ya, fren.
Adrian Sullivan
Hopeless flesh fags. You bitches ain't got swagger like a Muthafuckin' SKELETON!
Other non-white non-black here. Why the fuck would you hate black people if you are not white? Seriously. Black people have never done a damn thing to us. And the biggest opponent of black people are white people, who have definitely fucked over every non-white race. Why the fuck would you take the side of whites over blacks?
You are probably one of those self-hating non-white betas who sucks Nazi dicks and hates the color of their own skin. Fucking pathetic man.
Camden Diaz
Niggle me black, and niggle me blue, what is 15 but also 52?
>Be Op >Watch one video on pronhub of a nigger fucking a whore who gets paid. >Make thread on Yea Forums >Our women are gagging on thick black cocks Do society a favor and don't breed.